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Posts posted by renarin

  1. So I've won some and lost some when facing Rasputina.  My losses usually start with loosing initiative and the opponent having amazing cards and easily killing three to four things in a round in her one activation.  I am trying to figure out what others use against Rasputina.  Normally I play Lucius with the Illuminated but they seem to be able to be taken out during that one round of wonder. What does everyone else take, do you ignore Rasputina and focus on schemes/strategies? Any suggestions or recommendations would be appreciated! Thanks!

  2. I play a lot of TT Yan Lo, and I typically will take Tosh with his upgrade and then hire some punk zombies with Recalled Training on Izamu, and sometimes on Yan Lo himself.  Yan Lo can get a lot accomplished with Recalled Training, making it easier to get big pieces engaged with your stuff using Lightning Dance.  But I agree that some of the rezzer upgrades are better.  Also consider taking Tengu with them, they have an amazing regen ability and can be great scheme runners while being able to zero action and get rid of opponents scheme markers. 

  3. I'm reading the card for Sensei Yu and CATV says 


    Once per Turn, during this model's activation, it may lower its Focused condition value by 1 to take a (1) interact action without spending AP.  


    Wouldn't that imply, by saying without spending AP, that it may use it's AP and then, lower it's focused value by one to take an interact action, even though the model has used up it's AP?

  4. So...I am playing TT as my faction and have the Yan Lo box, but my spouse plays Rezzer's and so we both want this figure but they wont play Yan Lo and I am not looking forward to getting another box just for one fig.  Has anyone used an alternative model for this figure until they sell it in an individual box? If so, what did you use? I would love some ideas on what to get them so we can both use them when we are at tournaments and such.


    Thanks in advance!

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