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Posts posted by hypoking

  1. Actually, I'm not sure you would get as far as the movement. Sidir can intercept the charge on the original target, which can be an make the charge impossible, which hits up against the 'this model must end the move with the target model within its engagement range or this action may not be taken' clause. Illegal charges just don't exist in mk2. Being able to complete the charge successfully is a prerequisite for resolving the ability in the first place.

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  2. Don't sweat it man, this conversation's been derailed for a while now.


    Then clearly I should change my stance about Devour being an overpowered mess against Gremlins since they clearly shouldn't have brought a baby seal to a batting contest.


    See, that's the thing. I sure as hell don't like seeing a lot of devour when I'm playing gremlins but I don't think devour is over powered in general. I think its extremely annoying, and indeed groan inducing, when I lose key models or even a full health master with one ap on a minion. But when I'm throwing my own models around with toss and shooting into engagement with Ophelia that's just the bitter you have to take with the sweet.


    Bad match ups happen. There are effective counters to most tactics I can think of in this game. If a list is skewed almost exclusively towards a single tactic which the opponent can readily answer, any game is going to look one sided. Shot in the rear happens to be an extremely effective answer to one very specific tactic, ie lists that do nothing but spam cheap psuedo survivable objective runners. Its not any different in that sense than dropping Kirai or Wong to deal with armor, or Levi to deny your opponent full points from assassination, or any of the dozen solutions people put forward to deal with belle spam.

  3. Corn husks didn't slip through the beta. The devs were following and tweaking the upgrade up until the last update where it saw a cost increase.


    20 points worth of models being able to spend an effective 9 ap to remove three scheme markers doesn't sound game breaking, it sounds like dedicating half a crew exclusively to scenario play for a turn and reaping the rewards.

  4. Agreed. Sonnia and Mcmourning are both excellent summoners because they sacrifice no tempo to get their mooks on the table. Sonnia will burn resources like its going out of style but she's not wasting any ap doing anything she wouldn't already be doing. Mc Mourning just bleeds dogs and fleshies as the game goes on and he goes about his business.

  5. Ball o' death can be something special. Against certain builds its just unfair. If your opponent's crew consists of almost nothing but models that the sow and other pigs can reasonably kill in a charge, like a Ramos spider spam list or a Somer Bayou factory, its pretty much gg at deployment.

  6. Ok, I'm with you in the no On The House without Brewy. I'm trying to find something in the rules for illegal actions and I'm coming up short to make sense of the rest. What is your rational for the action defaulting back to the original after failing the duel, reaching (metaphorically) for On the House and not finding anything.


    Closest parallel I can find in the rules is Set'er Off, but that only comes into play if the charge would have a legal target.

  7. Sesnei Yui can use the Discipline action to use Brewmaster's Drinking Contest action. Drinking contest forces models to take the (1) on the house action, which most models don't actually have printed anywhere on their cards. With Brewy this isn't an issue as standing near enough to the grem to be in the aura will grant them access to it through a second aura, but Yui doesn't have anyway to grant access to the action. So what happens when a model is required to take an action they don't have?

  8. Other than Ulix rampages?


    Brewy tops it. Obey some poor shlub to punch her, botch the terror check to paralyze your target and just for kicks and giggles let the sow punch somebody, not even necessarily your target.


    Z can pull off the same trick but with Brewy's superior ap multiplication and debuffing he takes the cake.

  9. They try at least. I love to grouse as much as the next guy but lets be clear here, the folks running this game aren't a bunch of finger steepling Monty Burns types plotting to screw over their customer base in some shadowy board room. That's just silly.

    • Like 3
  10. So by now we've all seen the stats for Hobo McFister and his gang of magical murder tramps. First things first, it should be acknowledged that their inclusion was a great surprise. I was blown away when I heard there was a shiny new master hidden away in the pages of crossroads. It was a ballsy move to release another master out of the closed beta after Tara and just hearing about it made my day. I love that the devs of this game of ours can still spring surprises on us like this.


    The fluff behind Hobo is awesome. I love the whole Mickey Mouse nostalgia meets corporate Disney corruption with an added layer of filth thing he's got going. Honestly, he made for the first Tyrant that didn't seem like a convoluted mess of metaphor and nonsense. Its a great concept and, some glaring tuning issues which I'll be getting into shortly aside, its very well executed.  Got to admit the design on some of the mooks seemed a bit more scatological than I'm comfortable with, looking at the chocolate gamin in particular, but its nice to see a little bit of the old whimsey back in m2e.


    The unfortunate thing here is that rules look broken beyond all belief. Now there are going to be people out there who think I'm rushing to judgment. I may well be, I'll admit I haven't had time to put him on the table, but there is just something clearly off about McFister. Some of it could be put down to just typos. I mean, just looking at the damage spread on Trash Fire and you can see where maybe the range got mixed up with the week damage. Maybe a 0 got left off of Trusty Pete's ss cost.


    Try as I might though I can't come up with a reasonable explanation for the rest. Summoning off of the nugget condition is ridiculous with how easy it is to stack combining Rubber Glove and Proctology Exam. There is just no justifying the triple damage trigger. Its not like he had trouble putting people in the ground with his baseline stats, with it he's just running up the score. The Bindle of Doom in particular makes about a dozen match ups unwinable for the bargain basement cost of three stones.  I'm not being facetious here but I would honestly love to hear how a master like Leveticus or Pandora could be expected to go up against that monstrosity of an upgrade and not get tabled by the end of turn three.


    There's a lot to like about McFister but I'm struggling to think of how he fits in the game without breaking it in half. Maybe somebody's thought this through better than I have. Maybe the next few weeks will prove me wrong on this but I kinda doubt it. I'm honestly starting to think the game might be a bit better for everyone if he and his crew were removed from future printings of the book. So what do you guys think? Is there a way to fix or beat Hobo and his Shantytown pals?

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  11. OK, so outside of summoning, what do you do with Kirai then?


    See, this is why I like Unforgiven + Swirling Aether. Combination turns Kirai into the happy middle ground between Nicodem and Perdita. If you don't want to summon you can port into position next to a seishen and proceed to pump three damage minimums into whatever catches your fancy with long range, non randomizing, ca 6/8 attacks.

  12. Look I think if we all put aside our differences for a few minutes I think we can all agree that Hobo McFister is clearly bad for the game. Trash Fire alone is going to invalidate a number of playstyles with how easily it just takes models out of the game. This says nothing of the other Shantytown crew members, who are, frankly, disgusting in more ways than one.

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