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Posts posted by Mikey_C

  1. Valedictorian + Graveyard Spirit should do a little better than Izamu + Graveyard Spirit, 1 less armour but you can spend soulstones to prevent, have terrifying (all) and can remove triggers on following turns. 

    Also might be worth considering Hanna + Graveyard Spirit as Hanna would strip the built in suits out of their attacks which along with the armour might overcome the attacks. 

    You can also try blocking charge lanes with models that have push triggers on def, like a Nurse or Doxy so they will waste 1 AP when they charge.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, daniello_s said:

    His low Wp is his doom. Single Nurse can keep him Paralyzed whole game. 

    A single nurse is pretty easy to kill. She'd also have to deal with Monty's terrifying which is nice, because her WP is also low. 


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  3. I'm using him as my leader in our local campaign. One game in and he's been a star. Nimble, 3" melee, min damage on the melee attack is now 2, plus his 0 upgrade. 
    He held up a punk zombie, Toshiro and the Ashigaru summoned off the dead punk zombie.

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  4. 59 minutes ago, Sound Wizard Designs said:

    I realize this post was from a while ago but when you say faces in the void on karina do you mean "faces of oblivion"? Or can she somehow get the faces in the void spell now?

    Don't have my cards with me, probably didn't then either. 

    I am referencing her 0ss upgrade that lets you summon horrors.

  5. 20 minutes ago, KrazyIvan said:

    No love for Aionus in current tech Tara?

    Aionus hasn't changed, nor have the Tara changes really affected him.

    So he gets exactly the same amount of love as before the errata (I like him in some builds and schemes).

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  6. Here's a few tips.

    If winning initiative is important The plus flip gets you a

    10+ 52%
    11+ 41%
    12+ 30%
    13+ 17% of the time. So spending a stone even against an opponents 12 is not as bad as you think. 

    In my first activation I try to cheat 2-3 cards. I typically want to have 3 cards in hand by the end of the first activation so my void creatures aren't easy targets.

    I like to tarpit with the Nothing beast, and I really like him to have defensive stance (at least +!). With NB's large base and 3" :melee it can tie up a lot of enemy models.
    Often I will even activate the Nothing Beast first and do this (presuming he is fast from last turn, and already in position).
    1. Discard a card for Defensive +1
    2. Discard a card for Denfensive +1 (now Def+2)
    3. Discard a card for his (0) action. If someone hits NB with a melee NB can hit them back.
    4. Use Casting Expert to make a melee attack. 

    If you make an opponent fast you want to do as many of the following as possible.

    Be within :aura6 of Tara for -2 WP
    Be within Karina's Aura so they have to test or take 2 damage
    Hit them with as many burry tests as possible to try and ruin their hand (if you both have few cards the advantage is yours)
    Or Kill them before they can activate, or steal their fast with the Scion.  


    The last thing I'll mention is that Tara doesn't need to and shouldn't go first just to get reactivate.
    If Tara goes first and a void wretch or Nothing beast (or anything really for that matter) dies because she went first I feel like you've wasted a model permanently.  Also, it can be a really great move for Tara to wait until a model has activated so she can ping it for fast and force 3 bury tests at essentially TN 15 (TN 13 with -2 wp). She can't take that action if there are no friendly models left to activate.  

    Those are a few tip, Tarpitting Nothing Beast being my favourite.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Seadhna said:

    Has anyone tried not going beastie-bomb with Tara?


    like, do a support game with aggressive burying and giving out fast, but without Obliteratiob Symbiote?

    That is usually how I play Tara.
    I posted a list further up the thread. 

  8. On 12/22/2016 at 4:03 AM, Joel said:

    When I used Von Schill this year, I went with a 7 model crew and never felt I had a problem - I went into games assuming I would be out activated initially and adjusted my play accordingly.  If you take the right models, being exposed becomes less of a problem.

    one good thing about the crew was its ability to kill multiple opposing models in one turn, so when it got going it could even the score pretty quickly (in terms of activations).

    my build, to illustrate the balance between hitting power and resilience was:

    von Schill (oathkeeper, scout the field, tally sheet)

    ashes and dust

    strongarm suit (scout the field)


    2 ronin

    hodgepodge effigy

    Out of curiosity why why would you lead with VonSchill there and not say Misaki? 

  9. 24 minutes ago, Mr_Roy said:

    This has got me excited to get tara back out again.

    What do people think would be a good second upgrade for the nothing beast? I was thinking either scramble for the extra mobility, oathkeeper for fast or the bigger they are if show of force is in the pool.

    The Bigger they are would take it to min damage 3 which is the sweet spot IMO.

  10. My default Tara list likely hasn't changed (though it will be slightly more powerful now).
    Aggressive Bury / low card count style. 

    Tara - Knowledge of Eternity, Dead of Winter, Eternal Journey

    Karina - Faces in the Void

    Nothing Beast - Void Shield 

    Scion of the Void - Scramble

    2x Death Marshal 
    2x Void Wretch

  11. 20 hours ago, Kogan Style said:

    I like the Strongarm Suit, with MLH you can give him a bump to Shooting or Melee in a turn. His Shooting attacks WP so Seamus could take advantage of the very likely to hit shots (Sh 9 vs WP) or charge the Quick Murder target (even if tied up b other models) at min. damage 4. 

    Ama No Zako works nicely (if a bit niche) with Drowned. I like the extra obey (or 2 with MLH) and she can keep herself going without the rest of the crew. Ml 5 is a bit of a downer though.

    I take the Freikorps Librarian with Yan lo as an extra source of healing and she becomes the Soul Porter's chi giving target when I need to as the bump to Ca makes her much more likely to hit. Also Nether Flux means that models that charge/get lightning danced into your beaters (Izamu/Yin etc...) lose those nasty auto-triggers, situational but nice to have (especially as its passive).

    CR7 bring some interesting abilities - I tend to favour Lust, but Greed makes an appearance. 

    I second the Strongarm. Especially against Neverborn.  Add in the grave spirit to the Strongarm suit and you've got Arm 4 immune to pulses and blasts. NB also have very few things that ignore armour. It also fun to watch Nekima run away from the strong arm as she'd be min damage 1, and also she'd take 1 damage from the suits (0) ability. 

    I've only tried it once in an actually game but it worked so well I'l be doing it very often if the opponent declares NB.

  12. 7 hours ago, wizuriel said:

    Been debating picking up this: https://www.amazon.ca/Plano-Molding-1363-Graphite-Sandstone/dp/B001TH8P1E/ref=pd_sim_469_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=62E6WD70XPY1XTFZVRWG

    Figure the 2 deep shelves should work for most models and the large inside can work for any really big pieces. Small one can hold the cards and misc game pieces. Just not sure if better to go with magnetic tape then and washers in the bases or try and go with metal containers with rare earth magnets in the models. 

    I would not trust magnetic tape with pewter models. I likely wouldn't  really trust it much at all, those magnets struggle to hold a few sheets of paper to my fridge.

    Get a metal case, invest in 2mm thick rare earth magnets. (bought mine here, at a time when the Canadian $ was high http://www.gaussboys.com/ ) 

    I will not use anything but magnets since I've made the switch. For larger pewter models just use 2 or 3 magnets and you'll be fine. I used magnets for a bulked up warmachine Khador behemoth (pewter not the new resin) and never once had an issue. I used army surplus ammo boxes as my transports and put them in the saddle bags of my motorcycle. Never a problem even when hitting potholes on the highway when I travelled to tournaments. Even models with a single magnet would not spin in place, they always maintained the same facing I had put them in. Since switching to magnets I haven't had any chipped paint. If you want to be more discrete than ammo boxes (and lighter too) you can get tin lunch boxes for cheap at dollar stores. You could get a frozen lunchbox for your Raspy crew.




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