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Posts posted by fupersudge

  1. The OSL on that death marshal does look great (not usually a huge fan of OSL, a bit over used at the moment I think).

    I did want to stop in and mention, though, that while windex does make a pretty good thinner, it's important to be careful when spraying it through an airbrush. Aerosolized ammonia can cause respiratory issues/infections particularly if you're doing it a lot. Wearing a good respirator when airbrushing and having good ventilation are just generally good basic things to do, but even more so if you're going to go with windex or any ammonia based liquid really.

    We all have to die sometime!

    Seriously though, I keep my window open when I airbrush. I really should start using some kind of airbrush medium though, I hear it works so much better.

  2. I have finished quite a few crews, still don't have one of my own though. I actually don't have any models of my own for anything... :(

    Seriously your work is great. I will eventually go through all the pages of this, interested to see what else is in here!

  3. Things you will need.


    -A model

    -A sexy outfit

    Things that help, but are not needed

    -Flow improver

    -Wet pallette


    Okay so you have some models that are base coated for the most part.


    What you are going to do is airbrush in light coats with a rough 3:1 mix of thinner and your chosen color. Airpressure is not super important, but running your compressor on a low pressure helps. I use around 8psi I think.

    So what you do is you airbrush the glowing object and everything around it that the light from said object would touch. You can angle the air brush as well so the paint lands on the spots light would touch so it makes things a little easier.


    So now you have basically what you want. So lets make it better! What I do is mix a darker version of the color and dilute is into a wash with some flow improver added into the mix. Throw that wash on the airbrushed areas and wait for it to dry. Then highlight from the part of the model that would have the most vibrant light and do lighter and lighter layers the further from the source you get.


    Wooooo OSL is now complete.


    ( I photoshopped this picture so that only the glow from the dagger is in color )

    Notice how objects that have the color are brighter the closer they are to the subject and then get softer and just fade back off into the grey. Also notice how there is shadows behind the areas the light hits. Seems pretty simple right? Well it is, and its even easier once you get some practice in.

    You can do a model from primed to finished with nice OSL like the model on the right in a couple hours this way. The OSL on that model started off with the same green as the Stalkers above. Just to get a idea on how they are going to turn out when finished as well.


    Hope this helps, if anyone has questions I will try my best to explain.

  4. Before airbrushing the base color for OSL




    Then you just use darker shade of that color super diluted like a wash and then highlight accordingly.


    ( I photoshopped this picture so that only the glow from the dagger is in color )

    Here is a reference picture to kind of show how the light should fall on the model coming from whatever is glowing. Notice how objects that have the color are brighter the closer they are to the subject and then get softer and just fade back off into the grey.

    So you should dilute your paint more and more and use a lot of layers to do this smooth fade to your models base coat.

  5. can you explain a mini step by step for your OSL you used on the eyes? its one of the next tricks i want to learn with my airbrush and yours came out so nice i'd like to hear how you did.

    I will make a small write up about it after I get these models shipped out. I have another crew that will require it so I can explain it as I do it on them.

    SERIOUSLY love your work on Dark Debts crew!!! :)

    did you use airbrush or something? the OSL and blending is mindboggling. Very vivid.

    I do use airbrush a little bit. A lot of my OSL is done by brush after airbrush. Like Mentioned above I will make a small write up on how I do it. As for other blending, I do not use airbrush. I only really use my airbrush for priming and OSL. Sometimes base coating depending on size of model and etc.

  6. No progress? That is sad. But school is more important, so I understand. Plus, if I was painting the, they would still be in the "primed" phase.

    Haha, yeah school is what slows me down right now, but I still manage a decent turn around. Should have the models back in the mail this upcoming week.

    Your technique is really inspiring for a fellow small time comission speed painter.

    So many little tricks you can learn to cut down on time. Just keep at it and you will get faster and better with time.

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