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Posts posted by Rekeiji

  1. I like the idea of the slightly more random pairings, maybe something like 'The Specialists' (Hans, Johan and Bishop) or the more obvious 'Rats' (Malifaux rats and a Rat King) or even one I wouldnt mind - all the effigies in one set. Sure there might be a few models you dont want right at this very moment but we all know you will soon enough.


    I came to Malifaux from Warhammer and 40k and I know it sounds snobby but when I see people complaining about spending a bit of money (having to buy multiple arsenal deck for example) I start to wonder what hobby youve been playing.

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  2. 1. I've only just got my head around reading blogs its going to take at least another year before podcasts penetrate my sphere


    2. Well so far theyve managed about 80-90% of the Wave 1 models (the main rule book) have been upgraded to plastic. Theres still a few odds and sods but most have at least been seen now. Unless Wyrd pick up the pace we wont see all of Wave 2 (The models in the recently released Crossroads book) for a good 2 years.


    3. On the one hand Warmachine has a relatively simple dice system but a lot of the time you'll be looking to the reference section of the book for things like what the little foot icon on the datacard means. It does that same thing Warhammer does by having loads of universal special rules that can get confusing without cheat sheets. 

    Malifaux, on the other hand, has stripped its main rules section to the bone - nearly all the special rules are printed on the character cards.


    As for the mature themes, well I don't know about the US but over here the kids already know all the words by 10 and the Rotten Belles can easily be rebranded dancers instead of prostitutes. The only model with her tatties out is Zoraida and those arent going to stir the loins of even the most pubescent boy.

  3. I very much doubt you'd be able to buy the Steamtrunk separately because it can only be used with Von Schill. In fact the only totem that doesnt have to be with the master it is packaged with is the Student of Conflict. 


    If you want a good proxy I've been using this one http://elementgames.co.uk/wargames-and-miniatures/micro-art-studios/discworld-miniatures/discworld-miniature-luggage-1 It has the additional advantage of being the Luggage

  4. Tbh I think theyve just given up on hard dates for Malifaux. A lot of retailers caught a lot of flak for the slipperier-than-a-greased-gremlin release dates, especially the ones that use Paypal so take the money with the preorder instead of dispatch

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