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Posts posted by Simbrian

  1. I use Von Schill in most games that I play and most of my games are against Ressers so I usually have a hard time.


    I find that Von Schill makes for an excellent distraction in most cases. Being a master, my opponent will usually focus on trying to bring Schill down while I have Taelor or Hannah moving up the board working on my objectives. As an Outcast player, I find that I have more than enough models with unique abilities to deal with nearly any situation.

  2. One of his most useful features (in my opinion) is the Can Opener trigger on his knife. If you have the cards to do it, hit an enemy master with that. -1 Df for the rest of the game will have a profound effect on your opponent. I don't have the card on hand at the moment but I believe that it can stack as well.


    Also The Shirt Comes Off can be devastating against low Wp crews near the end of a turn when most of your opponent's cards are gone.

  3. I have a friend who plays ressers exclusively. The Hard to Wound is extremely irritating but I've gotten used to it.


    I usually focus more on trying to complete my strategy and schemes than trying to kill his models since frankly it can take a long time. Especially those flesh constructs. If something absolutely needs to go away then Focus is a viable option.

  4. Hey, I'm Brian. First started playing miniatures games a year and a half ago when I first met my new group of friends after moving to a new city. Malifaux was my first game and I now play X-Wing, Uncharted Seas and FIrestorm Armada as well. Von Schill was my first master and I now play Marcus as well. I'll be applying to be a henchman shortly because a henchman in my city resigned not long ago and I'd like to help promote the game since my local crowd isn't all that dedicated for the most part.

  5. I have one friend who plays Resurrectionists exclusively and as a result he is very proficient with all of them. With the M2E rules McMourning is downright nasty with his various poison abilities. My friend only uses his "Poison Bomb" strategy during League matches that he would like to win. For regular casual play he restricts himself to less... powerful strategies.


    I think the point that I am trying to get across is that there is room for balance. Different tactics for different occasions.


    I like to play for fun most of the time. I do silly things to make the game entertaining. My personal favorite is throwing away high cards to keep my Jackalope alive.

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