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Posts posted by Palermo9

  1. The crew overall looks pretty good, will use it interchangeably with the boy crew from 2e.

    LCB though... The art is actually cool, a Malifaux non-tech version of the Mancubus from Doom. But the 3d model is, honestly, abysmal. It is hard to believe this model was made by the same person as the rest of the crew (maybe it was not). Everything that makes the art disgusting (in a good Malifaux way) is lost in translation. Like, overweight yet muscular body and weird positioning of the top pair of hands both just feel off. The spikes on the model could have been tacked on by my three-year old. I hope there is still time to fix the model, or else it's either the attic or lots of green stuff modeling for me.

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