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Posts posted by hypoking

  1. 12 points, cost of angry drunk is another issue in itself.


    Model does look extremely pretty. If that's reason enough for somebody to play it than more power to them. It'll give them more to brag about if they can pull out a win.

  2. If you want a beat sick Sow is better 4 times out of 5, especially with Brewy and his willpower chicanery. If you want a fast objective runner, man take your pick, we're playing gremlins. Hell, take two you can afford them for the price of the wgolem. If you want a fast-ish tank that can bring pain and heal itself, nut up and bring Gracie. In a vacume its an expenisve but inoffensive choice, held up against the rest of the faction it just doesn't measure up.

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  3. I suppose if you want to use the golem for some reason now would be the time to get it. Prior experience would indicate the actual whiskey golem wont be released for another year +. Seems like its going to be another nothing beast. A big impressive model that's not to impressive on the table.

  4. Sometimes I forget that Australia's a goddamn continent. You see it on maps and it looks like this cute little island in the corner of the world. You think, awe it wants to sit at the grownup table. You forget that the place is big enough to swallow a decent chunk of Europe, the states, whatever, and filled with things that are probably trying to kill you while I'm lost in thoughts like this.

  5.  Well, if you don't want "Take X" then it's beyond help. Taking MotLR is a good choice no matter who you face (and imo, so is Chiaki). Condition removal is pretty important to have in a list, despite who you face.


    I hear everybody saying this but i just don't see it. It's nice to have but it's not exactly like you can't leave home without it. Top of my head I can point to maybe one game I've seen that was won by virtue of condition removal.

  6. The model's are beautiful. They really are. There's a lot of character in the gremlin sculpts. I'm actually a big fan of the new Somer sculpt, it's dynamic in a way that the old one was really lacking. None of that however, makes up for those miserable ankles. It doesn't make up for the model's just not fitting on the bases they came with. It doesn't make up for components that will break almost inevitably. It doesn't make up for having to refabricate parts out of greenstuff because the components packaged in the kit just were not working.

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