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cool hand nuke

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Posts posted by cool hand nuke

  1. Really good ideas here. I was also thinking of using him in my mcmourning crew, with him being a target to keep some heat off of Sebastian as a bonus. I realize Toshiro can be fragile even with HtW+2, and if he trudges up the board to keep minions within his aura range, he will be another target that an opponent will want to eliminate quickly, just like Sebastian. If resources are committed to handle one or the other, the unmolested one has potentially at least one more turn to do their thing, which can change games. This is assuming that both aren't being hammered simultaneously.

  2. Is it just me, or is Toshiro going to be amazing in many Resurr crews? Does his mix of good melee attack, excellent buffs that affect multiple models at once, and that he is a henchman for SS use make him desirable in many master's lists? He is utility at its finest. Discuss. Thanks.

  3. In the spirit of using models' abilities to their full potential, consider lynch and AitH. Other than having extra cards in hand for discard effects like Defensive, AitH kind of requires you to take Final Debt, at least, to maximize what AitH does for you. Otherwise it is an ability that just has a lot of text taking up space on Lynch's card. Aces being the lowest value card aren't helping with much else, other than cheating suits situationally. We always want to maximize the abilities that the models we hire in our crews bring to the table. In Lynch's case, it seems that not taking Final Debt goes against this concept, regardless of what schemes/strategies are in play. Am i looking at this in the wrong way? I love lynch and Final Debt can be amazing, and it seems that it is almost a, dare i say it, autoinclude upgrade.

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