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Posts posted by hypoking

  1. 'You sing of young gods easily

    in the days when you are young;

    But I go smelling yew and sods,

    and I know there are gods behind the gods,

    gods that are best unsung


    And a man grows ugly for women,

    and a man grows dull for ale,

    well if he finds in his soul at last

    Fury, that does not fail'

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  2. Honestly, as charge-bey it would still be a solid ability. Its not like the rest of hunting bow's bad either, I mean that's a sweet gun even if Ulix has difficulty finding a nice open place to shoot from. The everlasting rampage bit does push good taste a bit in certain match ups.


    So we're clear though, does anybody have any problems with the Sow other than this particular bit of synergy? I only ask because if something ends up happening here I would hate for it to happen to the wrong model.

  3. I say this as an Ophelia player, she's a seal clubber.  She's a good intro master who'll teach you some valuable lessons in regards to threat ranges and applying force. She's got about zero tactical depth though. She runs the same upgrades and the same models and uses the same tactics just about every game. If she's the reason you're going green, you'll have some fun for a few months. Then it'll start to occur to you that every bloody game you seem to be playing is the same last the last one.


    If you want a master who wont bore to you tears go with Yan Lo, model has tons of options and his big gimmick is that he can flip between them in the middle of a game.

  4. To clarify, you're arguing a Sidir deflected charge could move a model its charge in any direction?


    By Your Side bypasses range and los on the initial targeting action. Engagement range is a passive statistic on the attacking model, unrelated to the charge action. The charge action itself has no range. It has the fairly convoluted stipulation that all charges must end in punching distance, but that's not the same thing and nothing is served by saying it is.

  5. Ok, think about it like this. Model A declares a charge against model B which is on the extreme edge of its charge range. Sidir steps in at this point and makes himself the target of the charge, places himself behind model B and outside of model A's charge range. As Sadir is now the target of the charge model A needs to end the charge with him in punching range in order to meet the requirements for charging in the first place. By Your Side ignores los and range but it doesn't rewrite the targeting model's cg stat and it won't give him the mobility necessary to end where it needs to in order to complete a successful charge in the first place.

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