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Posts posted by JayseN

  1. So to confirm- gencon prerelease purchasing through the netstore will continue as normal?

    As an Aussie henchman I only ordered my event kits during the 3 sales because prerelease models helped me justify spending $60 on shipping. 

    I'll likely be doing one large order at gencon from now on if it's unaffected, and like the above poster buying the later released models online (malifaux retail here is insanely marked up).

    A help to B&M stores but not news I'm personal pleased with. Is what it is though

    • Like 2
  2. Malifaux Enforcer Brawl 19-03-2017



    This tournament will be a single day event at The Magic Vault in Alderley, 19th of March 2017 held between 11am and 5pm.



    9 South Pine Road, Alderley 4051. 

    Ph (07)3356 8433



    You may book your place with the TO (Jayson Gregory) via Email (Jayson_jag@hotmail.com), the Wyrd forums (JayseN), facebook or in person.

    Price is $15 per person, which can be paid on the day if required


    You will need:

    -3 Enforcer station models

    -Cards and upgrades for your models including any applicable errata documents

    -Tape measure

    - Fate Deck (please do not use regular decks of cards as these can be confusing for new players)

    *Proxies for unreleased models are allowed

    *Models are not required to be painted

    For newer players, all of these can be provided for a fun day of gaming



    The event will consist of 3 x 90 minute rounds following the guidelines set out in Wyrd's Alternate Tournament Format document, listed on the next page.

    Each player must use a different enforcer and upgrade for each game, though they need not be from the same faction.

    Placements will be determined from the final points tally after the 3 rounds are concluded



    11am: Registration

    11.30am-1pm: First Game

    1pm-1.30pm: Lunch

    1.30pm-3.00pm: Second Game

    3.15pm-4.45pm: Third Game

    5pm: Certificates Awarded and Raffle Drawn




    Everyone attending will receive a $15 store credit voucher as well as a $1 Wyrd Guilder

    will receive official Wyrd Certificatesrd and 3nd, 2st1

    2 small mystery boxes and a $3 Wyrd Guilder are up for grabs as random raffle prizes

    Wyrd Official Enforcer Brawl Format


    Each player selects one Enforcer and attaches up to one Upgrade to it. The Upgrade must be something the Enforcer could have attached at the start of a normal game considering its Faction(s). (Leader only Upgrades may not be selected, for example.) The Enforcer must be one with a Cost which may be hired (no Coryphee Duets, for example).

    The game is played on a standard table. Each player flips a card to determine deployment order; the player who flips highest deploys first, followed by the second highest, etc., until each player has deployed their Enforcer. If two or more players are tied, they reflip amongst themselves. Models may be deployed anywhere on the table which is more than 6” from another model.

    Play proceeds for 6 rounds. Each round, all players flip for initiative; the player who flips highest must go first, followed by the second highest, etc. until all players have gone. If two or more players are tied, they reflip amongst themselves. If a model receives Reactivate, it receives a second Activation at initiative -1 (if multiple models Reactivate, they flip to determine which goes first).

    Before the game, assign a suit (Ram, tome, etc.) to each table edge. On a player’s initiative, if they have no models in play or buried, they must flip a card which may not be cheated (reflipping jokers). The player places a new copy of the model they chose at the start of the Brawl (including its Upgrade) within 6” of the board edge corresponding to the suit flipped and then proceeds with their Activation as normal.



    *Players have a hand of 4 cards, instead of the usual 6.

    *Any Actions, Abilities, or Triggers which summon models are considered to be “blank” (they may not be used and have no effect on the game, as if they were not printed on the model).

    *When a model is buried, it may choose to be sacrificed instead (in which case it counts as sacrificed by the model which forced it to become buried).

    *If an upgrade is sacrificed during the model’s turn it is attached to then a new copy is not reattached upon the model being resummoned



    *3 VP for each opposing model killed or sacrificed. A player scores 4 VP instead if the model they killed or sacrificed had a higher Soulstone Cost (including the cost of Upgrades) than their model did.

    *1 VP for dealing 1 or more damage to an undamaged enemy (this may stack with killing the model). A player scores 2 VP instead if the model they damaged had a higher Soulstone Cost (including the cost of Upgrades) than their model did.

    *-3 VP for each time the player’s model was killed or sacrificed.

    *-1 VP if you cause damage to your own model if it was at full health p


  3. 47 minutes ago, Burnin' Coal said:

    @lyzech Thrace and Bini are an LE stretch goal for Dual Commander and Tyrant pledge levels...but we have not quite reached that stretch goal ...yet ;) ....Wyrd are keeping us updated with stretch goals whilst the Backerkit is active

    Dual/tyrant backers can also buy up to 2 of them (1 each or 2 of the same kind) for $25US each.


  4. 4 hours ago, Von Woozle said:

    Another 6 months really?  Sorry to be negative, but if that really is the case then I think you should review the system or put some of the other limited models on the guilder program.

    Not everyone is in an area where they can accrue large amounts of guilders to redeem, so I don't  see them updating it once a year to be a huge issue. Other than paying for shipping its more free stuff. I'm sitting on $35 of them and couldn't care less if it takes that long to put more things up



    A Hooray to GG2016




    This tournament will be a single day event at The Magic Vault in Alderley, Sunday 22nd of January 2017 held between 11am and 6pm.






     9 South Pine Road, Alderley 4051.

    Ph (07)3356 8433




    You may book your place with the TO (Jayson Gregory) via Email (Jayson_jag@hotmail.com), the Wyrd forums (JayseN), facebook or in person.

    Price is $15 per person, which can be paid on the day if required.


    Visit the event page at https://www.facebook.com/events/371748403178633/ to secure a place .


    You will need:

    -A copy of the second edition rules and any applicable errata documents or cards specific to your crew.

    -A suitable set of Counters/Markers/Tokens

    -Tape measure.

    - Fate Deck (please do not use regular decks of cards as these can be confusing for new players). 


    *Proxies may be used for unreleased models, or if you can prove that you made them prior to their actual release (and they look cool).



    The day will consist of 3 x 50ss games of 120 minutes each.

    Players are required to provide a single 50ss list for the day’s events.

    This does not have to be submitted ahead of time, but a copy must be brought along with you and presented at the start of the day.

    Last turn will be called when 10 minutes remain in the round, and last activation will be called right as the timer reaches zero.

    Each table will be pre-set up for play, players are encouraged to converse about specifics before each game on the nature of the terrain that occupies their assigned board. The TO will be available for disputes, which as with any tournament the TO’s word/ruling is final.

    In the event of an odd number of players I will vs the person with the bye. They will be playing for vp and differential, but should I win then the game results will be their VP total and myself coming 1 less (so you still get the win, just not a high differential).

    Scoring will be from the Gaining Grounds 2016 document, so TP/Differential/VP.

    The schemes and strategies will be those found in Gaining Grounds 2016 as the new document is likely to be released too close to the event date for everyone to get accustomed.

    The new errata though will be in effect as the list has already been released (information at the end of this document).




    11.00am: Registration

    11.30am-1.30pm: Game 1

    Guard The Stash, Flank Deployment

    Convict Labor, Exhaust Their Forces, Leave Your Mark, A Quick Murder, Mark For Death

    1.40pm-3.40pm: Game 2

    Turf War, Corner Deployment

    Convict Labor, Show of Force, Take Prisoner, Set Up, Catch And Release

    3.50pm-5.50pm: Game 3

    Reckoning, Standard Deployment

    Convict Labor, Hunting Party, Neutralise the Leader, Inspection, Exhaust Their Forces

    5.50pm: Certificates awarded and raffle stash drawn



    1st, 2nd and 3rd place will receive official Wyrd placement certificates.

    Everyone entering will also receive a raffle ticket to be able to each choose a prize from the “raffle stash”.

    The stash includes:

    *1 x Large Mystery Box

    *2 x Small Mystery Boxes

    *1 x Special Edition Lucius Card (unfortunately this is the pre-errata version, but still pretty)

    *8 x $15 Store Credit vouchers

    Plus Additional Store credit vouchers -equal to the remaining players

    No matter where you come you’ll receive your entry back as store credit, with the top 16 players receiving a $1 Wyrd Guilder too (one of you will receive a $3 guilder instead)









  6. Gibbering hordes because:  cannibalism = glory, karkinoi look like a centipede and a lobster got it on, and resummoning lost models each turn ^.^
    Cult as my second  because : PORTALS!, magic users, crazy cultists
    I'd decided on them  both even before  they  revealed the Horomatangi or the court of two links, so those are all sweet sweet gravy.

    Have thought of picking up a human box instead for demoing but neither starter for King's Empire or Abyssinia does it  for me aesthetically. Personally the King's Empire look like generic WW units, and Abysinnia I can't not see Eldar mask plates.

  7. 1 hour ago, Mr Janje said:

    What was the reasoning behind "The Tyrant" pledge level only getting one rulebook?

    My group of people are on the fence about pledging, and were pretty stoked about the Tyrant level until we realised we'd have to share a rulebook between the 4 of us!

    According to updates the "Tyant level" was added for  people that wanted to grab all 4 starters.

    Not the best choice though if you want 2nd commander and extra fate deck though, along with other future unlocks

  8. Henchman Hardcore September 2016 Players Pack




    This tournament will be an evening event at “Pubhammer” at the Junction Hotel Annerley, on Sunday 25th September.






    The Junction pub in Annerley (Cnr Annerley Rd and Ipswich Rd)

    There is limited parking behind the pub (access from Dudley St East) otherwise there should be plenty of parking along side streets.



    You may book your place with the TO (Jayson Gregory) via our WGAU forums (JayseN), the Wyrd forums (JayseN), facebook or in person.

    Totally FREE.

    A list of players will be kept on a thread in the dedicated forums hosted by WargamerAU, Facebook and Wyrd.

    Entrance is capped at 12 players due to available play area





    You will need:


    -A crew comprised of 4 models, adhering to the special rules for henchman hardcore games

    -Tape measure.

    - Applicable markers or tokens

    - Fate Deck (please do not use regular decks of cards as these can be confusing for new players). 




    The event will consist of 5 x 30 minute rounds following the guidelines set out in Wyrd's Alternate Tournament Format document (listed at the end of this document).

    The winners will be determined from combined scores after all 5 rounds, using the Gaining Grounds tradional TP/VP/Diff structured scoring.

    As these are short tight games I will be speeding players up if they are taking too long to complete activations. You only have 4 models at most after all.





    6pm: Registration

    6.30-7.00pm: First Game

    7.05pm-7.35pm: Second Game

    7.40pm-8.10pm: Third Game

    8.15pm-8.45pm: Fourth Game

    8.50pm-9.20pm: Fifth Game

    9.30pm-10.00pm Certificates and guilders awarded, Raffle drawn





    *Official Wyrd certificates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd

    *A $3 value Wyrd Guilder for 1st place, and $1 Wyrd Guilder for all other attendees

    *2 x Small mystery boxes as random lucky door prizes. Each one contains a small special edition model



     Wyrd Official Henchman Hardcore Format




    Henchman Hardcore is different from standard Malifaux in the following ways:

    *All Crews must be led by a Henchman, not a Master.

    *The game size is 20 Soulstones.

    *All Crews must contain exactly 4 models, no more, no less.

    *Upgrades may be purchased, as allowed by the standard rules of Malifaux.

    *The size of a Crew’s Soulstone Pool is limited by the Cache of the Henchman leading it; any Soulstones above this amount are discarded.

    *Any Actions, Abilities, or Triggers which summon models are considered to be “blank” (they may not be used and have no effect on the game, as if they were not printed on the model).

    *Only one Scheme will be available.

    *The same Crew must be used in each round of the event.



    Set Up:


    All rounds use the following set up:

    *Deployment: Close.

    *Strategy: Hardcore Turf War. This Strategy uses the Turf War rules (Core Rulebook pg. 66) with the exception that VP may be scored on the first Turn.

    *Scheme Pool: Assassinate (Core Rulebook pg. 68). This is the only Scheme available and it must always be taken.



    Tournament Rules:


    Use Gaining Grounds to determine pairings and score the event to determine the winner. Only the round times are different from the Gaining Grounds tournament standard:

    All round times are 30 minutes.



    Thanks to the UK Malifaux scene for first thinking of this format!



    1. Rowan Latta
    2.Cal Scotland
    3.Peter Snow

  9. Enforcer Brawl August 2016 Event
    All details can be found in the players pack posted at the bottom of the page.

    Date: 28th August


    Time: 5:00pm Rego, 5:30pm start. 

    Location: The Junction pub in Annerley (Cnr Annerley Rd and Ipswich Rd)


    Format: 3 x 75 minute games following the Enforcer Brawl gametype in Wyrd's Alternative Tournament document, with some adjustments

    Each player has 27ss in which they must pick 3 enforcers including up to 1 upgrade each.

    The total value must add up to 27ss, but the enforcers need not come from the same faction.

    The first game must use the cheapest model (including any SS cost), the second the middle priced model, and the third game use the most expensive model. In the event of any ties for SS value then you may choose in which order you will use them.

    Lists must be submitted no later than 5.00pm on the day. If models are tied for SS cost you must state which is to be used for what round.

    Entry: Free!, contact the TO at Jayson_jag@hotmail.com or through pm to  reserve  spot
    Prizes: 1st, 2nd and 3rd will receive Wyrd placing certificates, Wyrd Guilder for  everyone attending and there will be 2 x Small Mystery boxes used as lucky door prizes.


    hhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/qkbahfsb0ikbl5p/2016 Enforcer Brawl August.rtf?dl=0

  10. 2 minutes ago, Eichohrkatz said:

    Hopefully there will be restock tomorrow....

    Pretty sure you'll be waiting until Black Friday or March.

    The fact that people were warned over twitter has myself (and others it seems) positive  that that is it


    14 minutes ago, Krosanreaper said:

    That's one thing they don't go into mostly just saying that they are a little better than the other gamin so Sandeep has one more option than 4pt dudes and the 8pt Banasuva.

    They mention a few of the gamin upgrades Sandeep gives out and I've seen them elsewhere. There are three "Commands" and three "Visions"


    Commands in Earth - Model may not be moved or pushed / +1Rg :melee, +3Rg :ranged

    Commands in Fire - Model may not cheat fate / Model is immune to slow

    Commands in Wind - Model may not attack / Other models in :aura3 get :+fate to attacks


    Visions in Earth - Model may not be moved or pushed / Constant Yammering :aura6 like on Zipp's card

    Visions in Fire - Model may not cheat fate / May interact while engaged

    Visions in Wind - Model may not attack / May interact the turn it is summoned

    I like  that mix.

    Its basically "schemes or kill"

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