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Spooky Hag

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Posts posted by Spooky Hag

  1. My upgrades are something i battle with. I don't even worry about the instinctual as there few upgrades I would take that give her a second ap. However becoming incorporeal really helps make her tougher. Bloody shears givers her a 5 inch charge. Ikiryo is great but she can be hard to keep around under a determined attack. Bête noire also has a place but only against loads of living or undead.

    I used a lot of smaller spirits but feel that the new summoning mechanism does to much damage to them and trying to wait for a 13 is also is a dangerous game to play plus you can only get one seishin out before Karai summons, unless you activate Datsu ba first.I rather start with the most expensive models on the table and try summon the moderate spirits like onryo. Most of the time my games are against the dreamer so anything that messes with my already low Wp messes with my ability to play. Other games are against Marcus, forget about using beasts (shikome) and you need to stand against really tough beasts.

    I'm going to be adding izamo, ubume and some drowned, they should give me some more options.

  2. Hey guys!

    I've been playing tons of games with Karai these last few months and have had some mixed results.

    I use:

    Sacrificial manifestation.

    Datsun - ba

    Lost love

    2 x Hanged

    1 x Gaki




    Bloody shears

    Avatar of vengeance

    (Datsu - Ba)

    Spirit whispers

    Spirit beacon

    I sacrifice the Gaki first turn, get the Revenant, try summon a Seishin and an Onryo. Then I use Bloody Shears to accomplice Datsun - Ba and try summon a Seishin with her.

    The Hanged work well with Onryo and Datsu - Ba. I just feel I need more tank, Lost love can heal well enough but it's pointless tying to heal multiple small spirits all the time. Shikome are great for schemes so can't really be around for all the fighting. Otherwise I tend to stick in a bubble who's range is around 8 - 12 inches.

    As a summoner it's also tough too find the middle ground, which cards to keep and which to use for summoning. Sometimes drawing a hand with nothing over 6 throws a huge spanner in the works.


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