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Posts posted by pupshaman

  1. AR isn't a price tag, per say. Understandably, people get that impression, because in general the more powerful a model is the higher the AR is to ensure they are less reliable and therefore a riskier option. However, that is a loose rule, and the AR is in reality the same as any other stat. A model with a low AR is simply more reliable, if they are then a powerful puppet, then that is an added plus. If you ignore Misaki's AR, then she isn't really that good compared to other Sidekicks, her reliability is part of her whole worth. And like I said with Hooded Rider, and Misaki elsewhere, there's always a counter to even the most "powerful" puppet.

    The problem I see, and what I'm concerned for in the long term, is that people will field certain puppets over others because they perceive them as better, leading to a lack of variety in players' toyboxes. Misaki is probably the worst for this, not because she's powerful, but because she's too balanced, she's a very safe bet.

    It's as close to a price tag as there is. As the AR goes up the number of usable cards goes down - that sure sounds like a price to me. In your example, they are more reliable BECAUSE they are 'cheaper' to animate. As Misaki is a sidekick I kind of get it now - she can't one shot a puppet (Alice), or do a powerful ranged attack (Judge), or blip on and off the board (Bete), etc.. My only gripe is Misaki's higher than average defense - it doesn't seem thematically appropriate being that she's all about speed and maneuverability. 

  2. I believe the intended effect is this:


    A puppet moves within range 2 and LoS of Lady Justice, and gains Powerful +1. It then moves out of range 2 and/or LoS and loses Powerful + 1.


    I can understand where the confusion comes from. You'd expect the effect to stay with the puppet until the end of the turn, but the range and LoS is also a requirement for the effect, once that's lost, the effect is too.


    Hope that helped =]

    Yes, thank you, and the other side of THAT interpretation is that puppets animating after Lady Justice who weren't in range+LOS, and then move in to it will receive the buff.. But I do think that this is the intended way.

  3. Can I please get an official ruling on "Under the Bed" - it seems a little bit broken because:


    Her controller will stockpile crows so that she can always go back to the toybox if attacked, and then immediately reanimate again and keep going. I know there are counters to this such as things that don't allow dodging, but should there be one or more of the following?:


    - a limit to how many times she can use Under the Bed per turn


    - a higher cost for Under the Bed


    - a rule that puppets returning to the toy box keep their exhausted token. 


    I hate to cry cuddle, but it seems being able to cycle in and out of the toybox can be abusive.


  4. When LD uses Pep Talk, does it remain on the puppets who are in range and LOS and stay with them for the rest of the turn, or is it only puppets who happen to be within 2 and LOS of Lady justice. The difference is that in the first case, they receive the buff and are then able to move out of the bubble and still have the buff. 

  5. Does Powerful stack with ranged attacks? For example, will an Executioner who attaches the Cork Gun gain Powerful +1 on the ranged attack? Will a Hooded Rider with a Cork Gun have Momentum on the ranged attack? Likewise will Lady Justice's Pep Talk.. 


    Lucky Gremlin's Foot - Does the Precise +1 only apply to the Puppet that it's attached to? I ask because the wording says "a puppet" instead of "this puppet".

    Why is Misaki so cheap, did I miss something?

  6. I just go my PWU base set and want to know which, if any, expansions are must buys before I start assembling the puppets. My concern is that I may assemble some puppets and then never use them, and/or there may be "auto includes" from the expansions which may replace the ones in the base set. This is all with competitive play in mind. Any general list building advice would be appreciated as well. Thank you!

    edit: replace the word "expansions" above with "boosters"

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