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Posts posted by wynnstudio

  1. I split my filler between really small gaps and not so small gaps. Squadron Green Putty for the really small gaps that green stuff doesn't want to get into easily. If you have never used it I would look at some youtube videos or other online howto's. It's completely different then GS and other 2 part materials. Larger gaps I use green stuff and colour shaper brushes to shape and smooth.  Green stuff does not stick to them, no need to moisten your tools

    Instead of squadron green putty you can also use bondo glazing spot putty You can get a tube that will last forever at any auto parts shop and is cheap. Works the same as the squadron putty.

    Last caveat about the squadron or bondo putty. It has a strong odor like an old school magic marker or acetone.



  2. While waiting for plastic ones to come out I made up my own fermented river monks. I used Bushido Kyoaku-Han Crossbowman as the base.  They come without the hands attached making it easier to convert. On one I used hands from the Through the Breach set and the other hands  that came with the minis. The hats are green stuff that I shaped on a plastic bead, left to harden then peeled off and glued on. They will go in my Brewmaster crew I'm building.





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