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Hector Romero

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Posts posted by Hector Romero

  1. hello all, i have a few soul stone questions


    1)how exactly does the SS cache work when hiring crews? lets say we agree upon a 20 SS game and my cache is 3 SS, does this increase my SS to 23 ? or does it work this way, we agree on a 20 SS game, my cache is 3 SS, i use 18 SS on my crew, so I'm left with 5 SS? is the cache just put aside for non hiring purposes and is for duels?


    2) in the rules book, it says you have to declare SS use first, then attack / flip. Then i see it says else where on this site (cant remember where) that you can declare SS use after you attack, so which is it? when do i use it during a duel, defending and also when i attack?


    also, i also read that SS use just gives a  :+fate modifier...i read somewhere else that SS use ADDS an extra card from your deck to the total of the attack / defense, not just give a  :+fate modifier. so essentially, i read that your attack attribute, the flip from your fate deck AND the SS card ALL add up instead of a normal  :+fate modifier. 


    thanks all

  2. Hi all, wanted to know if anyone could point me in the direction of story encounters that had more story to them, possibly that develops as the game progressed? If there is such a thing. i would figure, accomplishing parts of the schemes or strategy would prompt some sort of story dialogue and input a change in the story something like, add / remove a terrain piece, buff / debuff a team, etc. i read that its encouraged to make story driven encounters in the rules book and sounds fun but, wanted to see if someone has some ready made. 


    Thanks !!

  3. ooooooh !!! i WAS confused about the swarm and single arachnids ! lol, i didn't know you were calling individual arachnids, i thought it was a swarm. ok well, this makes a lot more sense to me now except, if the 1 arachnid has 1 WD, wont their armor not even matter because it reduces by +1, to a minimum of 1. So, isn't that just a 1 shot kill since it has to take at least 1 WD and it only has 1 WD in the first place??

  4. Hi all, confused again about some stuff in game.


    1) "summon swarm": when u summon the swarm, they take damage? also, whats the point of summoning more than 2 arachnids for the swarm when the swarm card has no mention of having less WD or MI damage when attacking, it doesnt make sense but, i must be missing something.


    2) lilith "disappear" : why does this ability have a  :mask ? It says this works when a MI attack fails, so why the suit?


    3) "marcuahuiti ": for the brood part of this action, when you kill someone, they dont die and heal 1 WD, push then the targer gains paralyzed...why? whats the point? why cant i just kill the target? lol





  5. Hello all, i was wondering:


    1)when cheating fate (when attacking / being attacked) is there a limit to how many times a person can cheat fate / use a soul stone to cheat fate in a single encounter? is it once per encounter or could you essentially use up all ss in your cache and/or all the cards in your hand?


    2)on the stat card of the "cherub" why does "cupids arrow" not have a TN on it but "Rise up" does? Dont the both of these attacks have "triggers" in them? also, i know for "rise up" i need a 12 or higher to have this attack succeed but, how do i know what i need to flip to have "cupids arrow" work? All that is listed on "cupids arrow" is the SH of 5.


    3) Howard Langston list the power "Steam Cloud." i see it says this power stays active until the start of its next activation. Does this mean, it could carry onto the next round if say i use this power at the end of this models activation and it is the last model i can activate and my opponent has no more models to activate ? also, how would someone go about attacking this model ? i see "steam cloud" gives HT 5 soft cover. I know soft cover gives a  :-fate to attack flips but how would that work with the HT 5 part?


    Thanks in advanced !




  6. Hello all, just finished painting my M&SU box set and i noticed that the Brass Arachnid is supposed to go on a 30mm base, is this correct? I was looking at the size of the Brass Arachnid and Howard Langston models and Howard goes on a 50mm and makes sense because of the size of the model but, why not the Brass Arachnid? Lol, the Brass Arachnid is huge and just as large as Howard, i cant imagine it going on something smaller than a 40mm. What do u all think? 

  7. Hello all, just starting out in Malifaux and almost done painting my 2nd crew box / making base decorations. I have the 2nd edition book but it seems like alot of instructions are repeated alot and the way it is written isnt clear to me on some things. anyways, i have some questions that will help me out alot :D



     Ramos stat card:


    1)"electrical fire" I'm confused but i think i might have it...the CA 7 is the cast and TN 14 is the trigger number. Am i correct in thinking that the attack will be successful if i get a 7 or higher (for the CA) but, if i get a 14 or higher (for the TN) the trigger effect will also be successful? In electrical fire i see the TN 14 has a tome symbol, do i have to draw a card with a tome AND get 14 or higher for the trigger to take effect? Or will the trigger take effect regardless of the suits of cards i draw?


     2)"summon the swarm" just straight up confused about this one, lol.


    Howard Langston


    1)"executioner claws" the decapitate part, it has a crow and ram suit next to its text. So, am i correct in thinking i need to draw a card with a crow suit and a card with a  ram suit for this to take effect?

    say the opponent has 1 card and 1 soul stone, could this be used in substitution of 2 cards or 2 soul stones?


    2)armor +1: what exactly does the "to a minimum of 1 mean?


    3)flurry: to the left of the text flurry is a (2) that means it takes 2 AP to use right? If this model only has 2 AP (besides the 1 AP it has only for walking) how is it supposed to use this ability If i just used all my AP to use this power? It says this model may take 3MI attack actions with an AP cost of 1 against a single target. So, im confused on this one also.




    1) hard to kill: so, this means he can only take 1 WD when an attack is successful on him? I see it says "when this model has 2 or more WD remaining." Isn't this model ALWAYS going to have 2 or more WD remaining ? i mean besides when it gets down to 1 WD, i dont know if im understanding this one correctly.


    2)pneumatic fist / choke slam, for choke slam to occur do i need to draw a tome and crow card?




    Thanks in advanced, iv never played a miniature game before and new to this whole scene.

  8. Thanks for the input everyone. I doubt I'll ever get into tournament play since I've always been a casual gamer but, i dont want to rule myself out of them if i ever decide to participate in one. I can see how AoE powers would give me the edge but start problems, lol. Bulding out / up on the base looks like will need to be my solution,  thanks again all, made it real clear to me now :D

  9. Hello all, i have a question about base sizes and cheating. Is it considered cheating if you put a miniature on a base larger than the one that came with it? Reason I'm asking is because, what if i want to add more decorations that wouldn't fit on a base my miniature came with? How much larger would you say is acceptable if at all? Im new to miniatures and I'm not sure what the etiquette is on that.  

  10. Hello all, i just bought the Lilth box set and i had a question about the bases. I see it comes with 7 bases, 6 of which are the small ones and then i have 1 thats big with a slot cut in the middle. My question is, the set comes with 6 people, why the extra? i was thinking that maybe the terror tots have the option of being on their own individual small base or, all 3 terror tots can be put on the large base together?


    I know for the arachnids  in the M&SU (Ramos box set) the arachnids can be put onto a small base individually or you can place 3 arachnids on a larger base because they have a "swarm" option. Is this the same for the terror tots? I saw / know of no "swarm" option for the terror tots but, i did see  the word "horde" being thrown into the terror tots description in the game rules. Any ideas?

  11. Hello all, i have 3 questions.
    im thinking about getting into Malifaux and im seeing its best to get a box set to do this. I like the gremlins because they seem fun, i like pigs and i like their back story :D
    anyways, i see they are only available in the 1st edition as a box set so, how would i go about getting an upgrade to the 2nd edition?
     (links to the gremlin box sets)
    what i think i need to do, and correct me if im wrong, is buy an arsenal box to make my gremlins be able to play in the 2nd ed rules? would i then discard the ones that come in my gremlins box set?
    (here is a link to what i think i should buy for 2nd ed)
    another question i have is i see this box set:
    the above link is only available in the 1st ed and I notice that all factions have arsenal cards and that this box set is arcanists. I see nothing specific in the arcanists arsenal box listing any characters from this box set so, how would i go about playing it in the 2nd ed?
    what the heck is this? 
    i read that this is a game, within the game? is it in any way related to this box set:
    if not, how would i go about playing both in general?
    sorry for the novel but, i have mainly everything else down but these threw me for a curve ball. Im going to purchase a set or 2 today :D
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