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Posts posted by FertileSpade

  1. sure, i'm not too worried about it. more just a quip than an actual expectation. i can just ask my friend not to play them or tone them down a bit in friendly games. in a competitive tourney against a Neverborn player that i think may drop Collodi I'll build my crew accordingly especially if it's turf war.

    I guess I am a different person as I find these sort of uphill fights interesting and motivating.  If I find that I have a problem with a certain build I encourage them to play it against me.  The most experience I have against it the better I tend to do against it.  That way when the time comes and it drops on a competitive scene I know I have the playbook down.

    the guy i play against on a regular basis would laugh if he saw your post. He knows that I have repeatedly asked him to put together the toughest list possible and play it to the best of his ability against me.

  2. Rasputina (shattered heart, arcane reservoir)

    Snow Storm

    Essence of Power

    Silent One

    Ice Golem (Armor of December)

    Blessed of December (Imbued Energies)

    Ice Gamin

    Raspy, the Essence, and Silent One form an unholy trinity of blasting death. sitting back in your deployment, no need to move. with 4ss cache Raspy can burn one for a suite to trigger blasting again and when she does the EP will give her a + flip negating cover benefits your opponent will try to use and give her Ca 8. the silent one will benefit as well from the EP negating the negative effects of ice mirror. 

    Snow Storm will pull the Ice Golem up to the markers and then is free to react to your opponents activations as needed. They can pull off entourage fairly effectively as well. the ice golem will armor up with Armor of December as well as Raspy giving him extra armor if it helps. it'll tank on the markers daring anyone to come within hulk smash range. the silent one can heal damage on him.

    the Blessed with Imbued Energies can move 22" in one activation if you need it to. so keep it back a little to deal with any melee beaters that try to close with Raspy until turn 4 or so and then Deliver a Message.


  3. how so? the summoning mechanic for very little resource investment? definitely good. i'm curious what you're seeing there.

    i'm referring more to the synergies available in a Collodi crew that reduce the stitched weaknesses like marrionette pushes that reduce its slow movement, heals by wicked dolls that enable multiple reactivates in a single game, Vasilisa's obey, and the icing on the cake Collodi's my will giving + flips to not so much of a gamble just your dead (er..life).

  4. yep the synergy available in a Collodi crew, take a 6ss model from being really good/very dangerous to close to game breaking. 6ss and no rare limitation. that said models that ignore hard to kill and flurry can definitely be a strong counter. I used metal gamin and their magnetism along with gunsmiths and Joss to finally beat it. the metal gamin were the stars of the game. funny thing is that the very next day the metal gamin got cuddled! which was probably needed. now i'm waiting for a Stitched cuddle.

    • Like 1
  5. My main opponent plays Neverborn and his favorite master is Lilith. I've baited him in to charging Raspy with a beater a couple times and then counter charged him with a Blessed of December or just hulk smashed him with an Ice Golem that was positioned correctly. Raspy's defensive trigger stops his beater after the first attack and then if you've set it up correctly you can delete his beater in one to two activations depending on cards and stones. Your opponent will only fall for the variations of it a couple times but you'll have taught him a healthy respect for Cult of December. In addition all the above advise is spot on. Push to get out of melee or paralyze to devour!

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  6. Adran's rare 1 idea is good. i don't think it becomes a negative play experience for your opponent until it's done multiple times. Unless it's Howard and you give him reactivate to boot. but now that i think of it the Blessed with its' trigger to attack non constructs again and again combined with IE can be crazy if you have suites in hand.

    If they cuddled it I would want to see other factions' AP factories cuddled as well.

  7. i use it in most every list. Blessed of December with IE = 22" movement in one activation. that said other factions have crazy AP sources as well right (not necessarily upgrades)? i could see dialing back all extra AP sources a little as a potential improvement for the game. extra AP allows for imprecise activations still achieving success.

    you should definitely check with the cool kids before posting heretical ideologies. you risk ostracism. ;)

    • Like 1
  8. IMO the changes to metal gamin are very reasonable for a 4ss model. I think there are at least a few more models that need to get hit with the cuddle bat. The game rules & mechanics are very well balanced but there are some models that slipped through the evaluation process and are OP for their points cost. Stitched I'm looking at you!

  9. we did a rematch yesterday, to see if there wasn't a way to counter Collodi and I won with Ramos 6 to 3. Squatter's Rights and I took Bodyguard (on Joss which was a mistake on my part) and Protect Territory.

    my crew was Ramos w/ field generator

    Joss w/ Bleeding Edge Tech


    2 Gunsmiths

    3 Metal Gamin

    ?I think that's it?

    The number of AP Collodi generates was still bonkers but I managed to take down his biggest threats (2 Stitched and a Coryphee) with Magnetism, Switch Chambers, & a Relic Hammer. The metal gamin were all stars. I'm not sure I would take 3 against a non construct crew (little metagaming going on) but I would take 2 going in blind just because for 4 pts they are so tough! Johanna can be difficult to get the most out of. I found myself wanting to use Open Revolt to heal all M&SU within 6" but at 2 AP she's no longer fulfilling other vital functions. I should have put Bodyguard on her instead of Joss who needed to up in the mix murdering fools instead of worrying about dieing! As a result I just couldn't hold him back any longer turn 4 and sent him in to kill Collodi (he failed. Ramos ended up getting him with Magnetism - so good!) and he died and I lost 3 VP because of it. great game and a lot learned! Collodi still irritates the snot out of me and I think he's a top tier Master because of the AP he generates but Ramos generates AP as well.

    • Like 1
  10. I love that it can target enemy models who get no defenses against it, plus gain Insignifigant for a turn (which is a pretty nifty way to cuddle enemy models). You can push friendlies out of combat, push allies into combat, shove models into aura or pulse range, or just add an effective 10" to the range of any shooting attack. You can even damage models simply by colliding them into each other.


    Unless you play a lot against Gremlins tossing enemies will rarely come up as it only works on Ht 1 models. When using it on friendlies you trade an AP from 10 SS model for extra movement on a ~4 SS model. Occasional this will be worth it for schemes or clogging up the enemy if there is some bottle neck in the terrain, but if you want to do some real damage getting the Ice Golem engaged asap is the way to go as Icy Talon is pretty decent with its built in Slow trigger, and well Melee Expert.

    Df 2 is terrible, just terribly terribly terrible... Did I mention that Df 2 is terrible? I like the word terrible... But anyway, Df 2 is terrible, he will get hit by anyone trying and subsequently take noticeably more damage than you'd expect from a Armour 2 model.

    That said, I do think that tossing Electrical Creations is pretty funny.

    See, I play against Gremalos all the time.  He will rarely get to toss them, since they are both significantly quicker - especially with Reckless - and deal plenty of damage at range to a Df2 model, regardless of Armor.

    Electric hand grenades are funny, but the Golem was immediately replaced by Snow Storm for me after the beta.

    Don't listen to us though Golembro.  I think I'm the only player who likes the Blessed of December.  Everyone else seems to think the Cerberus does everything it does better.  Head count elitism, that's all it is.

    the Blessed of December is fantastic, and far better that a Cerberus that will die if exposed to a slight breeze.

  11. It is slow and very easy to kill. That's why.

    he's definitely slow by himself but with Snowstorm pulling him 8" that's no longer a problem. Imbued protection and stacked armor make him anything but easy to kill not to mention if he's in Snowstorm's bullet proof aura. Outside of the Children of December I can't imagine taking him but in a Frozen Heart list he becomes a decent speed, tank that can wreck a master in one flip with a little luck. I've killed Perdita and Lilith with him.

    It takes a huge amount of luck for the Ice Golem to even hit Perdita before she kills it with 2 shots.

    definitely a lot of luck involved. lucky enough to get her into melee, lucky enough to hit, and lucky enough to do severe. mostly just a comment on  the massive damage spread possible that has to be respected or it can kill a master in one shot. like I said, outside of Frozen Heart crews I don't think it's that good but in a FH crew I think it's underrated.

  12. It is slow and very easy to kill. That's why.

    he's definitely slow by himself but with Snowstorm pulling him 8" that's no longer a problem. Imbued protection and stacked armor make him anything but easy to kill not to mention if he's in Snowstorm's bullet proof aura. Outside of the Children of December I can't imagine taking him but in a Frozen Heart list he becomes a decent speed, tank that can wreck a master in one flip with a little luck. I've killed Perdita and Lilith with him.

  13. ditto on above. 

    The starting box set is very good. All models can be useful. Waldgeists would be my very next purchase (tough tanky models that can place 50mm severe terrain to control movement). Dawn Serpent next (awesome counterspell and heal). Hoarcats after that (fast scheme runners). I find myself keeping his crew fairly close together so that Marcus and Miranda's buffs effect as many models as possible. I've had trouble getting the sabretooth cerberus to work for me. It dies so easily. Same with silurids and both are relatively costly models point wise. Not to say they're not good just that it hasn't been easy to effectively use them. Lot of people are down on the slate ridge mauler but I'm not entirely convinced. Guess it depends on strat and scheme pool. I think it would be good for Miranda's sacrifice at center of table for Turf War. Cojo looks like a super tough beater but he's not. keep him back and use him to remove opponent scheme markers and push enemy models out of critical locations.

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  14. Kaeris w/ Born of Fire (2 pts) - she's a mobile leader with Wk 6 & flying making her hard for Deliver a Message and Assasinate and can run down entourage. She has 2 good ranged attacks and can place the pyre markers from her upgrades to control access to the center of the board as well as herself while staying back off the center. Born of fire also gives her the option to summon additional fire gamin if needed.

    The Captain w/ Patron's Blessing (12 pts) - 3 pushes to control the center, a relic hammer to push and give burning

    Cassandra (8 pts) - to Deliver a Message and/or entourage; also Understudy will allow her to copy The Captain's and Johanna's Ca.

    Johanna - (7 pts) to help control the center, push with a relic hammer, heal all M&SU models, and remove conditions if necessary

    Willie - (6 pts) pushed turn 1 by The Captain and Cassandra then move past center to create havoc with blast markers as the opponent positions for control of center.

    Gunsmith (7 pts) ++ flips against burning, suites as needed

    2 Fire Gamin (8 pts) for activation control and burning

  15. i have reviewed the game played and looked at areas I can improve on. In fact I mention one possibility in this thread that could have hurt me in the game: I chose a low model count crew and as a result I had to move important models before he did allowing him to outmaneuver my small crew. However, the only way I can get help from the forum (the original reason for the post) on an AAR as you describe it would be to write a full and elaborate battle report detailing positioning of all models turn by turn, cards in hand, cards flipped from deck, etc., etc.. not very realistic for a forum post. So instead, I gave a brief description of the problem I faced and a theoretical crew that I might play given the opportunity for a rematch in hopes of learning what might help me out.

  16. The way to counter Ramos is to obey him and sacrifice him so the summoning mechanic isnt that good. With Collodi being able to be mobile keeping Ramos away would be hard. NB have tons of people with the ability to do that. Collodi is also able to waste AP on other models.

    A Dreamer crew could summon better. Collodi can use the same resource as ramos to make summoning very tricky.

    Try WP based duels against collodi or blasts.

    just thinking if Collodi can use Ramos' scrap markers then Ramos' could use Collodi's as well. Once the Stitched are gone, Collodi can't summon any more so I think Ramos is still a good matchup.

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