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Posts posted by SanguinaryDan

  1. Just got the Hired Guns (Von Schill Crew) and Hannah boxes.  Looks like they be gorgeous.  If I can ever put them together.  :huh:  No instructions.  Not in the boxes, nor online.  


    Hannah has 59 parts all by herself!  That's a lot of parts to try and guess build on a $35.00 model.


    Anyone know where (when?) these instructions are available?





  2. But, it is gold.  Grey primer, heavy gold dry brush, brown wash, light silver dry brush and a little black wash in the deepest-darkests.


    If not bright green for the eyes what would you suggest?  I want them to stand out and the orange was all I had with me at the beach.  Maybe gloss black to enhance the spider effect of the 5 eyes?  :huh:  That should be plenty creepy.

  3. As my eye-hand goes the way of the dodo (I always assumed near sighted would remain an advantage in painting.) I've had to have a friend of mine do the fancy painting.  But the more basic folks are mine!


    For our first offering.....



    At first I didn't much care for the Guardian.  Then I used him.  Now he's Sonnia's BFF!  If the other crew likes melee or if I know I'm going in close anyway.




    He might get bright green eyes once I find the bottle.  My work area is full of way too many finished models that belong in boxes.  Why are the finished sitting around and the unfinished in boxes?  Because all the unfinished take up 5 times the space and I was trying to keep them all together.  Fail.

  4. Dear Diary,

                      A month has passed and still no word on reinforcements.  We grow weary of the blank stares of our old metal comrades.  Where in the name of cold hard cash are the plastics?!


    Take my MONEY!!!!!   ;)

  5. Actually the design of the new bases makes them a perfect fit for 25mm steel washers.  I  just bought 6 packs from Wyrd to use with nearly every plastic/resin 30mm based figure I buy from now on and to convert many I already own.  Well worth the effort.

  6. So....  Any new news on a 2e Von Schill in the last 6 days?  :huh:


    I'm as patient as the next plastic crack addict, so I assume enough time has passed to ask again.  WHEN?!  :blast



    The following message is brought to you by one of the voices in my head.  Or is it my wallet?

    "Couldn't be happy just playing Guild, could you Dan?  Had to look at the Freikorps models didn't ya?  Had to order Lazurus and a Trapper and a Specialist!  Arrrgh!"

  7. As far as beta version distribution goes, have you considered using a service like Test Flight?

    Sending PM concerning iOS devices.

    Edit: And what are you making the app using?

    Test Flight works really well.  It lets you easily update and  even sunset the test version on a specific date.


    I worked with Tinkerhouse on PP's War Room (It's fun finding ways to break other people's apps :D   ) and I'd be very happy to help do the same here.  I've an iPhone5 and an iPad3, both running iOS 7.1.1.   I'm an ACSP and part of the Apple Mobile Developers Group.


    So if you need me, I'm happy to help.

  8. Diestro does look good. But 3SS is harsh. Maybe if I was running pure Familia? But that high a cost scares me. I really get the feeling Sonnia needs as large a soul stone pool as possible.

    I'd rather, at this point in my comfort level, throw another model into the combat. Cisco and any of the other non-minions in a single combat should be more than enough against most opponents, shouldn't they?

  9. Are there specific factions where Disrupt Magic for the Handler will be more useful than against others? I can always just spend the SS or drop Witch Hunt to pay for it if it's truly a "must have".

    I was slightly uncertain where I'd use the Latigo's Df bonuses. Obviously Francisco is meant to buff Sonnia's defenses. But I wasn't sure if the Pistolero would be better helping Samael or the Handler instead of adding to Sonnia. Both of them are very important to the offensive power of the crew. And both are likely to be more forward than Sonnia. Of course I could just drop him for another Witchling, but I can create more Witchlings. :)

  10. This is probably the 50SS list I'll be trying out tomorrow night.  I've included a couple of options but will happily accept any input.  I'm still in the learn the rules and model interactions phase of learning which is why I'm pre-creating the list.  I've yet to build any of the models from Lady J's crew, but everyone else is at least based and primed.  And that includes a Pale Rider I forgot I ordered.  eBay is a dangerous place for the crazed collector in me. ;)


    Guild Crew - 50 - Scrap

    Sonnia Criid -- 7 Pool
    +Cherufe's Imprint [1]
    +Counterspell Aura [1]
    +Reincarnation [1]

    Francisco Ortega [8]
    +Wade In [1]
    Pistolero De Latigo [5]
    Samael Hopkins [9]
    +Witch Hunt [2]
    Witchling Handler [8]
    Witchling Stalker [5]
    Witchling Stalker [5]

    Options: replace Samael with a Peacekeeper OR replace Francisco with a Guardian and give Samael a Vengeance Bullet OR replace Samael with a Freikorps Specialist and give Francisco a Vengeance Bullet OR ????????

  11. I may just be blind or a bit slow, but....

    If I add some Family members to a Sonnia Criid led Witch Hunter crew, exactly which upgrade cards can I give to them? I assume they'll always have access to generic Guild cards. But are upgrades otherwise based on the Master, original crew group or both?

    1) Can they only use Witch Hunter cards?

    2) Can they only use Family cards?

    3) Can I only give them the generic Guild cards?

  12. Gads but I love eBay.  Grabbed the Lady J crew box (no bases) for $10.00.  So I can add the Judge to the mix or even try Lady J herself.  I grabbed a metal Papa Loco as well.  Straight Jacket + Dynamite = WINNING! :)


    Sadly it will be May before I get to play again.  But I plan on spending the time wisely.  Reading the friggin' rules, cards and upgrades to get a better feel for their interactions. I'm going to throw down the Peacekeeper in my first 50SS game to see if the Warjack adds enough close range ouch.  Particularly as I plan to keep the Witchling Handler in his shadow.  Then I'll start mixing and matching from the different Guild crews and Mercs as models get painted.

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