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Posts posted by Elessarion

  1. Hee hee hee I never thought of the NiN song. Might have to make it a theme song for So'mer :D

    Speaking of So'mer:


    I absolutely cannot take credit for the paint job on this guy - I bought him on EBay along with the rest of the crew. I've tried (rather unsuccessfully) to match my painting to this standard. One day....







    So the Bayou Gremlins were the smallest minis I had painted up until that point and they kind of make me cringe a bit now, I can see so many things I can do better. But I'm leaving them as they are - it's kind of fun in a way to compare later models and see how I got better as I learned new techniques :D

  2. So I thought I'd ask you lovely people if you could help me out with a challenge my friend has presented me with.

    He plays Dead Man's Hand on occasion, and whilst he has plenty of mounted cowboys, he does not have any horses in his livery stable. He's trying to find 28mm standing horses (with no saddle, bridle, etc) that he can base up and either stand in the stalls or out in the corrals.

    We're both stumped - we can find dead horses, standing horses with tack, running horses with tack, running horses with no tack, armoured horses....you get the point.

    If anyone knows a good place to find these then I would be very grateful!

    P.S. We're in the UK so whilst I am sure he's not opposed to buying overseas, the delivery/import costs will most likely be too much for something that's essentially just for fluff.

  3. Thanks guys! I'm picking up my prize at the weekend - a £10 voucher to spend in our LGS. I think buying more paint is in order!

    A couple more random piggie models!



    For Gracie, I had a go using the new Technical Paints again, to make the metal dirty, old and rusty. I get the feeling Gremlins are not too fussy about keeping stuff looking nice.



    The Warpig was another very early mini I painted. I figured that these would not be the nice, happy, pink piggies you see in picture books, so I went for a more brownish colour on the skin.

  4. I'm Eless and I'm from Somewhere Near London in the UK. Malifaux is my first ever tabletop game and I started playing and painting last March.

    I play Gremlins as my main faction, being only about 5 foot 2 I have an affinity with small angry things. I also play Viks because swords and have also got Leveticus, Hamelin and Lord Chompy Bits/Dreamer.

  5. I'm Eless and I'm from Somewhere Near London in the UK. Malifaux is my first ever tabletop game and I started playing and painting last March.

    I play Gremlins as my main faction, being only about 5 foot 2 I have an affinity with small angry things. I also play Viks because swords and have also got Leveticus, Hamelin and Lord Chompy Bits/Dreamer.

  6. I love, love, love that Hamelin model! I'm getting ready to paint some sewer bases and I wonder if you'd be kind enough to share how you made the icky sewer water look so good? I see you used the Nurgle Rot but is it just mixed with the Still Water and painted straight onto the undercoat, or did you paint the water first?

    Fantastic work though! :D

  7. I love, love, love that Hamelin model! I'm getting ready to paint some sewer bases and I wonder if you'd be kind enough to share how you made the icky sewer water look so good? I see you used the Nurgle Rot but is it just mixed with the Still Water and painted straight onto the undercoat, or did you paint the water first?

    Fantastic work though! :D

  8. Yeah I do use a Matt varnish (Humbrol Matt Cote brush on) and for some reason one batch of minis I did towards the end of the pot came out a bit shiny. They don't look that bad in person, the camera flash does make them look a lot worse than they are.

    Since I started a new pot of varnish (I live in a small flat with no garden so it has to be a brush on) this problem has gone away. I can only think either I didn't shake the old varnish well enough or it went a bit funny as it got near the end of the pot.

    But thank you again for the kind words - it means a lot for someone who's really new to this hobby to hear that they are getting better!

  9. Yeah I do use a Matt varnish (Humbrol Matt Cote brush on) and for some reason one batch of minis I did towards the end of the pot came out a bit shiny. They don't look that bad in person, the camera flash does make them look a lot worse than they are.

    Since I started a new pot of varnish (I live in a small flat with no garden so it has to be a brush on) this problem has gone away. I can only think either I didn't shake the old varnish well enough or it went a bit funny as it got near the end of the pot.

    But thank you again for the kind words - it means a lot for someone who's really new to this hobby to hear that they are getting better!

  10. Thank you all for the kind words and the painting tips!

    So next up on the painting table were the Gremlins. I started with the larger models as I was a bit daunted about painting the teeny little gremlins themselves:




    The base for McTavish was also my attempt at building my own base for a mini - it came out really well! I've not really done much in the way of conversions or scratch building yet but I'll get there.


    Lenny was a blast to paint! Got a chance to practice my shading/highlighting a little (I've got better at it since this mini was done) and he's just such a loveable big lug.

  11. Thank you all for the kind words and the painting tips!

    So next up on the painting table were the Gremlins. I started with the larger models as I was a bit daunted about painting the teeny little gremlins themselves:




    The base for McTavish was also my attempt at building my own base for a mini - it came out really well! I've not really done much in the way of conversions or scratch building yet but I'll get there.


    Lenny was a blast to paint! Got a chance to practice my shading/highlighting a little (I've got better at it since this mini was done) and he's just such a loveable big lug.

  12. Dark Sphere is an very awesome place - especially the new location. So much room for tables and stuff! Sadly it's about an hour by public transport for me to get there and as my unemployed at the moment, the cost as well makes it a bit too much to do on a regular basis.

    There's not much of a Malifaux scene where I live sadly, but I might have to see if I can change that...

    Thank you for the heads up on the Woking event though, I'll check that out!

  13. Dark Sphere is an very awesome place - especially the new location. So much room for tables and stuff! Sadly it's about an hour by public transport for me to get there and as my unemployed at the moment, the cost as well makes it a bit too much to do on a regular basis.

    There's not much of a Malifaux scene where I live sadly, but I might have to see if I can change that...

    Thank you for the heads up on the Woking event though, I'll check that out!

  14. So a couple more pics of random Outcast minis:


    I'm not wild about the paint job on Hamelin, but he was the most complicated mini in terms of detail I'd attempted up until this point.







    I'm happy with how the Gunslinger turned out and I'm also quite pleased with Sue and Miss Demeanour, they don't look quite as shiny in person as they do in the picture!

  15. I have a bunch of minis from a Kickstarter which arrived just before Christmas, I think I counted up about 40 odd. They're all undercoated and are awaiting some very bright colours.

    I picked up a Dreamer crew on Ebay and a friend of mine bought me Teddy. I also managed to get a Hamelin starter box which needs painting.

    For Christmas I also got a pack of 3 plastic Death Marshalls to use with Tara. They, along with my Tara crew are based and awaiting undercoating.

  16. Hi there!

    My name is Eless, I live near London with my flatmate and a hyper cat.I got into Malifaux (and the hobby in general) in about March last year.

    I tend to play Outcast and Gremlin masters (much Ophelia love!) but I've also picked up a Dreamer crew because gribblies are awesome.

    And as this is starting to feel like a bad dating video I'll leave it there!

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