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Posts posted by Mikey_C

  1. Shrubs / hedges planted trees any sort of landscaping really
    Chain link fence or wrought iron fence (any fence with significant "openess" to it),
    Falling water from an overhead eavestrough or gargoyle
    Low clothes line,
    Pile of straw
    Stack of newspapers
    An overturned ruined cart with a canvas covering
    Steam from pipes or buildings
    A stack of boxes of bottles, baskets, market stands
    Bicycles leaned up on a post
    Market Stalls / tents
    sandwich board signs
    A curtain blowing out an open/broken window
    A skeleton in some stocks

    • Like 4
  2. On 9/12/2016 at 9:01 AM, Cedar said:

     He has high Def and Wp along 12 wounds, but his only def ability are soulstones- Beyond your magic is nice, but less effective than incorporeal in my opinion. 

    I would argue that having an extra walk on turn 1 and 2 are a pretty huge defence buff, as it should let him pick the fights he wants to be in. 

    Not to mention he can cast slow which can stop charges, that can be huge, not just for him but for other important models.

  3. 3 hours ago, McSkip said:

    First  rules question:

    When she`s unburried but not activated and killed, is she able to come back in the same turn? If yes, what about if she was already active?

    Activated or not she can come back multiple times in the same turn. 

    3 hours ago, McSkip said:

    Tactical questions:

    1. Better starting burried?

    2. When unburried, immidiately activate and try to kill sth or waiting and try to get "fast"?

    1. I prefer to start Bete on the table, she has a nice anti shooting aura that I prefer to benefit from most times. 

    2. Depends on the situation. Keep in mind though Bete's not a great killing model. She has great triggers though, so if the model she's unburried near hasn't activated yet it can be advantageous to attack right away.


    One last point, I feel Bete best fits in with the non-summoning focused masters (Tara, Seamus etc.). Most of the summoners want to use that 10 you are saving to keep Bete from dying to summon whatever the situation calls for. So I think she works best for a master that doesn't feel hampered by holding a 10+ just for Bete.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Bengt said:

    The last bit of the new ruling for markers "(note that a 30mm model will never be able to block LoS to a 30mm Marker)" doesn't seem entirely consistent with


    In the case of a model blocking a model. When drawing the LOS tangent from attacker to target it will hit the blocking model before the target.
    In a model standing on a marker the LOS will hit the marker and model simultaneously. 

    That would be my guess (and just that a guess).

    • Like 1
  5. I think the reason his belles come in at full health is because when the situation calls for a punk zombie immune to slow so it can flurry, Seamus can't provide that.

    Also as mentioned his summon is a (0) so he can only do it once a turn. Where as theoretically Nicodem could summon 3 punk zombies all ready to flurry.


    Also, even when the situation calls for summoning in a Rotten Belle for a lure both Nicodem and Molly can do that (arguably they even do it better, as Nico's belle isn't slow, and Molly can either reactivate her belle or give it a (1) ap action). 

  6. On 8/10/2016 at 0:57 AM, clockworkspide said:

    I admit I was kinda hoping the Specialist would get something.  Scramble and I Pay Better help a lot, but I'm not sure that I wouldn't rather take Lazarus sans upgrade under most circumstances.

    Until now there have been WAY more threads about people feeling Hans is under powered and that trappers are just better.

    Hasn't been much fussing about the specialist. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Blacks85 said:


    Hard to wound is obviously the worst defensive ability of the game. Sometime, it also increase the odd to have a red joker on damage too

    Also increases the odds of the black joker, and makes it MUCH harder to cheat damage.

    Give me hard to wound over Bullet Proof any day. 

    I think hard to wound is much better than people are giving it credit for.

    Also with this upgrade he's defensively pretty comparable to Madame Sybelle and no one complains about her survivability.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

    Somewhat dissappointed that the Shieldbearers appear to be 6SS. I'll have to really take a hard look at them on the table to see if they are worth it. From the card, I was hoping more like 5SS, but maybe that would have been too good. 

    What if there was a way to make them sort of 5?

  9. Hard to wound is pretty great.
    Especially on a def 6 model. It also eases the burden on his WP4, because now you only need to finish within 10 of the opponent to put them on a :-fate flip for damage.

    He'll still get hit just as often, but it shouldn't be as hard and it will have a much lighter burden on your hand.

    • Like 2
  10. Aionus will almost single handedly solve this problem. The only down side is at 12ss he's not a great pick if bury shenanigans aren't in play.

    Give him oathkeeper and he can lay down HUGE beatings on anything Tara makes fast and buries. He can also remove a burried bette on turn 1 if you have the cards for it.


    Aside from that Tara's biggest weakness is Ml attacks. Against Ml attacks she is just def 5 with 12 wounds. If you can focus on her with a decent beater, you should be able to take her out in a couple of turns.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

    Tara's ability is in effect while she is the target of a Ca action. It isn't a single point in time. Sonnia's ability is in effect when she is targeting a model with Wp 6 or higher. If target's Wp suddenly changes in the middle of the action, she can find herself suddenly targeting a model with Wp 6 even though she wasn't a moment earlier, and her ability will be in effect.

    This isn't a timing issue because both of the abilities are in effect for such a long time that there is plenty of overlap. It doesn't matter which of them kicks in first.

    On that point we disagree. I would say neither ability is in effect until Sonia targets Tara with a CA action. At which point they happen at the same time, therefore use the timing rules to resolve.

    I'm going to leave it at that, because neither of us will change the other's mind.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

    Timing has nothing to do with it.

    Sonnia gets :+fate when the target has Wp 6 or higher. Does Tara have Wp 6 or higher when she is the target of a Ca action? Yes, she does. Sonnia gets :+fate.

    Page 46

    "if two abilities happen at the same time resolve them in the following order"

    Seems like a timing situation to me.


  13. Punk zombies are more useful than the students 95% of the time. You will want at least 1 punk zombie, you don't need the students (student of steel is the only student I would consider summoning and only if I needed to deal with armor). IMO punk zombies are the ultimate goal of Karina's upgrade.

    Drowned can be useful for finish the job, you might want 1 drowned but you could easily do without.

    I would get a box of Autopsies. They are a decent hire (you may sometimes want them over void wretches) and a decent summon when you get a high enough crow for a summon but not high enough for the punk zombie.

    Crooligans are an excellent hire for resur Tara, but an extremely situational summon. I wouldn't bother getting them if you only play Tara as an outcast, and I would summon an autopsy over a crooligan 95% of the time.


    Get a punk zombie or two and get a box of Guild Autopsies. The other things (while nice) you will seldom use.


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