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Posts posted by daddy4count

  1. I am suffering from burnout at the moment myself... 


    Like you, it is more related to 40k than anything else.  I still think it's a fantastic game and I enjoy playing when it happens... but it happens far less often than it used to.  I am in the middle of building several armies that have basically stalled since the yearly price hike combined with the insanity of their releases lately just took all the joy out of it for me.


    Instead of a hobby it feels like a duty... another mortgage payment I have to pay in order to maintain the momentum I had happily built up while things were less crazy.


    Honestly I couldn't tell you if it's the price of everything doubling in the few years since I started playing, or if it is the rate of release and the mass amount of nonsense they keep tossing up for the frothing masses.   Collectors edition what now?  And it's how much?  And there are twelve different ones?  I'm confused...


    The cost of a rule book and codex together is more than I've spent on rules, decks and two crews to play Malifaux!!  


    Maiifaux has kept me going though... there is something refreshing about a fun, unique game with fantastic models that I have always enjoyed.  But combine that with the lower overall price of entry and I am finding that joy in gaming again.  Buy a rule book, buy a crew, go play.  


    Sadly I'm still looking for folks to play with, as most around here have never even heard of Malifaux.

  2. How do you usually paint skin?  Do you start dark and layer up to a highlighted flesh tone?  I imagine it is not different, you just stay in the darker shades.  If you prime black work up with layers of dark then slowly lightening brown until you can do one final highlight in the brightest shade.


    It is the same idea as with any skin tone, start dark and work up to what you want.  (y'know, in theory...)


    I have discovered that sometimes a wash will give you fantastic darker skin tone... over time.  I notieced it on my younger sons space wolves... many of them look more eskimo than viking.  And my oldest son has a decidedly Samuel L Jackson looking Sgt Telion.  


    I'm waiting to see if Lady Justice goes from vanila to caramel before I do my Viktorias.  I think it's the old GW brown wash...  :)

  3. stunning as usual, sir!  I really dig the freehand stars... very well done.  And those eyes... just fantastic.


    I have SDE and initally wanted to paint all the minis... but dang if they don't take a ton of work to get ready for paint.  I stopped cleaning mould lines and such after the first dozen models and just finished slapping them together so we could play.


    Some day I'll break out the hobby knife and putty again and get them to the point where I can color them up... 

  4. It sounds to me more like an issue with adhesion between the primer and color coats...


    Paint tends to shrink when it dries, which im most cases is not an issue... however if the adhesion between lower coats is not strong that shrinkage will lift the coats beneath it.   In the paint biz this is known as "delamination" 


    What kind of paints are you using on the model?  Brand and type of primer, what kind of color coats, etc?


    My guess is that it would have more to do with that than the matte finish itself?

  5. I would suggest treating it like any other light colored paint... start dark and work your way up in layers.  Save white for only the final highlights... 


    As for washes, pierzasty is correct... though after washing you can eliminate unwanted shading by following up with highlights.

  6. I take way too long these days...


    There was a time I could pump out batches of guys by the dozen.  Sadly I just don't seem to feel the same push to complete models.


    I've been working on my Justice crew for weeks now, off and on... still not done.  And I have a Vik crew and some 40k henchmen and Coteaz waiting in the wings...


    I hope to have them completed some day...


  7. another vote for a crew box you like

    As long as the models appeal to you then you're going to have more fun assembling and painting them. Since the concept is that each crew should be well balanced with the others it isn't that big of a deal which one you start with.

    The crew box gives you 30 +/- soulstone size list to jump into the game which you can expand upon later. Or if you decide you like the idea of a different crew down the road you can get that box set too!


  8. I'm new, so take this for what it's worth... but when I started building scenery for my Malifaux board I tried to make the doors more to "scale" rather than accomodate a base size.

    I would think that since there isn't really a rule regarding it you would treat it as any smaller model would.

    And I've seen old western movies where a guy might ride his horse right into a saloon, for instance...

    For friendly play I would say make up a "house rule" but for competition sake I don't think it matters?

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