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Posts posted by Century

  1. Hello everyone,

    I thought I would introduce myself here by posting my Rotten Harvest entry. I painted Miss Terious and was very happy when I read it won both first in its category and Best of Wyrd.

    This is only the second Wyrd miniature I've painted (the original Rasputina being the first) and was initially disappointed when I opened the box as I felt the actual model didn't seem as detailed as the render. Once I got into though I was happily proven wrong as the details started to come out nicely.

    I was trying for an old west graveyard /boot hill feel to the scene. The cactus was a last minute decision as I had originally tried sculpting a dead tree, but that went horribly and the cactus was all I had on hand to replace it with. The gravestones were from a GW skeleton sprue (with the superfluous skulls removed).

    I probably won't be posting too much here, as I don't paint a lot of Malifaux models (I primarily paint and play Infinity). I plan on picking up the Hired Swords box with the credit I won, so I will definitely post them here once they are finished.

    Below are some pics of my entry. They are the same ones from the contest, just a bit higher quality as I don't have to contend with the 300kb size limit.




  2. For me the model seems to lack a focal point. There isn't a particular part that grabs my attention, being rather homogenous in colour and contrast.

    For contests in general, and especially for ones that have public polling, there are always going to be results you don't agree with. I've been on either side of this, losing when I thought it was a lock, winning when I thought I had no chance. People don't vote simply on technical skill, their personal biases play a large role. It might come down to, no matter how well painted it is, people simply not liking a model, and there's not much you can do about that.

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