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Posts posted by Mikey_C

  1. A lot of these changes would open the models up to a lot of abuse in certain lists. For example, the strong arm specialist in a Jack crew can be very powerful as is. My opponents already HATE Lady Leiga if you made her harder to kill she'd be too good.

    I do agree that freikorpsmen have fallen behind the curve and could use a little something. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, Jordon said:

    So what generally is everything doing in this list? I take it the NB is there to bring the pain and Karina is there to summon. Is the scion mostly there as your scheme runner? What do you have the wretches and marshals doing?

    Also do you ever find it worth putting fast on models to increase the TN of glimpse?

    What i like about this list is that everything can do multiple roles. 
    Tara can kind of do everything, force bury tests, run schemes, smack around non combat oriented masters etc.
    Karina, usually finds some decent cover nearish the middle of the table and hunkers down to summon, shoot or harm buried things. Late game she can sheme run as she is an enforcer.

    Death Marshals can hit about their weight class IMO with Pine box. They also are decent at running schemes thanks to finish the job. Hard to wound means you don't have to spend much in the way of cards to force your opponent on to - damage flips.

    Void Wretches scheme run and heal buried friends. They can attack buried enemies if they haven't got much else to do. If the Scion is buried they can focus and steal her attack.  

    Nothing Beast usually goes into the middle and give itself defensive +1 or more, and spams out unfocused attacks for bury tests and the odd damage spike if you are lucky. With a 50mm base and 3" :meleeit can tie up a lot of models and be an absolute pain to remove. 

    The Scion you can play really aggressively daring your opponent to attack it so you can just bury it. I use her get buried take 3 damage condition and her attack that deals damage equal to damage the model has suffered (to max of 3). She can also be used to redistribute a buried Nothing beast which is quite great. She can also get a lot of movement out of Blink + Scramble so she can late game scheme run. 

    The conditions that cause damage when a model are buried are really great for Frame for murder which is very common in GG17. 

    • Like 1
  3. I feel like I've been making an offensive bury list work from the get go, but some of the new stuff is too good not to take.
    The general Idea is to make a crew that works well without a hand and then destroy your opponents hand through simple duels.

    Tara - Knowledge of Eternity, Out of Time, Emptiness, Dead of Winter

    Karina - Summoning upgrade 

    Nothing Beast - Void Shield

    Scion of the void - Scramble

    2x void Wretch

    2x Death Marshal

    Tara and the Scion can make getting burried a really scary thing so just keep forcing tests until the opponents hand is wasted. Most of this force isn't reliant on cheating cards for thier own defence so you can give them to a tarpitting Noting Beast. Nothing Beast loves being Defensive +1 or higher and becomes an amazing tar pit with it's void shield.  Choose carefully how to use your offensive cards. 

  4. How to play the specialist.
    1) Deploy as centrally as possibly.
    2) Spend 2-3 AP walking into somewhat centrally located cover that maintains decent LOS.
    3) Keep the strongarm within charge range to kill anything that engages the specialist.
    4) Pull a focus off "I pay better" and shoot things (laugh if that thing is in cover).

  5. 3 minutes ago, Freman said:

    Void Shield on the Nothing Beast allows friendly models within 10" to ignore buried enemy models for the purposes of Glimpse (friendlies still count) and given most of a themed Tara crew has the ability to bury enemy models that's pretty handy.

    Going by memory I think you might have that last part backwards. But I don't have my cards in front of me so I could be mistaken.

    • Like 1
  6. On 3/23/2017 at 10:27 PM, Freman said:

    In Resurs Tara is limited to four Void models

    That's only true if you aren't taking Karina With her 0 upgrade (which unlocks the Nothing Beast and Void Wretches for Resurs). 

    Though if your goal is to use as much of Tara's entire box as possible, I think it runs a little better in Outcasts.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Kadeton said:


    You know who else can ping enemy models for Slow? Nicodem. :P

    When you activate the Nothing Beast first, does it bother you that you're giving up a second Master activation to do so? When I played Tara I often found myself in situations where I really needed to activate another model, and it always pained me to lose that Eternal Moment. Rigid activation order is one of the mechanics that puts her in the category of "too fiddly" for me.

    The Nothing Beast is a total monster now that he's a Henchman, though.


    Sure but Tara can potentially ping for slow 5 times, and cause a TN 13 duel each time.

    It's never bothered me. My way of looking at it has always been "I can get 3 AP from Tara now, but I'll lose the Nothing Beast before it activates and thus lose 2-3 ap anyways". 

    I find that if Tara goes first those first 3AP aren't actually very high quality AP and so I will give them up quite easily. Also, the NB setup lasts 2 turns and if you can catch 3 models in its melee it is amazing. 


    Generally while playing Tara I have 2 goals, get my hand down to 3 in my first activation, get my opponents hand down to 3 as soon as possible. All those TN 13 bury tests often just tax the opponents hand more than actually bury anything.

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Kadeton said:

    What do you find her strengths are, outside of the beast bomb? Other than taxiing beaters across the board, I struggle to think of any area where she's not outclassed by the other Masters. I'd be interested to hear about alternate styles for her!

    I like to do the "offensive burying" thing, though I think that name is misleading. 
    She can ping key models for slow which can really mess up the opponents plans. I play the Nothing beast as a tar pit. I've got the upgrade on Tara for + to initiative flips, and in my first action I will burn 3 cards. If the NB is already in the thick of it I will activate NB first, it will take 2 separate Def stance actions to ditch 1 card each, then drop another card on its (0) action, it will have 1 AP left to make an attack or 2 if it was fast. I would put them both against the biggest threat usually as 2 separate attacks for the bury trigger twice, unless a focused severe could kill it. Now the NB is def 6+ and the wretches are 5+. With the void shield upgrade (and even more so now that NB can spend soulstones) it can be VERY difficult to remove. So now NB has a full turn of def 6+ with :+fate:+fate and the next turn you can activate it late so it continues to benefit from those :+fate:+fate for 2 full turns. 

  9. I like this list quite a bit.

    Tara - Knowledge of Eternity, Dead of Winter, +1 upgrade to suit the schemes/strat
    Karina - 0ss upgrade (forget the name, Faces in the void?)
    Void Wretch x2
    Death Marshall x2

    Nothing Beast - Void Shield
    Scion of the void - Scramble

    Then you'd want 1 punk zombie, 1 drowned and some Guild Autopsies for summoning. 
    Aionus would be my next purchase.

  10. 27 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    It seems that my mileage does indeed vary. IME she rarely gets shot at since it's often such a waste, I extremely rarely dump my hand in order to help the Void critters (though Fast pulse does that for me, I guess), and I usually use Obliteration Symbiote max once per turn and I use mid-sized bombs as opposed to Killjoy or something (I've found Sebastian, Death Marshall, and Carrion Emissary (well, he's big but in a very different way) to suit me better as bombs).

    I do admit that my way of playing Tara is probably a bit different from the mainstream wisdom (but then again, mainstream wisdom tends to rank her very low while I do consistently well with her so I dunno). But that's the richness of the game, I suppose!

    People like to pigeon hole her into being a single trick (beast bomb) master.  I also do pretty well with her and rarely take Obliteration Symbiote. 

  11. 9 hours ago, scarlett fever said:

    I'm fairly new to outcasts and my books are on loan. Do we have passive(ability) options for pinging them for a wound, preferably outside of masters?

    When people are saying "ping them for fast" in this case they are talking about Tara, a master who has an attack that does 1 damage and gives out fast or slow. 

    Outside of masters you could just punch them with a model with a low attack profile and Relent. Use something with a weak damage of 1.

  12. 23 hours ago, Freman said:

    A hilariously bad list might be something like Tara, Karina, Aionus, and all the rest of the points spent on Desperate Mercs. Costing only 4 stones Aionus can make his entourage fast by discarding fives and above, and Tara can poke hers for fast for the cost of a wound. If nothing else it would be losing with style.

    I think add in equal parts Desperate Mercs and Guild Autopsies so the opponent is afraid to spend that last card.

    Tara - Knowledge of Eternity, Obliteration Symbiote
    Karina - Faces of Oblivion
    Aoinus - I Pay Better
    3x Desperate Merc
    3x Guild Autopsy
    Void Wretch

    Turn 1 Tara pings the Mercs for 1 damage and fast, Aoinus can spend low cards to make them Fast, or Focused, or both. Karina summons Autopsies, the void wretch heals them, Tara unburies them.
    Lose with style!


    • Like 5
  13. 13 hours ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

    Not sure of your point, you can say that of any single master in any faction.

    My point is one master will always have to be "the worst in faction". If that's Seamus, then I think all of the resur masters are fine because Seamus still preforms well for me.


    2 hours ago, Mutter said:

    No, because there's a difference between internal and external balance. I assume that's what Mikey_C was referring to.

    Meaning: Not all factions are equal.

    Also this. Compare Seamus to the worst in 10T, Gremlins or Guild and I think he comes out ahead.

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