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Posts posted by Shimian

  1. Hey guys,

    since I am reading everywhere that Kirai is so great, I gave her a shot. I own every Resser model so I can put on the table whatever she needs. But I just dont get what makes her so good. I read godswearhats starter guide, but I still couldnt figure out how to use her.  I got my ass handed every single time. I faced different opponents (Perdita, Zoraida, Shen Long, Hoffman) and I had absolutely no clue what to do with her. I brought Datsue-Ba, Izamu, sometimes the Emissary, sometimes Philip. Everything else I summoned, but since it comes in with only half wounds, my stuff died most of the time.

    Datsue-Ba usually summoned a Seishin that Kirai could use to summon. Apart from that, Datsue-Ba didnt do a lot of stuff since I wasnt able to get severe damage on her attacks. Izamu did the usual stuff. Standing around and being a threat. The Emissary was just there most of the time.

    In most of my games I either play Nicodem or Reva. Nicodem is in my opinion the boss when it comes to summoning. No matter what I need, Nicodem brings it up and with an additional corpse token it comes in with full wounds most of the time. And Reva is awesome because of her killing potential from far away.

    So could you guys please give me a little insight on how to properly use Kirai? Would really appreciate that.


    Kind regards from Germany


  2. I usually hire Morti, Chiaki and a nurse every time I play Nico. Chiaki's condition removal is great and the nurse is more or less an "Oh Shit"-Button if Nico or Morti get low on wounds. Just discard a crow, heal them full and let Chiaki remove the paralyze.

    I also hire the Valedictorian very often. Just a great piece which can be useful in many situations. From there, I often go with one or two Punk Zombies. I prefer summoning cheaper models like a Rotten Belle or a Necropunk. Doesnt drain my hand that much.

    From time to time I like taking Philip and the Nanny to fill up my hand cards. But that highly depends on the schemes available.


    When it comes to positioning, I like to have nearly everyone around Nico to make the most out of his aura. So make sure everyone stay in 6" around Nico somewhere and move your death bubble over the battlefield :D

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  3. Hey guys,

    I am looking for a comparison of the models mentioned above. I got them both, but I only use Necro Punks as scheme runners. I tried Crooligans twice but they were slaughtered every time. I find the Necro Punks far more durable and mobile with their leap. So maybe someone can point out why I should use a Crooligan when I could also use a Necro Punk instead :)


    Kind regards from Germany


  4. Hey guys,

    since I've almost completed my Resser collection, I threw an eye on the little fellas from the Bayou. I don't wanna collect the entire faction. Did this one time, that's enough :D So, how do I start? I would like to have a competetive master since I like participating in tournaments. Which Gremlin would you rate top tier in the faction? And what would you recommend to buy in addition to the crew box?


    Kind regards from Germany


  5. Hey guys,

    I want to pick up Collodi as my next master. Since I do not own any Neverborn at all he will be my first master in this faction. What do I need to cover nearly every strategy and scheme? Could someone give me some sort of shopping list for him? Would be great :)


    Kind regards from Germany


  6. Hey guys,

    is it possible to cast Ice Pillars with Rasputina and a second time with the Wendigo? It says that this action can only be taken once per turn, I know. But I dont know if this means that Raspy cannot cast it a second time or that nobody else can also take the action a second time. 


  7. Hey guys,

    me again with a rules question. If I use the Zombie Chihuahua's Smell Weakness on a model with Nihilism, can this model be affected with poison? We are debating becuase Nihilism says that gaining a condition for the model is optional. Does this count as an immunity which can be removed by Smell Weakness?

    Kind regards from Germany


  8. I finally decided to simply copy them from the Rulebook. Only thing that bother me is the fact that my cards dont have a proper cardback. Anyone got any idea where I can get an image of the Arcanist Upgrade cards' cardback?

  9. Anyone got an idea where I can get these cards? I dont wanna buy the whole Arsenal Decks or the Generalist Upgrade Deck. Wargame Vault only sells single stat cards if I am not mistaken. Didnt find single upgrade cards there.

  10. Hey guys,

    which of the Arcanist Upgrade cards are not included in the model boxes? You get - of course - the stat card of the model plus any specific upgrades in the model's box. Which upgrade cards can I only get in the Generalist upgrade deck respectively in the Arcanist Arsenal decks? I am asking because I bought both Arsenal decks for my Ressers and now I got nearly every card twice, because most of them were included in the model's boxes when I bought them. I dont want to make this mistake twice :D

    Kind regards from Germany


  11. Hey guys,

    most recently I threw an eye on Taelor. I really need this model in my collection but since I dont wanna buy the Vicks-box it seems kinda hard to get her. Is there any shop that sells the model seperately? Location doesnt matter.

    Kind regards from Germany


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