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Posts posted by Heartfrost

  1. Hi players and makers of Malifaux!

    I would first of all like to introduce myself by telling a story about what happened to me the other day.

    I was at the Swedish Youth Hobbies-Convention MY this weekend. I was there with my organisation show-casing different games, one of them being Malifaux.

    Me and a friend had propped up some small crews (About 15-20 soulstones) to show off, two of those being Lady Justice and Lilith's (They having their own table).

    Two young girls walk up - about 10 to 12 years old - and start asking questions about the game. Suddenly one of them points at Lady Justice and asks: "And she? Who is she? A minion?"

    "No, no! She's Lady Justice! She's the one leading the Death Marshals! She's the boss."

    "Aha. But what about her?" Her friend ask and picks up Lilith.

    "That is Lilith, leader of the Nephilims."

    Both girls looks very puzzled, puts the models and looks very seriously at me:

    "So you mean, they are BOTH the leaders? The girls are the bosses?"

    "Yeah, in these particular crews they are. We also have Pandora and Sonnia over here", and I show them said models.

    Both girls faces broke into big smiles as they as one exclaimed: "COOL!"

    I just wanted to thank you Wyrd for making this game and including so many female characters. In other miniature games I've played the women are hugely under-represented and the few ones who are there are very seldom well-dressed, in leader-positions or combat-oriented. So once again, Thank you Wyrd for giving us these ass-kickin' women!

    Now for my own introduction;

    I'm an avid Lilith-player, loving my terror tots and Nephilim to death <3 That particular crew is slowly but surely amounting to something above a 100 Soulstones now :3

    Next on the list to acquire is the awesome hag Zoraida, together with some Ressurectionists like Kirai and Molly <3 I'm gonna love them to Death too! :D

    It feels great to be here :3


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