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Posts posted by Mirrsith

  1.  I believe that most people feel that she is over priced or that there are better choices to be made for the stone cost and I would disagree. I have used her in quite a few games actually and I found that in combat she does okay. By far she is not a power house like Bad Ju Ju, andshe lacks the speed of a slurid, however I found that she shines in  two different ways.  The first is a no brainer swamp fiend Gupp generator for Bad Ju Ju to use for re-spawning and additional activation's. The second is that she has the ability to place scheme markers while laying eggs and making your opponent think twice about killing her especially turn two or later if you haven't hatched any eggs yet. These two abilities fill a role nicely in a swamp fiend heavy list. 

    • Zoraida -- 4 Pool  45 Points

       +1 Hexed Among you

       +1   Hex Bag


      Bad Juju [8]       

       +Eternal Fiend [2]

      +Fears Given Form [1]


      Silurid [7]            

      Silurid [7]



      Spawn Mother [9]

      +Fears Given Form [1]

    • This is the list I ran in the beginners tournament as my first three games of Malifaux. I found that I utilized Zoriedas Obey ability to further my own goals and or force the spawn mother to lay down schemes. I ran Bad Ju Ju buried and used Hexed among you to fling 2 slurid's and a gupp far enough forward  in order to force you to react to the threat. If not then i had free rain to place schemes. If you did react and killed or buried any of them Bad Ju Ju came into play. And thanks to the Gupps hatching it allows Bad Ju Ju to keep on playing in the muck! I used the spawn mother to lay eggs and place schemes for the first two turns and then your really only paying 1 stone for her when the gupps hatch. On third turn I would usually use her to inflict as much damage as possible making her the new threat so she would be killed therefore hatching my eggs to grab scheme tokens she placed earlier. Again I'm new and my only miniature experience is GW so i may see things a little differently. However I am pleased to say that Malifaux has successfully entangled me and I am working on my 4th crew with only playing 3 games lol I look forward to playing more in the future!


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