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Posts posted by Findas

  1. selling kaeris crew 2 gunsmiths, 3 gamin, rail golem, iggy (firestarter proxy) and proxy for her totem all well painted and on resin bases including 12 custom 30mm burning or scheme markers. uk based pics on request want £40 including postage willing to negotiate.

  2. thank you all very much for the good advice, i have had another game this week and it went a little better although i took 7 points of upgrades and only the one that upps defense was any use at all. i still don't understand the upgrades but i think i understand the crew a little better.

  3. i agree that me being bad at this game does not make it unbalanced i just think other masters have very powerful combos and i have no idea where my crew gets its power and what its good at. i also agree that it may be a good idea to try the crew with no upgrades but as my opponents will not do the same i don't think i will play without them. i don't mind loosing but if it happens and i cant see any way i could have won it annoys me.

  4. ok so i just plain got it wrong i have yet to find any combos with kaeris that actually work! i find this very frustrating, i was told kaeris is fast but last game i played against Mc Morning and he was able to get 16" of extra movement a turn that's a couple of inches less than her base movement! 


    i don't understand this game and i don't know why, people say its balanced now but i didn't have a chance against my last two opponents.

  5. i don't seem to understand the upgrades and how they work.



    i played a game last week and took the upgrade that heals things which have burning on then i found out it doesn't work on the fire gamin or the rail golem and this week i took the grab and drop upgrade and when i tried to use it on turn one to get extra movement by picking up the rail golem my opponent pointed out that the wording says "enemy model" so i couldn't do what i was trying. 


    also what's going on with the purifying flame? it has an ability to remove immunity to burning on models close to it does this make the gamin and golem take damage from burning and if so why?


    i was told that malifaux 2.0 is easier to understand than the 1.5 edition but all i am finding is that things never work the way i think is it me or is it that the crew i am playing is very complicated?

  6. ok guys this has been a very informative discussion. i have kaeris starter and i am going to pick up iggy to proxy for the firestarter and a fire kami from bushido to use as the eternal flame (unless you have a better suggestion) , unfortunately i have a very limited budget and i would like to know what i should get next?



    so I'd strongly suggest (from one new player to another,) find a first crew that you think you can have success with. Forget the look of the crew, the fluff, and pretty much everything else and just select something following K.I.S.S. that you think you can paint fairly easily, learn fast and start winning with soon.


    you'll be much less likely to have fun and keep playing if you select a really hard to paint crew that takes forever to get finished, then takes a lot of losses and facepalming before you have an even chance of winning with. 



    No no no and no, i am not the sort of player who can forget about the look of the models and just play to win. i have the kaeris box set fully painted and i enjoyed doing it. and finally my problem with kaeri's crew isn't that i can't win with them its that i don't understand how they are supposed to work.

  8. if i am totally honest i don't know what i want to play


    i have only had a couple of games with kaeris and i just found the way her crew works with burning frustrating.


    i found it hard to put out burning and it was pretty underwhelming when i did, i have only managed to use the hard way with gunsmiths once (and he killed a ice gamin with 2 wounds left) and i have tried to put out burning so kaeris can go last and do some damage but it never worked and i have never even managed to use her immolate spell.


    i am trying to work out if its the master i don't like or if i just suck at the game.


    so tell me what the other options are and why you like them.

  9. Hello all


    i have been trying to get into M2E and well i'm not sure about the game. i think the problem i am having is that Kaeris just ain't for me, i'm not sure i like the way i have to manage everything cards in hand, action points, soulstones and burning. i like the arcanists or the idea of them at least and i understand that they are a very diverse bunch and for me i would like to stick to a theme.


    i guess my question is: who is the best arcanist master and why should i play them? 

  10. right so this i what i have worked out so far:

    the markers produced by flame wall and killing a model with immolate are not terrain but they are hazardous.

    so does the "Models killed by hazards do not leave corpse or scrap counters because when you drop your keys in something nasty like lava, they are gone, man!" apply?

    also on a side note can kaeris reduce models to 0 wounds with her resource management?

  11. I don't play warmachine (for quite a few reasons) but i do know a fair bit about the game and correct me if i am wrong but warmachine had a major overhaul and rules changes when it changed edition.

    Malifaux does not need an extensive overhaul nor do the core rules need changing what it needs is a well written rule book and a few minor tweaks to some of the stat cards.

    PS i don't mind when warmachine is referenced in context but if you want to talk about which casters are better because they do whatever and what lists won tournaments then you can **** off to the warmachine forum where people might even care.

  12. Ok so this has been a very long discussion and i have only just caught up. I have gotta say i really don't like people discussing what they like so much about warmachine in this tread i read it because i want to know about malifaux.

    That being said i believe the 2.0 should in my opinion change little about the game but the rule book and some of the models do need some serious revision we have seen hamlin and other models erratas and this shows they care and that things that are broken will be fixed. wyrd have a truly unenviable task in balancing any new releases as in their game as all models have their own rules.

    I was lookin at the new book the other day and i do feel there is a bit of power creep with the latest batch of stuff, when comparing the rail golem to the steemborg they do exactly the same thing but the golem does it all better and is cheaper though all it would need to set them right is to lower the SS of the steamborg and make both the steam clouds the same as the golems. this is an example of the minor things that could really help.

  13. Put simply how does it work? if i want to attack my own guy do i still flip attack and defence or do i just choose to fail defence and go strait to damage flip and if so is it an un modified flip? i am playing a guy who has lilith and likes to murder his own gupps tonight and i really need to know how this works.

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