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Posts posted by Mikey_C

  1. So far from from M2e I've played the Viks, Von Schill and Tara.


    Tara is my favourite to play. She's given me the most interesting games. Either my opponent and I are both thiking "awesome, this is going perfectly" or we are both thinking, "Oh no, this is going horribly". Which to me just makes her really fun to play. The learning curve for her was pretty brutal though, as it certainly took me a while to get the hang of her. 


    Von Schill has been quite solid for me, but in general much less exciting and mush more predictable. The Viks on the other hand have been very swingy. They seem to either win big or lose big and just don't seem to be as fun for myself or the opponent.


    pretty excited to try AvaTara in some more game and expand her into Ressers.

  2. VS has been my main master since M2E. I play with the old metal box, I use every piece and I've only lost 1 game with him. 


    Freikorpsmen have Unimpeded and Reference the field guide.  These are great. These guys are great at snagging objects along the flanks.


    The Trapper, has reposition built in. This is pretty amazing. built in plus also amazing. If I deploy 2nd, I always put the trapper in position to achieve strats or schemes. Also if VS has "I pay better" the trapper is pretty amazing.


    Specialist, this guy is a game winner. If I have I pay better I'll drop cards to feed him focused. All of his trigger are great. I always give him Oath keeper, and have a turn of walk, shoot, shoot, or if my opponent made a mistake shoot, shoot, shoot.


    Librarian, I usually have her hang out near the specialist. Between the 2 of them they can take one anyone. I often give her Oathkeeper as well so she can have a turn of walk, furious casting or walk heal, heal.


    VS, the man himself. He's is great. Upgrades I looks to first are "the shirt comes off", "I pay better" and "oathkeeper". 
    I find VS is better at shooting in general than in melee. I also try to save him for late in the turn when cards are getting low. His reposition trigger is amazing. and a standard turn he can dish out 9 wounds with the gun and move 9" with the triggers (use soul stones or cards as needed).

    Also, VS can't get "stuck in melee" very easily. He can just charge out of melee so long as another target is in his charge threat.

    I play VS himself as a bit of a bully. He takes care of Enforcers and lower while his crew occupies the henchmen and masters.

    Often I'll charge him into a group of minions or enforcers take a couple stabs with his knife and then If he's wounded he rips off that shirt and forces the horror duels, which late in the turn is amazing an has always gotten me a few paralyzes.


    Overall I play a game of denying my opponent points. A high scoring game for me with VS is 7 or 8 points. I don't think I've ever hit 10, but have often won games by scoring 6.

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