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Posts posted by Mage

  1. Hello all,

    I wasn't sure where to post this, but I had a mispack some time ago. I got in touch with the mispack service who sent me out a replacement. The part was incorrect, they sent me another wrong part (incorrect sword arm in the metal lucius set for the guild guard sculpt unique to that set). This replacement took a long, long time to arrive.

    Between March 5th and 7th I messaged a customer care worker who asked me to send all the information again. I did that and heard nothing back and got no replacement. I sent another email about it on the 8th of July and received no answer.

    I don't want to be that guy, and know the company has limited staff and kickstarter campaigns to work on, but I am very let down by this.

  2. @ Omenbringer


    Purple sounds good, as does red. I have green as a spot colour on my death marshals and don’t want to use blue, I want my neverborn to look a little different.


    I hate working from white primers, but I could do several thin layers of Ceramite white with Lahmia medium (I use the GW paints), or I could use a grey car primer that is a little thick. Otherwise I always work off of GW chaos black. I’m not a fan of Citadel shades though, even thinned with Lahmia medium, and the glaze isn’t great either. I don’t have the Crimson Shade, but I do have the older ink washes and some P3 inks. The shades I have gotten dry very oddly, even with medium. I do not like them, not one bit.


    @ DMEEP


    Is that ‘whatever they are based on’ from the background or just your own idea? Either way it is cool. I’ll be keeping the bases simple enough. Sounds cool with the text.


    @ NAGASH13


    I don’t like the casper effect, but not the actual effect. That would be okay imho for human ghosts, and while I am not sure if Sorrows are evil spirits, daemons, or were once human, I think they should be painted for my own taste in a sinister and unusual colour.

  3. Hi all,

    I've ordered the Pandora crew 'No Shelter here', and want advice on painting Sorrows. I do not want to do them the green of the box art, nor the following: blue (Ice Gamin in my collection are that colour), torquise (as per previous reference), bright green (flames on my death marhsalls are painted that way).

    That still leaves me with many colours to work with, but I want them to looking suitably ghostly, to stand out, and use colours on them I am comofortable with. I do want to do them in a bright glowing ethereal style.



    Red (which I find hard to do well) - do them in a fashion after a red sith force ghost (think the end of Return of the Jedi, only red instead of blue)

    Purple/Magenta - still not sure how to pull this off to look cool enough

    Any suggetions to expand on this, or to paint the above examples accordingly? Please don't suggest yellow. I hate painting yellow.

  4. Well, he's in plastic with the Ramos crew? Sounds like a good excuse to pick it up down the line.

    Also, picked up a silent one yesterday in a store with a 50% discount. Yeah!

    PS: Also got some Ten Thunders archers for Mei Feng, even though this is an Arcanist thread. There was limited stock in the store, but I am happy with my purchases.

  5. @ Poulpox


    I didn’t realize that! Oops…

    Guild Guard and Austringers soud good. The hounds ain’t bad.

    @ Fetid Strumpet

    Austringers sound good.

    @ Uktena

    I do like the new Sonnia set, but will hold off buying it until I get my Lady Justice crew finished.

    @ Sharp_GT

    Good to know they offset some of the crews weaknesses!

  6. @ Limelizard

    Sounds like one of those harpoon helljacks from warmachine.

    @ Fenton Crack

    That’s one long post, thanks! I’ll check that thread out when I have time and not hungover.

    Snowstorm sounds awesome rules-wise, I already like the model, the fact he seems to fill in the weakness gap of the crew being slow is icing on the cake.

    Hate the model of the blessed but will see about converting it or finding an alternative. What is Wyrd’s position on conversions and parts from other companies at their official events?

    Still so much I do not know, good to know what all the models do like the Silent one being a mini Rasputina.

    @ Uktena

    I’m open to suggestion, and it does appeal to me! No Gremlin players yet but if I am successful getting the game off the ground with my group then there will be. Frozen food!

  7. I'm new, and this thread has one along similar lines in the arcanists section. I don't have many mini pics up or a high post count, and haven't gotten a game in yet, but am gearing up for my next round of purchases.

    So, I have primed the Lady Justice set, and have read a few threads started by fellow noobs, and there is great tips on improving Lady J herself as well as the questionable value for cost on the scales of Justice, and the taxi-ing with the death marshall coffins.

    I have yet to get the arsenal deck, and the next things to get are a fate deck and smaller rule book.

    Things I am thinking of getting next with my budget is:

    Guild Riflemen

    Exeuctioner model (is that the right name, the fat guy with claws)

    Another Judge

    Sonnia Criid set

    Also, I hear those bird throwing guys are good. Auru-somethingers. Austringers?

    Any thoughts/tips/pointers? I really know so little about the game, but I'm approaching Malifaux differently to other games: get armies painted before playing, have a good and playable (not waac overpowered), and have everything ready to go before starting (cards in sleeves, rules, tokens, etc.) as in general I have a disorganised approach to hobbies like this.


  8. @ Fenton Crack

    I am looking to flesh out Raspy. I might leave Mei Feng for a while. Forgot to mention that I picked up the original Ice Golem and that Acolyte of December, which need priming. I’m more looking at expanding Rasputina and the faction in general, but from reading the posts it looks like one is better off sticking with their crew’s theme.

    I like Mei Feng but might leave her off for a while, but what you say about Ramos is tempting.

    I am tempted by Snowstorm, but I would not attach the horns and simply green stuff over the gab. I don’t like the Blessed of December sculpt, but I do like the silent one.

    @ BeastieMR

    The model of Kaeris is tempting, as I do want the Fire Gamin. I like the idea of gunsmiths but the models are a little fuggley.

    Darn, there was a shop with two sets of ten thunder archers have price… live and learn I guess.

    @ Tograth

    I already wanted Snowstorm, but all the encouragement is making temptation too much. Is there a resculpt coming out for the Cerberus? I heard in the early days of mki the Cerberus was quite potent with Rasputina.

    So the Snowstorm, Blessed and Silent one sew up the gaps in the crew. Food for thought.

    I have picked up the Acolyte, just checkdc out the molemen and they are ugly models...

    I’ve been down around north cork a couple of times, but with the storm weather and flooding I saw on tv in the city I decided not to head into the city. Any Malifaux going on at Warpcon? Can only make it down one day, the Saturday. I remember Paddyfaux, checking my work roster I am…off the entire weekend, unless there is a shift change affecting me in the next couple of days. I don’t have time to do vassal stuff at the moment with the apartment lease being up in a month.

    @ Gorbad

    Yup, I am starting to think I never mentioned the December Acolyte in my first post – it is a lovely sculpt. Thanks for the tips!

  9. I'm new, and don't have many mini pics up or a high post count, and haven't gotten a game in yet, but am gearing up for my next round of purchases.

    So, I have painted the Children of December set, and an additional blister of old metal ice gamin. There are some metal gamin for wip on my painting table, but I am going to have them as part of a future Mei Feng army (perhaps) so do not consider them as part of that army list.

    I got the arsenal deck, and the next things to get are a fate deck and smaller rule book.

    Things I am thinking of getting next with my budget is:

    Essence of Power (could work in a couple of different playstyle lists)

    Silent One

    Fire Gamin

    Snow Storm

    Rail Golem

    Mei Feng set

    I also have some Guild models on my shopping list, but that is for another thread, at another time, in another section of the forum. Also, the plastic ramos set is growing at me. I didn't like it at first, but now I do.

    Any thoughts/tips/pointers? I really know so little about the game, but I'm approaching Malifaux differently to other games: get armies painted before playing, have a good and playable (not waac overpowered), and have everything ready to go before starting (cards in sleeves, rules, tokens, etc.) as in general I have a disorganised approach to hobbies like this.


  10. I need to copy and paste this material into a file and save it.

    With my metal Gamin, I think the rule cards that came with them are obsolete, not sure. They differ in style and bordering to the cards that came with the Children of December. I need to get rules cards or something that are up to date I think, maybe in an 'Arsenal' card set...

  11. Sounds like I need to get the rulebook and plan some purchases, post Christmas and painting up my current sets, that is…

    @ rythos43

    Hm, an excuse to buy Mei Feng and a Rail Golem? I can live with that…

    I don’t know anything about the rules yet, so thanks for the advice.

    @ Madjackdeacon

    Interesting, sounds a little like that Mei Feng walking out of combat is a little similar to Makeda with Molik Karn in Hordes with the ‘yo-yo ing’.

  12. Hello everybody,

    I have not picked up the rules yet, mainly because I don't play with non-painted models anymore. My first purchase for this faction was the 2E plastic Children of December set.

    However, I picked up the metal Gamin models, mainly because I like them. I also like the Rail Golem, and have an inkling they might work well, but again do not know for certain.

    What would be a suitable crew to run with them? I'm not looking for an OTT power-gaming combo that will usher in a new age of butt-pain, but don't want to get something that does not mesh/gel/synergise with them.

    Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated!

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