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Matney X

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Posts posted by Matney X

  1. The emberling is pretty bah till you notice it's a significant wk 5 incorporeal minion. He is probably one of the best models cost/effectiveness for scenario purposes being able to skedaddle to a flank easily thanks to the incorporeal and start planting scheme markers. Also, dropping a scrap has given Mei Feng a good pivot once in a while.

    I almost never take the Emberling -- when I first started playing Malifaux, I started with Mei, and since I came from 40k I didn't know I should focus on VP and not just killing, and he proved to be nearly worthless in the kill-game. I did use his scrap ability more than a few times to get Mei over gaps or around hazardous terrain.

    He may require another look.

  2. Will be boxed up in the next 5mins :) Just remember the books are heavy so we use myhermes or collect+ so not quite as fast as the RM, but you should still have it by the end of the week.

    We always (apart from the odd stock error) keep the stock accurate on the store, the whole reason we setup valiant was being fed up with ordering items and not getting them because of stock errors, so we dont take pre-orders, and only place items on with stock we have.

    We are building up the M2E stock at the moment but should have all the new stuff on the store by the weekend.

    thanks for your orders

    That's a great policy. Do you know of any US vendors that do things the same way?

  3. So, there's the Iron Quill and painting / terrain comps... but there's nothing for those of us who want to write Malifaux music.

    I can't be the only one, right?

    I was thinking today that we should have a monthly music-writing comp, as well -- ranging from purely instrumental to songs sung around the Malifaux campfires; modern instrumentation and period-accurate orchestration; waltzes written for The Guild and pieces written about specific Masters / Henchmen; pieces written about fluff, including the Iron Quill... And, for when Through the Breach drops, the soundtrack to our RPG.

    I'm willing to head this up -- I already have probably a year's worth of themes / constraints in my head -- but first, I'd like to gauge interest.

    If there were a monthly music writing comp focused on Malifaux, would you be interested? Would you write music for it, or just listen?

  4. They'd also open up a whole IP nightmare doing that. It's not a simple 'oh, let's let them take our fluff and produce a free ebook, they won't do anything bad'. It sets precedent, and that's not a good thing.

    Right, I wasn't suggesting that it's a GOOD idea. I was only suggesting that if manpower is the issue, there are almost certainly [fully qualified] people in the forums that would do it for cheap or free, and happily abide by whatever legal contracts they'd have to, simply to have the product be available to everyone.

  5. Gamin, Rail Workers, and Steam Arachnids, with Joss as your beatstick. (Like I said above, I focus on Railwalking) Reconnoiter wants you to have more models in a quarter than your opponent, and Gremlins are already going to win in the "Who has more models" game, but you can get close (He can have 13 Bayou Gremlins vs your 10 Gamin (if you don't take upgrades or Joss)). Joss can put down AT LEAST one gremlin a turn, and he'll drop scrap tokens that you can use to get Mei where she needs to be to drop another one or two. Use Gamin and Rail Workers to control your starting quarter(s), and the Arachnids to get in his. Ice Gamin and Rail Workers can limit his mobility a lot, too.

    Also, Joss' upgrade is particularly effective in a crew like this because Mei is the only non-Construct on your team, and he'll likely not have ANY.

  6. I've only used Vapomancy once, and it was for the Pressurized Vent trigger. I don't remember the exact circumstances, but considering the way I play Mei -- set up a ladder of constructs, Railwalk in, auto Jackhammer kick, attack a second time (ideally with another attack triggered), and then Railwalk out -- I seem to remember I had lost my rail line out some time during Mei's activation, so I went for the third attack and triggered Vent Steam.

  7. Mei Feng has some movement tricks, but I'm not sure how popular she is in your local meta. I'm the only person playing her in mine.

    The thing I'm seeing between your Marcus and Jakob crews is there isn't a lot of model crossover. If you took Mei, you could run Ramos with the same pool of Arcanist Construct models, and if Hoffman keeps the ability to hire constructs outside the Guild, you could run him as well.

    Unfortunately, your two Masters don't have much model crossover with ANYONE, as far as direct synergy goes, so it's tough to say "Just pick up X and use your existing models."

    In the mean time, proxy every master you can -- between Jakob and Marcus, you most likely have every base size available -- and figure out which boxes you want to pick up. Then watch for deals on eBay, Bartertown, and the like. (I saw the Marcus box, NIB, go for $15 USD not too long ago on eBay, so deals exist.) Metal models clean up a lot easier than plastic ones do, and with the new plastics coming out, people may be dumping their old metals.

  8. Just as the title says, how do you say Mei Feng's name? I've read that it's supposed to be more similar to "May Feng(with a short E sound)" than "My," but most people still say "My Fang (with a long A sound)," but I've always wondered what is correct.

    Also, taking Bai Ling as an example, is Mei Feng's "first name" Feng, with the "Mei" surname?

    (Sorry... it's early, and I shouldn't be internetting before coffee.)

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