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Posts posted by cdhay

  1. I'm afraid I disagree with you Bertmac. As a Collodi player I very much wish that a place is a move as you are physically "moving" it and the ability in my mind is created to stop the model being moved at all against there will. But RAW lawyers will argue that it clearly says a placement is not a move. So happy to play it that way until FAQ'd or word from Wyrd says otherwise.


    I can see what you mean in regards to Fuhatsu as it specifically says anything other than walk abilites but Collodi's case doesn't specific that.


    So perhaps it won't work on Fuhatsu but does on Collodi

  2. I asked something similar on twitter the other day with this in mind. It was Lilith Tangle Shadowing Collodi with the upgrade that says he cannot be pushed or moved by the abilities of enemy models. The consencus was that as it is a "place" it isn't a push or move so the ability would not stop them behind transported

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