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Posts posted by laceinit

  1. Hello guys, Rich from Sanctuary here. Many of you will know Sanctuary and many of you will not, Sanctuary definitely has the space and the facilities to host this event. This event is also one that Sanctuary would be proud to host and what we have been aiming to achieve as far as events go. Malifaux is one of our main focuses system wise and will continue to be so, we have supported the community and received support in return. As people have already mentioned Sanctuary is central and easy to get to, we have future plans for the venue and need events like this to help fund them. The venue does get cold yes, that is 100% fact and I will not sugar coat it but part of the plan is to install heated spot lights that will keep gamers warm in the winter months. To do that we need cash and lots of it as it does not come cheap, another plan is for a fully functional kitchen that can provide good quality hot meals. We can get a temp alcohol licence for the weekend and there is plenty of accommodation nearby plus an all you can eat buffet. The shop is also always fully stocked, what else could you ask for?



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  2. Here is the list of all those that have qualified for the Hall Of Fame championship event which takes place on the 24th of Oct.

    Please let me know if you can attend or not, cheers.

    Rulespack, https://www.dropbox.com/s/cwq2fk63g75tj7q/Hall of fame.pdf?dl=0

    Maria Wieland
    Greg Piskosz
    Tim Brown
    Steve Wilson
    Paul Butler
    Rob Smith
    Ross Mason
    Haydn Smith
    Robert Ayres
    Martin Wodehouse
    Luke Cocksedge
    Mark Proudlock
    Peter Sidaway
    Graham Bursnell
    Martin Jones
    Joel Henry
    Connor Barker
    Ben Harris
    Graham Bursnell
    Graeme Nicholls

  3. This event has been overlooked because the post was in the Europe event section.

    Beginners Luck was our first Malifaux event here at Sanctuary but now Who Needs Luck has taken its place.

    Who Needs Luck is a 1 day 50ss ranked tournament.



    Steven Wilson-PAID

    Theo Banks-Red Joker

    Emma Banks-PAID

    Joel Henry-PAID

    Graeme Nicholls-PAID

    Rob Smith-PAID

    To be entered into our Malifaux Hall Of Fame championship and your chance to become Sanctuary champion you will need to place in the top 3 at one of our Malifaux events. Those that have already qualified are exempt and the next highest final standing players will take their place. The winner of the Hall Of Fame will get their name etched onto a shield trophy that will go on display in our cabinet.

  4. This event is the Sanctuary Gaming Centre's own Malifaux championship, all players that have taken part in one of our tournaments and finished in the 3 are invited to take part in this championship tournament for free.


    Whoever wins this tournament will get their name engraved on a shield trophy which will go on display in our cabinet.


    More details to follow.

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