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Posts posted by indigonegative

  1.  Meaning just a piece of his base has to be 6" from the Dreamer and with Chompy's Ht4 it will not be hard to have LOS to him when you place him.  This helps alot getting him to his target.


    I hadn't thought of that. I've been playing on Vassal and I forget about the effect of height on LOS. Had Chompy on the table recently and he was REALLY hard to hide though. HE was in some 2" ruins and couldn't get cover for anything.

  2. I'm with Ikvar. Two of my three Masters are Dreamer and Collodi and I'd really like to see both of them shine. Not sure how Dreamer would work with better fate but hey, that's how it goes.

    My other master is Kaeris but unless you proxy a lot, many of her companion models aren't available yet.

    Thanks for the show. Better luck next time.

  3. Whoah. Wait a second. On the trick Myth offered  at first interpreted it that:

    Lazarus assimilates My Will, then targets Collodi with it. I guess that's legal. Collodi can't target himself with My Will because it targets "other" models but Lazarus can target Collodi with an assimilated version of My Will.

    Regardless, if Collodi needed to transfer one more AP with plus flip  to any other model on the board, Lazarus can help.

  4. OK just to clarify because only one guy at my FLGS seemed to get this (and it wasn't me):

    1. you can walk or charge through engagement zone with no penalty so long as you aren't within the opposing model's engagement range when you declare the action, even if that model was within your engagement range

    2. you can move within an engagement so long as you won't leave

    3. if an opposing model charges you and has a 3 inch engagement range he can stop up to 3 inches away and still strike you and you are still engaged. however you aren't limiting his movement due to engagement and you can't hit back unless he is within your engagement range. if Executioner stops 3 inches from a fire gamin the gamin has to take a walk before using its claws. it can't charge because its engaged though so it will only get one swipe.

  5. Hans' Goggles ability allows him to ignore auras which affect LoS.

    Stitched Together's Creepy Fog creates a Soft Cover aura.

    can he ignore it?

    Rule as intended - yes. that's the kind of petty thing a super sniper can cut through.

    Rule as written - Soft Cover is granted based on LoS but doesn't have an effect on LoS. it only affects attack flips.

    I also see damage and duels resulting from auras in the FAQ can be ignored if models ignore auras. but this isn't a case involving damage.

    So does Hans get to Ignore Soft Cover in this case or not?

    This would be the same for Hodgepodge Effigy's Mist aura.

  6. we just set the date for a Malifaux event at Pops Culture Shoppe in Wellsboro 16901. here is some info from the Facebook post by the shoppe:

    Pop's Culture Shoppe

    3 hours ago near Wellsboro, PA

    Black Friday Shoot-Out – Malifaux Event

    Be a Henchman for one dark day in the steampunk world of Malifaux.

    Friday, Nov. 29: 10:00am – 6:00pm

    19 Soulstones

    Deployment: Standard

    The shared Strategy for all games that day will be: Turf War

    The available Schemes (each player must choose any two per game) will be:

    A Line in the Sand


    Plant Explosives

    Protect Territory details

    Take Prisoner details

    Enter by responding with the faction you will play in the Facebook post. Crews must be led by a Henchman. You must have the chosen models in hand and mounted (at least temporarily) on official-sized bases in order to play them. No substitutions allowed without permission from moderators and host. Painting the model is not required but is encouraged. Note: If you do not have a crew yet but have read the rulebook, there will be a limited number of models to borrow for the day. If you haven't read the rules, stop by and see how much fun a character-based, Victorian horror shoot-out can be!

    Malifaux 2nd edition (M2E) rules only, using current stats (as printed in the rulebook/Arsenal cards for Wave 1 models, as printed from the latest beta version for Wave 2 models). As a reminder, Henchmen may have up to two upgrades and Enforcers may have up to 1. For other rules in hiring a crew, see Standard Encounters in the Malifaux 2E rulebook.

    You may use any 54-card poker deck, or official Malifaux deck from Wyrd games, during play. The only requirement is that the Red Joker and Black Joker are clearly distinguishable. Be sure to bring tokens or some other method to represent conditions and wounds on your models.

    If you cheat (other than Cheating Fate, as encouraged in the rulebook) you will be disqualified.

    The time for each round (full game) in the event will vary depending upon the number of entrants. Suggested time in the rulebook is 30-45 minutes but beginner games often take twice this long. If time allows and there are enough players, there will be three rounds. Setup will begin promptly at 10 a.m. for the first round. Please let us know if you will attend so we can plan accordingly. Moderators will set up maps and/or terrain for each table before the event starts.

    To Participate: Declare your chosen faction by Nov. 25. Submit it by responding to the Facebook post.

    Victory Condition TBA. Match times to be determined after the 25th.

  7. This is clarified in the FAQ, by the way. No one gets credit for kills by conditions ... or falling for that matter. That means Kaeris cannot earn victory points through Ignite, Message From the Union or Grab & Drop UNLESS someone on her crew deals the final wound directly.

    Also, in another blow to the "Eliminate the Enemy Edition" mentality, a RAW interpretation says no one gets kill credit for burying Lord Chompy Bits or Bad Juju (so long as Eternal Fiend is on).

  8. Thanks so much for the clarification of how incorporeal and flying models change height.

    Do unimpeded models have a similar advantage? RAW I would say no because Unimpeded grants a boon for severe terrain and height does not mention "severe" although they have a similar 1" to 2" cost.

    It just seems that "Unimpeded" models such as Cojo should be able to scale a mountain without slowing down. It's hard for me to visualize how Death Marshals and Samael Hopkins are Unimpeded in the same way though.

  9. Kind of a N00b question but I don't see a thread near the top and don't see it spelled out in the M2E book.

    in 1.5, you could only cheat fate once per duel per model.

    how many times can you cheat fate in 2.0? Is that rule still in effect or can we go back and forth until both players pass?

    ---------- Post added at 10:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------

    Looks like this was answered early on: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?46307-Cheating-Fate

    " It does not return to you. One chance to cheat only, whoever was losing initially first."

    "You get 1 and only 1 chance to cheat."

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