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Posts posted by Thulis

  1. 2 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

    It's a powerful action, but people usually also realize the easiest way to counter it as well i.e. kill the death marshal. It usually takes some kind of special set up to get that death marshal close enough to an enemy to use pine box and then get him away from there.

    Right, in a lower points game such as this demo though, without additional models the only way to get out was to pass the WP opposed duel when the Marshal activated again. 

  2. 35 minutes ago, Myyrä said:

    I think I have had 3 models buried at the same time at most. Don't really know how many successful casts of Pinebox resulted to that.

    Well it was 3 different models one was buried twice. A Goryo buried twice, Madam Sybelle, and a canine remains. The points denial and loss of activation pretty much crippled Seamus. But it's good to see people realize the utility of an action and then use it.

  3. I was running a demo over the weekend between Justice and Seamus, my two favorite crews to demo with. Justice as normal murdered and Seamus attempted to being corpses back that the Marshal's killed. However there was a tipping point at turn 3. The Justice player began to just pine box the beater models and ended up using it successfully 4 times. The Seamus player was not too happy but was friends with the other guy so it was a fun game with plenty of smack talk.That brought me to the question, what's the most amount of times anyone has gotten pine box off in a game? Also, did pine box win you the game because of the efficiency of removing a model with 1ap even if just for the turn?

  4. I just don't feel that mechanically summoning breaks things so heavily it needs to be gutted. Yeah, there are some drawbacks and caveats but that makes it unique and flavorful. Additionally, if Ressers were totally broken and an auto-win because of summoning mechanics, they'd be dominating GG2017, which doesn't seem to be the case. They are, however regarded as being the most balanced faction. 

    I wouldn't want to sacrifice the flavor and style in all masters for total balance. I've played mostly balanced games, which seem to lack depth and cannot hold people's interest. GW LotR SBG comes to mind as an incredibly balanced game, but after about a year, even the beautiful models and the Tolkien-base couldn't keep me interested. 

    To be honest, I really like Wyrd's approach of balancing the schemes and strategies to both reinvigorate the yearly objectives while shaking up what the top masters are capable of. I think  it is a brilliant way to find a happy medium in which all masters have a fair chance to be competitive and stay current. I'm unaware of another miniatures game out there that encompasses what Malifaux does.

    Anyway, I hope this wasn't too much of a rant. 

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  5. What would you cuddle with Kirai? Just saying she should is not constructive. 

    Also, if ressers come up, why wouldn't you take condition removal? You have kirai with spirits adding conditions both poison and adversary, you have the hanged, half the faction hands out poison, and now there is a model that hands out burning. I'm pretty sure that if my opponent declares ressers, I'll need at least one model for condition removal. Then you have Molly that summons in spirits or horrors both who either deal poison on some situations or adversary again. Then there's Nicodemus who can hand out slow on enemies or fast on allies, why not remove either situationally? McMourning is all about poison, if you remove 6 poison on what will probably be expunged, that seems smart. 

    Actually I pretty much assume devoting 5 or 6 ss to a model that can remove conditions is very smart, either Johan or Chiaki or if I'm  running shenlong, low river upgrade to heal and remove conditions. 

    If I were to pick something to tone down on kirai it would be to remove min damage 3 on the upgrade and add some flavorful triggers instead.

  6. Alt lone swordsman. I know he's rare 1  but I'd love one where he's more of a Bushido style fighter with street style clothes. A more "Ronin" style who's ready strike. He's so fast normally that I feel like the current model is too relaxed and static. 

    This kind of pose : 


  7. I will be running a Shifting Loyalties campaign from September 22 through October 27th. 

    Gaining Grounds 2018, Story Scenarios, Shifting Loyalties, and Core Rules schemes and strategies will be used throughout.

    35SS starting, you pay for your leader and prize support offered to:

    1. Best Painted models (3+) during the capaign

    2. Most heads collected

    3. Most injuries active at the end

  8. Hi all, for those that live near Richmond, VA (RVA), I will be running a casual event the second Saturday in August (12th). It's a Gaining Grounds based event with some relaxations for new players because we have quite a few. 50SS scaling down to the largest crew an opponent has and fully painted minis not required. Let me know if you have any questions.

    Rules: http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13916



  9. I know you'd like to take sybelle, but maybe lead initially with Toshiro. He can give your punk zombies fast and his aura is nice to buff your crew. He's also fairly strong in combat. Hire sybelle the first week and then complete a bounty to have Seamus and copy cat killer. If you give toshiro the upgrade he can also summon which could be a nice addition.

  10. I'd like to propose a resurrectionist model concept. I'm sure you get this kind of stuff all the time, but I think a 1 off of this would be really cool and thematic. The 50mm version, what comes to mind is something like Simulacrum 29, but more body parts.
    Ok, so I'll go over a brief overview and what I think would be cool:
    1. This model is a hulking behemoth, that is a creation of McMourning (think of the Project 53 or w/e it was, lots of hands, feet, and other appendages). 
    2. As it loses health or dies, it breaks into smaller pieces ie base sizes. So when you damage it/break it/shoot it apart, the hands and feet become smaller bases, which become faster and have higher overall defense but less wounds, maybe they equal the wounds of the original thing and gain slow the turn they "rip off" so to speak.
    So 50mm -> 2 40MM, -> (each 40mm breaks into 2 30's) 4 30MM
    3. This would be an "Event box" or "Story box" that a crew could play against, but if taken as a single model that does this it would have different stats that would be much weaker.
    4. Possibility of it ripping itself apart as a (2) action to split from the 50 to 2 40's.
    5. Stats would be something like... 50mm, armor 3, 7 wounds, 40mm would be Armor 2, 5 wounds each, 30mm would be 3 wounds each, 1 armor, peon, but "CHOKE" or "ankle biter" type  effect whcih the model can "Attach" itself to another model to do a kind of poison or bleed damage, and reduce its movement speed unless they do a (2) interact to detatch. Movement should be 4 for the 50mm, 5 for the 40mm, and 6 for the 30mm, because obviously hands and feet by themselves are really fast and creepy :-)
    "Choke" or "Anke Biter" or "Constrict" should do a "When a model activates in base contact, it takes 1 damage. If the model has poison, it takes an additional damage." and "Run from your past: Models in base contact with this model cannot move or be pushed unless they do a (2) interact action. Then place the model up to 2 inches away" The behemoth would deal a lot of spash poison damage as one action, or similar to the ice golem, should have a HUGE damage swing that exhausts it, so a (2) 6, 7, 8 range 4 that has some fun triggers, because come on, body parts smashing into you would basically just be infection and other stuff. I'd imagine slow, or paralyzed, or more poison, or ignoring armor? The behemoths should also have terrifying 13 or thereabout, as this thing would be just horrifying to whitness. It should probably also prevent people from being immune to terrifying because of how absolutely grotesque it is. edit: Behemoth should be very easy to hit though, so DF 2 or DF1. 
    The 30mm models would have the purpose of slowing down really fast mobile crews that would otherwise get out of range or have scheme runners that can dodge resser models normally. Possibly prevent them from being hired so there's no outactivation shenanigans happening. Or put them in the same area as other models at 4ss
    This could come with an upgrade for McMourning which lets him summon it using 4 corpse counters (hence the 4 30mm bases as final degraded form). 
    So Community, what are your thoughts? Hard to balance? Would you buy a "crew sized" box with tihs (7 total mini's) Each could be summonable/hirable with some restrictions. Maybe not even allow hiring except the "behemoth". His cost should probably be 11 or 12? Maybe that's too high I don't know. I'd imagine this as being a reverse grow list. Behemoth would start off slow and hulking, smashing things as it goes along. Then as it gets beaten up, breaks apart and becomes faster because it's lighter. Finally breaking into small bits that could then run off and do schemes if hired into a crew, or as the story encounter, just start trying to choke out the crew.
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