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Posts posted by Ghulaf5420

  1. So here is my pledge for January.  Archivist 8ss, Austera and Twigge 7ss, and a Botanist 6ss for 21ss total.  I tested positive for the 'Rona this week, so yay me! extra time to paint, lol!  Archivist has been partially done since December, just haven't had the motivation to finish till I joined the painting challenge.

    As for goals for the year, I just want to get some paint on my bare plastic and catch up on my backlog.  Secondarily (is that a word?), I'd like to expand on my airbrush skills.  Bought a nice Badger over a year ago and I've used it once for the fire portion of my Alt Reva.   Unfortunately, living in Utah and only being able to use it in my garage, I'll be waiting a few more months to give it another try.

    I'll post finished pics hopefully soon, and will add in my two cents on brushes.

    1.22 pledge.jpg

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  2. I'm also a Levi player and I agree Levi is definitely top tier.  I wouldn't say he is the most OP master, maybe tied with a couple others. 


    I also won most of my games with him when I first started using him, but then I put him on the shelf (my regular opponents were starting to complain and I wanted to give them a break).  Now that the other players have more experience playing against Levi, when I pull him out it's not an auto win.  They don't build lists to counter Levi either.  We use the setup steps correctly, and I have four Outcast masters to choose from. 


    That being said, I wouldn't complain about having to pay an extra soulstone for hiring out of faction.  I don't think that's unreasonable.  But then I would want some power reduction in some of those other top tier masters ;) (Looking at you. Perdita and Ramos!)

  3. I had a situation come up during a game the other day:  Taelor had charged and killed Ashes & Dust, causing the Core and Dust Storm to be summoned.  My opponent had forgotten to use Taelor's (0) Welcome to Malifaux (not sure of the wording, but this allows her to charge summoned models in range and LOS until the end of the turn).  My opponent did declare it after though, hoping to be able to attack A&D at the end of the turn.  I went ahead and moved the Dust Storm back into B2B with the Core and Initiated Reformation.  This action reads: "...If the target (Ashen Core) is still in play at the end of the turn, summon an Ashes & Dust into base contact with it...."


    So I guess my question is, which happens first:  the Welcome to Malifaux condition ending, or A&D being summoned, allowing Taelor to charge?  We just flipped for it, and she didn't charge.  I wanted to find out for sure though, because this is an opponent I play often.  He almost always brings Taelor and I'm sure this will come up again.

  4. I would like t o see a follow up vid if you ever got the time. It could talk about counter playing a bit more, luring anchors/waifs away from each other , waif hunting and other ways to kind of play around Levy's style or talking about how  to cope against a master that has so much damage potential and threat range. I try to tell people I play against both before and after games how to deal with Levy and they never follow the advice and just say Levy  op. 

    I second this.  Leveticus is by far my favorite master to play with and I haven't pulled him out in over two months because everyone in my group thinks he is OP.  It would be awesome to have a video to direct them to on tactics to beat Levi.

  5. That's a 45min video, any idea where the relevant remarks are made?

    Just finished watching the video - slow day at work ;) - and the only remarks were at 9:30 and 42:30.  All pretty vague and seem to be referencing an earlier video. He does do a disclaimer at the beginning that he does talk about his personal religious viewpoints and to not watch the videos if it might offend you.

  6. not exactly.


    A duel is defined by what statistic you are using during it.  So when one model uses it's Willpower in an opposed duel, it is a "Willpower" duel for that model.  The other model may be using a Casting stat in which that model is performing a Casting Duel


    What that means is anytime a Vik (either one) is performing an opposed duel and using either it's Wp or Df, that Fates Pariah/Chosen ability comes into play and you check your hand size and apply the rule if the model qualifies.


    Go check out Pandora's card, one of her attack actions is a Wp stat, which qualifies for her push if she wins it.  So she is "attacking" another model with a Willpower flip.  Kaeris (used to) have a Grab and Drop attack from an upgrade that forced the opponent to defend using their Wk (Walk) stat.  So that model was performing a Walking Duel.



    This actually came up in a game the other night for me.  This definitely makes it a little clearer for me, I think.  I had a Vic charge Pandora.  She used the abilitly that lets her choose Wp instead of Df for the duel.  My opponent cheated up to win the duel and Pandora was able to push the 4" away.  At least that's how we played it.  Did we get that wrong?  Should she only be allowed the push for when she attacks? 

  7. Hey everyone

    My name's Ben, I've been lurking for a bit and I'm loving what I'm seeing so far. I have yet to play a game -still waiting on my rule book - but I'm very exited to start. So far i love everything about this game, the models, the fluff, and from what I've seen and read the game as well. Just finished assembling my Victoria's crew and can't wait to play my first game.

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