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Everything posted by Severino

  1. Yeah, there's a few of the alt sculpts still online, but I'm really after the original. That said, might have to pick up the alt. It's still better than the plastic. On a related note, saw the artwork for m2e Kirai today. Let's just say I'm glad I already have the metals
  2. Just finished assembling the Scales, Judge and Lady J from my new m2e box, and my fears are confirmed that the new Lady J is... very small. Seeing pics of the old box set, she looks up there in size to the rest of the crew, and she definitely has a very imposing (yet sexy) pose, and the hair is amazing. I always wanted to own that crew, except I was a stone cold Resser and hated the Guild on principle The new plastic doesn't look like a master. If you didn't know anything about the crew, and just saw them lined up I think most people would say the Judge is the master and Lady J is the totem or Henchman. Not only is the model scale quite small, they put her in a croushing pose that makes her look even smaller. So this is all just my opinion, I'm a little disappointed, but at least I can just go and buy the old model, right? It appears I'm not the only one who feels that way, as trawling the internet for the last hour reveals that 90% of stores are SOLD OUT of the old Lady Justice model and even the whole original box set. There's one on Amazon, but it doesn't like Australians for some reason. US online retailers also hate Australia and want to charge $50 to post one blister. Wyrd store is of course out of stock. At this point, I can only hope that Wyrd releases an alternate plastic sculpt that is more in keeping with the old style model. I also hope they can bring her scale more into line the other models to stop her looking like a teenager (with weird hair) and more like a badass. P.S. If anyone wants to unload an old Lady J on me, in any stage of painting and/or assembly, drop me a line Please (:| I has munny.
  3. Thanks zFiend, luckily I have the Bete model waiting for a coat of paint and I've been meaning to try her out. Seems like I have to be carrying that 10 card at all times, or risk losing an expensive model. I'll try that list out and report back. Here ya go IamW: Last game I ran: Nico: Decaying Aura, Necrotic King, Undertaker Mort: Shovel, Bloat Sybelle: Not too banged up, Bleeding Tongue Rotten Belle, Canine Remains, 6 ss cache. My opponent: Lilith: Living Blade, Obsidian Talons, Wicked Mistress Barbaros: Fears Given Form, Rapid Growth Nekima: Rapid Growth, Nexus of Power 2 Tots, 4ss cache Last game I had we decided to swap crews, since it was becoming boring winning against me so easily. What do you know, I won with minimal effort, and my friend was even lucky with cards/summons the whole game. Basically just moved my blob of doom straight up the middle massacring the hapless undead minions that were powerless to stop me. Nekima and Lilith both died, but I easily accomplished all my schemes and got full vps for the strat. I really want to love Nico, but it seems he got N+E+R+F+E+D in m2e. Decay cast through vultures and summoning used to be my mainstay, and now they just don't cut it. I realise that all masters got N*E*R*F*E*D in some way, but the changes they made to Nico deeply affect his core play mechanics imo. Perhaps this opinion will change after I try a hanged. My original statement still stands that against such powerful mobile models as Lilith possesses, a Nicodem crew is severely disadvantaged when it comes to achieving objectives. EDIT: Got replies while typing. @Cats, that's really good to know. I'm using some printed scheme/strat cards that I got off the forums, and several of them seem to be missing crucial bits like that. @Tiny, thanks for the in-depth feedback. I'll try and address everything: * We always announce our schemes. Seems silly not to for the extra vp, especially since the pool of 5 makes it quickly obvious which ones you've chosen. * Mortimer was within 1" because Nekima flew in that close. After everything was dead (she nearly so) and she had flown off to "safety" I lured her right back in with the Belle and finished her off. I had used a ss on Mort, but he had taken wds from Spleen and BB already so was quickly finished off. * The Distracting point is moot now, thanks to Cats Laughing. * Decaying Aura: Fair enough, but I considered the upgrade slot on Sybelle to be more important with only 2. I usually find Nico isn't such a target for the enemy being so tough, and he's usually within 6" of the frontline anyway. * At this point I'd like to say, instead of assuming I did something wrong, imagine circumstances that arrived at the conclusions I have given you (despite my best efforts to avoid them). It's impossible for you to fully fathom the intricacies of the battle unless you were there, or I upload a video batrep. I'm here for advise, so instead of questioning all my actions, instead give me general tips to overcome the scenarios I've presented. Hope that makes sense *"I'm struggling to picture..." see above point *"Why exactly?.." see above. * The Turf War scenario played out exactly as I said. Lilith was nearly dead, and so moved deep into my back line behind terrain to plant the last evidence marker where I could never hope to reach her (she moves 18 frigging inches a turn). She also lured my two models out of the 6" inch radius to deny me the vp. I realise wasn't killing me in that instance, instead she denied me the vp while achieving her own objectives. How would you have dealt with that situation? *"What are you spending ss on?" - summoning flips and Df/dmg prevention flips. I find I burn through ss like crazy to get that extra crow. The rest of this point I know, I just find that the Resser minions I've used are just not that good, even when within 6" of Nico. I've also found that more models makes for a very Fate Hand dependent crew, and I find myself without a hand about twice every battle. * Lilith's Wicked Gaze or whatever it is is also Ca 8 (double Mask) AND it does auto 3 dmg if I run into terrain. Against my low wp minions, it's quire a lot more brutal than Lure I've found. From my earlier post, I usually end up piling in on Nekima becausee I NEED that many models to take her down, and I really don't want her around regening, summoning tots and growing them. I usually get engaged in melee Turn 2 (depending on objectives) due to the insane mobility of Lilith's beatsticks, and that means I have Lilith, Barbaros AND Nekima to deal with with whatever half-health things I managed to summon that turn. I will try the list you've posted, but from my experience, and after playing as Lilith, my friend and I both agree it's a one sided match up (I won, and that's the first time I've used Lilith). Unless the hanged are super-awesome-wtfbbq-roflpwn amazing to rival Nekima, I doubt I'll be using Nicodem for much longer.
  4. Just looked it up, so it only heals one wd now. I guess that's a big change. Had another game today. I played my hardest, never made a mistake, had decent cards the whole game. Got stomped. 'Bout ready to ditch Nicodem at this point. Here's what happened: * We played Turf War, I chose Distract (big mistake) and Kill Protege, my opponent chose Kill Protoge and Plant Evidence (great, killing something and moving somewhere). *I managed to kill Nekima (Protege) Turn 3 with the Belle after luring her and getting a good Pounce, but not before she'd killed Mortimer for Kill Protege with Black Blood and brought Sybelle and a Punk down to 3 wds a piece from BB also. She also summoned a Tot from it. Nekima would've died even earlier, but Nico was out of range for Decaying Aura and she healed 6 wds. *Most of the game was spent with me Distracting guys, and then having her remove it before using Nimble to re-position somewhere inside the Turf War radius, or simply killing my models and then removing one of the distracts before the end of the Turn. (I need two models distracted to get anything, how annoying). *Meanwhile Lilith zoomed across the board planting evidence in places I had no chance of reaching. When I sent something fast to remove the Evidence, she moved in and killed them. She also spent the second half of the game behind LOS blocking terrain and luring my low wp minions away from the Turf marker with wicked gaze. (Seriously, she doesn't need LOS? Total BS). * Also, Barbaros kept any models that managed to get close enough to the Turf marker away by knocking them back 4" every time he hit them. By the end of the game, he only had 3 models, but that was fine because two were claiming the Turf the whole game, and the other was Lilith the Untouchable. * At the end of the game, BANG she gets 3 VPs for plant evidence, while I had struggled the whole game to get 2 VPs from Distract, the stupidest scheme ever because by the end I did'nt want to kill his models to prevent Turf War because then they wouldn't be Distracted > I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. Lilith just seems to be a powerhouse on her own. Nicodem is supposed to have utility from summoning, but once I used all my stones he can't summon jack without a high crow in hand, and even then they come with half wds for some reason. I'm also ****ed that I can't summon a Rogue Necromancy unless I have the Red Joker. Never even used that model before, and I likely never will now. The Belle was pretty useful this game, but unforetunately Lilith can do the same but better. I will proxy a Hanged next game and see how it goes, but if I get stomped again, I'm afraid it's back in the box for Nico. Also, can anyone recommend a 40ss crew that could stand a chance in my situation?
  5. Ok, so last game I used a Rotten Belle... worthless. I can see how they would be really usefull... if I actually managed to lure something. All the nephilim seem to have at least WP 6, and since all my high cards are going to summon things, I generally don't get the cards I need to do anything else ie. Lure, hit/damage things. I haven't won my last 4 games now, it's getting depressing how easily Lilith stomps me I also got absolutely murderd. Strat was Reconnoitre, I felt confident of winning that one, and was on my way to doing so. Unfortunately, Lilith had Assassinate and Outflank. Basically the Nekima/Lilith/Barbaros pain train rolled straight into the middle of my crew. I had one change to kill Nekima with all the 2 punks that I raised, Canine remains, Mortimer, Flesh Construct AND Sybelle. Basically she used soulstones, and because of some upgrade, ended up healing 2 wds each time, while all my guys got shredded by Black Blood. She also had some upgrade that meant every time I activated, I had to pass a TN14 Df duel of take 3 dmg. Needless to say, I did not kill Nekima, she survived with 2 Wds, but I basically killed all my own guys clustered around her. Lilith finished off what was left, including Nicodem, and all I had was a Necropunk, Belle and Canine remains that were trying to accomplish my schemes and strats. At one point, the Belle was in a good position to Lure Nekima away preventing the TN14 duels, but failed. From then, my hand was drained dry trying to keep my guys from taking 3 Wds, and after that I failed miserably at everything I tried to do. Decaying Aura definitely would've been helpful, I'll be taking it next time. I'd like to try Nurses and Hanged, and Killjoy looks awesome too, unfortunately these new plastic kits have me holding off on buying any minis until the new sculpts are released. So to recap: * Basically I need all my high cards to summon things, therefore I don't have high cards to cheat duels or dmg or do anything else unless I just get a lucky flip. * Black Blood - I usually end up doing weak damage, and I NEED multiple minions to take on Lilith/Nekima/Barbaros so they're all conveniently clustered around to get dmgd. I could try healing my blob with Decay, but they I'd still be triggering BB. * Whatever that upgrade is that makes me take TN14 duels or take 3 DMG - this drained all my cards pretty quick just to keep my guys alive. So annoying and useful. What do I get? Some ability where the enemy has to start AND end their turn within the radius or take TWO dmg. So frustrating. * Lilith's mobility - in one turn she can cover half the board. Given that the deployment zones are usually 12" out anyway, this gets scary fast. In mobility based schemes, I get boned. Don't even mention Deliver the Message. Nico has a decent Wk now, but I need him to sit behind the line buffing and summoning. I really wish Decay didn't get cuddled like that. He has no offensive ability. Appreciate the help guys.
  6. Ok, I need to try out Belles. I've had some success with Necropunks, but they don't tend to fare well against Young Nephilim who oppose them. Also once again, if I split my forces to go after objectives, I get eaten alive by Lilith and Nekima while Barbaros roams around beating up anything else. I find I literally need my whole crew in one spot just to stand a chance at defeating them. Meanwhile a couple of Tots or Young go around achieving schemes and strats. And what the fudge happened to Decay? I remember it used to be good at actually killing things. Now Nico is pretty impotent at killing things personally, while also being worse than 1.5 at summoning. The Wk buff was nice, but unecessary, and also removed some of the fluffyness of the miniature imo. He has a fake leg and a cane for crying out loud, Wk 3 made sense! Max cache 7, didn't even realise. So they cuddle stone power AND reduce cache? I can't fathom why they made that change, since you'll be needing more stones than ever now. Also I re-read the summoning rules. Essentially my summoned undead minions require the right suit + a high number and come in with half health, while Tots and Young come in with full HP and only require something to have died... me not understand :S
  7. Greetings all. I've started playing Malifaux again after M2E rekindled my interest, and being a long time fan of Nicodem I've started up with him again. I only played a few 1.5 games with his starter box, vulture and canine remains, so I've never had much experience with him. I'm having major problems winning games, and it seems to boil down to the overall mobility of his crew. I realised that his hordes of undead aren't very effective unless they're within 6" of Nicodem for his aura, and that means going around in a big blob. This doesn't help me when I have to contest objectives scattered over the whole board. Breaking up my force means they get destroyed piece-meal. I also noticed that a lot of the schemes involve either lots of movement, or hard to complete multi-step objectives, or both. I'm specifically having problems agains Lilith as my primary opponent. Nekima is an absolute beast in combat. I have to marshal my whole crew to defeat her, which due to Black Blood leaves my whole crew severely injured, plus she's been chaining Grow off of Black Blood kills to grow up or summon Terror Tots. To add insult, she only drops one measly Corpse Counter now. She'd sure make for one massive Mindless Zombie Also, one time I managed to poison Nekima with Fling Rot. Big mistake. Not only does regen negate the dmg, but now every time she activates among my crew it triggers Black Blood shredding all my guys Any scheme that involves killing a model is no problem for Lilith + Barbaros + Nekima. Likewise any scheme that involves movement or deploying scheme markers across the board is also no problem. Nicodem just seems like a really stricky Master to use, while Lilith and Co can just roam around facerolling with ease. The couple of times I did win were because I managed to get the high Crows in my hand needed to summon a flesh consctruct/punk zombie or two and just out activate her, which happens rarely. I'm also annoyed at how they changed soulstone use. Spending a stone just to get a positive flip is bogus, you should get to choose suit as well. At least before you could cheat the right suit and then add a card. Now you could spend two stones and still be unsure of pulling off a summon. tl:dr Having trouble against Lilith. Trying to mob up on Nephilim = death by Black Blood. Getting out manouvered when it comes to schemes/strategies. Please help! P.S. We're playing 40ss. I usually run Nico (Undertaker, Laugh, Necrotic King), Mortimer (Shovel, Bloat), 2 Canines, Vulture, Punk Zombie, 8ss cache. I've got Necropunks, new Seamus box, 2 Constructs, Iron Zombies, Grave Spirit to draw upon.
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