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Posts posted by Shimian

  1. Thank you so much, guys. You are really helping me out here. Looks like the Malifaux community is a really kind and helpful one. Unlike other communities I met.


    So I think I'll go with Ramos. You guys told me that I need some extra Steam Arachnid Swarms. So I'm just gonna buy the Ramos Box and some extra Steam Arachnids, I guess. In the shop, I found two different Arachnid Boxes. Which one do I need? I am not getting the difference, to be honest :D


    This one: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0825/4481/products/WYR20320-ArachnidSwarms_1024x1024.jpg?v=1437985484


    Or this one: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0825/4481/products/Arachnids_1024x1024.jpeg?v=1431098254


    Whats the difference?

  2. Thanks so far, guys. So I only have to decide between Raspy and Ramos.

    56 minutes ago, Sordid Strumpet said:

    The bottom line is - what sort of play style are you looking for? Have you olayed any other tabletop games? If so, how did/do you enjoy playing there?

    I used to play Warhammer Fantasy, which I quit some years ago due to a numerous amount of reasons. After that I played Warmachine/Hordes and Infinity, so I am not entirely new to the tabletop hobby. In order to get into the rules and tricks Malifaux has to offer I am looking for a Master with a straight forward playstyle in the beginning. That would be Rasputina, I guess. I also like the idea of summoning new stuff, which would make Ramos my first Master. Hard decision.


    16 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    Shimian: If you are really into Ressers and Nicodem you could just start them. He does fairly ok as a buff master and just resummoning models that got killed. If you are down for buying 2-3 master boxed sets as a start you can definetly make Nico playable.

    I dropped the idea of playing Ressers. Mainly due to the fact that I only like Nico and Seamus as Masters. McMorning is okay, but I totally dislike the rest. So I would be stuck with two guys to play since I only want to collect one faction.


    45 minutes ago, katadder said:

    would agree with raspy as she is very straight forward 

    I would also suggest marcus, has a good crewbox to start that you can expand on when ready and the crew works nicely together plus is fairly straightforward

    Marcus is not my kind of guy since I am not a big fan of beasts. Sooner or later (if I really chose Arcanists) he will find a way into my collection, just to own him. But not as a start.


    Which one is easier to learn and to master? Rasputina or Ramos?

  3. Hey guys,


    I am fairly new to Malifaux and still looking for "my" faction. Arcanists look pretty fun so I think I'm gonna give it a shot. But sadly I can't decide which Master to go for as a start. I narrowed it down to four, maybe five :D The ones I am looking at are:


    - Rasputina

    - Kaeris

    - Ironsides

    - Colette

    - and maybe Ramos


    Which Master is most begincuddleriendly? Since I have only played a few games so far, I am looking for a Master who doesn't lose the game due to a single mistake. Which crew can be expanded easy and cheap? My first look went to Nicodem, but since he is a summoner, I need a whole lot of models, who are to be paied for and painted :D Not exactly what I wanted as a start, so I discarded him and the whole faction :D

    My main opponent plays guild. Mostly Perdita, sometimes Lady J or Hofmann. Which master got the best chances against this setup?

    Thanks in advance for your advice, guys :)


    Kind regards from Germany


  4. Hey guys, me again :D


    I just dont get the use of the Day Dreams in a Dreamer Crew. Sure, they can push other Nightmares around and can catch a hit for the Dreamer. But is there anything else they are good for? Since they cannot place scheme markers due to insignificant, I absolutely do not get what they are good for. Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)




  5. I read that Collodi can hire Coryphees, but not the Coryphee Duet. Why is that so? Can't I hire two Coryphees, since they are puppets, and merge them into a duet?


    And can I use more than one Effigy? They are all Rare 1, but since the names are different... :D

  6. Hey guys,

    I am currently trying to decide whether I should buy the Dreamer or the Collodi box. Now I got some questions:

    1. Which one is more newbie-friendly?

    2. Which one has more different play styles?

    3. Which one is in general considered to be stronger?

    4. Are both of them playable out of the box?

    5. What models do I need next for both boxes?

    Would be great if you guys could give me some information :)

  7. Hey guys,


    just a short question: How many tokens (strategy&schemes, corpse, scrap, etc.) do I need? I am currently making some but have no clue how many I should make. I am playing Arcanists if that matters.




  8. Hey guys,

    just a simple question about starting my Malifaux-Collection. I am wondering which way is better: Choosing one faction and collect almost all the models (masters, henchmen, minions, etc.) or pick the masters you like, no matter which faction they belong to and build exactly one crew around them.

    My problem is that I like many masters from different factions and I am unwilling to buy every single model from at least three factions, so I am in a serious dilemma right now :D Any advice from you guys?

    Regards from Germany


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