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Paul W

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Posts posted by Paul W

  1. Great! Glad I could resolve the Settings page issue. 

    To add multiple models at once swipe from right to left over a model to bring up a counter.

    I don't have anything in place that would interface with a printer. I have plans to be able to export Collections, game results, etc, but that's pretty far in the future.

    Thanks for that, go tit now. Once again thisis a brilliant app keep up th good work - hopefully the folks at Wyrd will reckognise your tallent here

  2. Hi there, just downloaded the latest version on to my Acer A1-810 and I can now see the settings so that seems resolved. kust going to continue entering the rest of my collection now, is there a way to add multiple models ( ie 4 x Clockwork traps)?

    and can I send any of these sections to my printer?




    PAul W.

  3. I've been playing with this app all day, having a great time! Very nicely done, I am looking forward to the planned features.

    I am running on an Acer Iconia A1, only thing that does not appear to work is Settings I just get a blank page is this because it's not done yet or is it a problem with my machine?

    Keep up the good work

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