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Posts posted by Ayleron

  1. The Wild West Exodus minis look like the will be right at home in malifaux as well, I just don't know when they will not be in "pre-order" status anymore.

    Remaining on PP models, some warjacks are good alternarive look for some M&SU or Guild constructs.

    They will possibly cost less too, like in the case of the railway golem...

  2. I love Malifaux but I seem unable to stop myself from inserting some of a different styled look with it. I am currently building my first teams and I am adding to them from other companies. I picked up an Allister Kaine to swap in for the male gunsmith, and I am eyeing some sword knight grunts from privateer as well. I was thinking/planning of getting some jetpacks and adding those on and using the "rocket knights" as molemen who fly instead of burrow. Same cards, same rules, just different look. Does anyone else use a little creativity to make the game their own?

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