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Posts posted by Boybucky

  1. Except it doens't say one 'boost' per Chi. It says one 'model' per chi. Its still a great abiilty.

    Yep, couldn't agree more. I'm going to play it as a "no" unless I hear otherwise. I've only ever used it as one chi per model so I'm not losing anything, just curious if it gets re-worded. Thanks again to those who've taken the time to reply.

  2. I don't believe that all models in the pulse are effected, I'm just saying that if we use the logic "the DEFAULT rule for pulses says X" then the DEFAULT rules for pulses also says it effects everything radiating out. In actual fact the rule for pulses doesn't mention at all any use of the word "once" in any context, merely that it effects everything at that moment.

    I'm of the opinion that you can select one friendly model multiple times, but if I was 100% definitely sure I wouldn't have asked the question. It seems opinions are pretty divided so I'm obviously not the only person who may be playing it wrong.

  3. I disagree, the wording uses the term "one friendly model" in relation to the one point of chi lowered. So if I lower my chi by 10 then I could select one friendly model ten times to receive spirit and +2 armour. Nothing here says it can't be the same model ten times as long as I'm sticking to the regulations of one chi lowered = one "boost".

  4. So I asked this on AWP and got quite a mixed response, so thought i'd ask it here too.

    Below is the ability this refers to:

    Transcendence: This model may lower its Chi Condition value by any amount, to a minimum of 0. For each point of Chi lowered, one friendly model in p8 gains the Spirit Characteristic and the following Condition for the rest of the Turn: "Armor +2: Reduce all damage suffered by this model by +2, to a minimum of 1."

    My question is: Can Yan Lo lower his chi by 2 or 3 (or more) to give a model +4 or +6 armour (or more)?

  5. Really nice flesh tone, what snow effect did you use on the bases?

    It's Army Painter snow - it comes in a little square tub and I just mix it with some PVA.

    No idea what to add after Myranda, I'm loving the quality of the plastic miniatures so it'll likely be one of the plastic kits. I'm thinking it'll probably be wiser to add a few models that Marcus can use rather than doing another crew straight away. I also need to find some players in or around Nottingham so I can actually try the game out!

  6. Thank you folks for all the feedback. I'm starting to agree that the bases might need a little more, my plan initially was to go for very clean white snow with some blood effects to tie all the gang together. My painting style tends to be quite dark naturally so I was hoping for a nice contrast. I may try adding a few partially submerged tufts or some layers with cork (as suggested). I've been carefully to pin the models to the bases and use superglue so they' shouldn't be too hard to swap out.

    I'm not new to painting, just the game. II'm currently about half-way through the Razorspine Rattler so will add a pic or two when it's done.

  7. Hi folks

    I'm really sorry if this is a silly question, but I can't find the answer anywhere else;

    Is the Arcanist Gunsmith card supposed to be in the wave 1 arsenal box? I've purchased the A5 rulebook and and the arsenal box, but I don't have a card for a gunsmith?

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