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Posts posted by Hated

  1. swift bump


    ive since found a miss terious so no longer need one of them so now im just on the lookout for


    santana with the m2e card


    still nothing really of note to trade but i have the following that im trying to shift


    miss ery unassembled with card

    LE alt perdita unassembled with card

    LE katanaka sniper unassembled with card

    LE bayou gremlin (the recent black friday one) unassembled with card

    convict gunslingers unassembled with card willing to split

    of metal and flesh hoffman boxset unassembled with cards willing to split

  2. hey there, I have got the LE gremlin and katanaka sniper from black friday that im looking to shift, but im based in England.


    if you are interested give me a shout, the only model im after at the moment is a santana with m2e stat card so if you have a spare one of them we can try and work something out or failing that we can try and work out a cash deal


    that is of course if the pond between us isn't an issue lol

  3. Hey


    Im looking to either trade/buy a santana and miss terious, both with their relative M2E cards, preferably not painted but it isnt a deal breaker, assembled doesnt matter as long as its been done well


    i dont have much for trade of note other than miss ery, unassembled with stat card and a LE perdita thats built and undercoated(its been done well though, so its not assembled badly or drowned in undercoat) but missing its stat card


    or of course theres cash





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