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Posts posted by Mikey_C

  1. 22 hours ago, Paradigm said:

    and count as having the peon characteristic.

    I would think as it stands with that wording you would have both stations.  Pg 28 Breaking the Rules. I think it just removes them from participating in many schemes and strats.

    To me "counts as having"  is worded such that they don't lose their current station, if they were to lose their current station you would see a word like "replace". 

  2. If you are looking for outcast masters that utilize the models you already own, Jack Daw has the most overlap with your current selection available. He can use the crooked men the hanged and the drowned.  Leveticus can also hire undead models, but I'm not seeing much synergy with the models you currently own.  The sad thing about Tara's crew box is that aside from the void wretches (as cheap scheme runners) the other models do not translate well into other crews. 


    If you are thinking ressers, you got a decent selection for a Horror Molly build as well. 

    If you are looking to expand Tara a bit I would definitely look at getting a 2nd death marshal as it makes the dead of winter upgrade a more efficient buy during hiring. 


    Just FYI I'm approaching this entirely from an economic perspective of utilizing what you already have. Which is some pretty decent stuff.

  3. 45 minutes ago, SpiralngCadavr said:

    Well, there y'have it, Mikey. Feel like we do almost nothing the same with approaching Tara, remember a decent bit of debate last beta, but looks like there's something we completely agree on.

    I think we represent opposite sides of the Tara spectrum, turns out Karina's popular on both ends. 

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  4. I like Karina. 

    You can pretty reliably count on her summon to happen at least once a game. You just have to remember that any 9:crow or higher BELONGS to Karina (Tara can use her stones if needed). A full ap summoned punk zombie or student can really throw an opponent off.

    I deploy her so that in 2-3 walk actions she can get into cover, and that is where she stays (with Aionus I drop a 6 and she'll get there turn 1). She then uses her gun, and her ability to attack buried things. If she doesn't have any targets (and you don't have the :crow) worst case,  she can double focus and try to summon an autopsy or drop a scheme marker for Aoinus to move around. Late game she can move and drop a schemes if needed. 

    You can also make things near her fast and then beat them near to death, knowing that activating near Karina will kill them. 


    Seems worth 5 points to me. Mind you I usually play the aggressive bury style and don't rely on Tara to unbury things (I usually use the Scion for that). 

    I don't bother with doing much card counting in Malifaux but with Karina I do keep track of the high:crows.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Bodiless said:

    In this instance though Welcome to Malifaux would have meant activating Taelor early so it was up when the spiders were summoned. Then she would have charged and crushed one of them (only one since the spiders arrive simultaneously if I remember how WtM works) and then been left standing right in front of Joss who had not activated yet. Probably after eating a couple of electrical fires and an electric creation detonation. 

    I don't have a picture of the board state so you will sort of have to trust me here - if I had sent Taelor charging off after the spiders I would not have gotten her back except in a box. 

    Taelor can use her 2ap attack action on the charge, so she could wreck one, and splash the rest (note it is not a :pulse, but a "within" so the spiders are hit). Also the charge is optional so if it is just going to get her killed you don't have to move her. Welcome to Malifaux last until end of turn, and she can charge from it even if engaged. So she can prevent the spiders from getting out of hand.

    If you are taking Levy you could take the upgrade to hire undead, add a belle and use it to pull Taelor back to safety. 

    If you opponent doesn't take Ramos she's still good against a lot of arcanist models.


  6. 1 hour ago, bstorz said:

    Thanks for the replies.

    I can't remember the exact wording on Pine box, but believe it is until the burying model is removed from play, takes the action again or fails the WP duel at the beginning of their activation.  If Tara/Hannah do not borrow the action again, the only way their buried model will get to activate is until Tara/Hannah is removed from play or fails the WP duel.  Much like burying Francisco or Papa Loco, the buried model will never "activate" and will be effectively out of the game (barring a WP test each activation or death of Tara/Hannah).  It shouldn't affect the Death Marshal's ability to bury another model since it was only copying the action from their card, not forcing the Death Marshal to take the action, but would prohibit Tara from burying another model due to the way her abilities are worded. 

    If the model was an important model in your opponent's plans, you could mess things up.  Highly situational, but a pain in the arse if it works.

    I don't currently have Hannah ready to play, but can see how that would be much more effective and will keep it in mind.  Thanks Jordon.

    At the start of the pine boxing models activation if it has something in the pine box they do an opposed WP. If the boxed models wins they get out.
    Hannah with her ridiculously high WP is very good at keeping things in the box. Tara is actually worse than a Death Marshall at keeping something in the box. 

  7. You could do that, or just do the pine boxing with a death marshall to begin with?

    Seems like a bit of a roundabout way to bury something. Also, the Death Marshall are better at keeping things buried because they have a higher native WP.


  8. When I play Tara as an Outcast I usually take the theme models and play the aggressive bury / small hand game. I'm a fan of Nothing Beast, Scion, and Aionus. Though I've never taken all 3 at once. I generally play in a style the forces a lot of tests. Nothing Beast, and Aionus are pretty great at this. Tara uses Knowledge of Eternity combined with Dead of Winter to force a lot of essentially TN 15 or get buried tests. Once the enemy hand is low the cheap members of my crew can run schemes with ease.

    As a resser I don't use much of the core crew, just Karina. Nothing Beast does love the grave spirit. I prefer crooligans to void wretches if I'm not playing the small hand / bury game.


    I think if the NB was a henchman it would be OP. NB loves a defensive stance it can tar pit pretty well with a defensive stance and especially with 2. If it could prevent with stones, I think it would rarely die in my games.

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  9. The big selling points of the Scion for me are

    1) that it can avoid damage by burying itself (excellent at bodyguard)

    2) it has some great mobility, (excellent at entourage)

    3) it can unbury things (saves me an upgrade on Tara)

    4) and it has a CA can do 3 damage at 10".


    I myself find the melee attack situational. I do quite like the Scion, though I find it compete a bit with Aionus for a spot in my Tara lists.

  10. 3 hours ago, izikial said:

    I was thinking survivalist to double heal flips, i have looked at Taylor and aionus but they seem expensive combos for what you get.

    so do you not often steal the scions attacks ?

    I believe Survivalist is Leader only, so if you are running a master the Scion can't take it.

    I like Scramble on the Scion, it is expensive but the scion makes great use of it as it also affects the scion's blink 0 action.

  11. The Nothing beast works best (IMO) in 2 situations. 

    1) Aggressive Burying

    2) Playing with a small hand

    If you're not doing either of those, you can probably find a better beater.


    A list I use for small hand and aggressive burying:

    Tara, - Dead of Winter - Knowledge of Eternity - Eternal Journey (<- could swap this out but I like it)

    Karina - Faces in the Void

    Scion - Scramble

    Nothing Beast - Void Shield 

    Death Marshal x2

    Void Wretch x2


    I use this mostly to run schemes and annoy the opponent by draining their hand vs glimpse the void tests. 

    Dead of winter with Knowledge of Eternity can make those glimpse test from KoE essentially TN 15, which generally either buries an enemy model or drains their hand to match mine (only I actually benefit from the small hand). It's not a great list for killing a lot of things though.

    It's fun and thematic if that is your thing.


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