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Posts posted by PokiePrawn

  1. I am not in the beta and have never seen anything other than the preview we all have seen. With this in mind, (and I understand this) my information is very limited. But, as sited several times change is not bad, it may just not be for me. I respect people who want to play a new version whatever that looks like.

    As for Classifaux (tm Dustcrusher) I would have problems playing at my local store, as people generally play what is new (probably the reason why Wyrd is making big changes) only. In fact, since 2.0 was announced, Infinity and 40K have taken over.

    A good debate, lets hope Wyrd listens.

  2. Thanks Nix, I think you make great points to both of us. I will wait to make final judgement.

    As was mentioned about 40k, popularity does not equal my enjoyment of a game. Simple games exist, I want complexity, creativity, choice.

    2.0 needs to happen, but making a few rule clarifications, changing some LoS stuff and steamlining attack and Attack is what is needed - not changing the game at its core with basically new rules for each model.

    If these changes make Wyrd more money, and grow the game, then the choice was right for them. But popularity of the game and my enjoyment of the game don't relate. We shall see.

  3. Let me make a comparison. And, for the record I do so for the purpose to express my own feelings on the 2.0, not to disparage and anyone else.

    Fast and the Furious 6 is coming out. The first one was passable. Cars, guns, girls good stuff. Now, I don’t know the in and out details of Fast 6, but by looking at the actors, clips and knowing how movie plots deteriorate, I can use my analysis skills to conclude that this is NOT a movie I want to see.

    The first Malifaux was great, but looking at the clips, the ideas discussed and the direction the game is going it is something I don’t want to see. Could I be wrong, maybe, but my years of practical experience tell me doooooom. Maybe I one day see Fast and the Furious 6 on a plane somewhere and it is great. But if it is, it is the exception, not the rule.

    I can conclude without knowing details that I would not like Fast 6, just like I can conclude without knowing details that I would not like Malifaux 2.0

  4. I have actually (rationally or irrationally) not looked at, played with or most importantly purchased a Malifaux figure since I read the announcement for 2.0. Never before have I so quickly lost interest in a game so quickly after seeing proposed rule changes. It seems that there are so many games just like Malifaux 2.0, but none like the original game. I think the game needed a make over, you know a little botox, maybe a facelift, but not total reconstructive surgery.

    With that said, I will give it a second look in September before my models find their way onto e-bay. The original concepts, changes, errata, and new releases were soooo well done my hope is that Wyrd knows what it is doing. I doubt it, but lets hope.

    Here is trusting Wyrd to do the right things.

  5. Speaking with a couple of people at the local game story, they said that a major change was coming in Malifaux in a new version 2.0 which effectivly scraps all the old character cards and simplifies the system. Described to me as, turning "Chess in Checkers". I won't go into the 2nd hand rumours now, but...

    can anyone confirm or deny these (I hope not true for Wyrd's sake) rumours?


  6. I am not really a fan of Avatars, not because they are not effective, but because I think they change the make up of games, and are often unballanced. They were billed as a side step in power, but I don't think that is the case. If one person has an Avatar and the other does not, then they are at a huge disadvantage, even if the Avatar never manifests.

    In part, that is why I have never purchased the Vic's Avatar. Is it good... I think it is too good. My friends and I have had senarios and situations where if I did have the Avatar I could pretty much win the game at some point in any turn 3-5.

    As a starting player I would wait and play without them a few times, then if you group of peeps wants to introduce them as a group, great. We house rule that you have to ask to use one, giving the other player a chance to also use one (if they have one).

  7. One of the things that makes Levi so good is his 'bench' of models he can take. My opponent may know I am taking Levi, but is it a construct heavy crew, or undead? Am I taking a group of power punchers, or trixy movers.

    It is a lot about personality. If he likes simple and bashy, get him a Rail Golum, Punk Zombies, Killjoy etc. If he likes movement, Watcher, Necropunks ect. Then there are the more comlex Jack Daw, Bet Noir, Ashes and Dust etc.

    So many options!

  8. The Rail Golum is less deadly without as many tokens, but still worth well over the 9 points it costs. For me, it is the most undervalued model of book 4. I put it in the same catagory power wise as Ashes and Dust, Snow Storm and the twins (who should be at least 8 each and have 1/2 the powers they currently have, but another story), and for only 9.

  9. Yeah, Hamlin is a bad match up agains Levi for the reasons well stated above. He also has a lot of options in his crew that can be Immune to Influence, can lure (to take out Nix or a Rat Catcher), and can do some movement tricks (Drwned, Hanged etc).

    If you are going to play against Levi, try to do a non standard Hamlin list with models such as Candy, Crooligans, tots, hounds etc. Then go for objectives and either try to kill Levi right away or avoid him. You can use Hamlin to try to pin Levi by controlling some of his minions or threatening his Waifs.

    Good luck...

  10. I find it hard to keep rats around. I have 9, but never needed any more than about 5 at 35SS. Am I missing something? I start with 3 on the board, and I tend to play crews with smaller model numbers.

    But, how are people getting so many?

    Also, in Contain Power... it says Insignificant models don't count, do could we not just make the other master insignificant and they automatically can't get the 4 points?

  11. I have not found the Trapper super useful. Strongarm is a must.

    Other situational but still good models you can use are Hans (works with the SoC), Jack Daw (great to combo with Von Shills range), and Oirin (more board control ellements).

    Basically anyone you can use with the Vics. Von Shill works well with anyone, he is that good. My last Von Shill list (a win) was

    Von Shill







    Other than Hans, the list did great. Swap him out for the Strongarm and you are even better off.

  12. A couple of times I have had a Vic taken out in turn 1 or 2 from bad placement or a lucky Red Joker. In those cases I have used 'Another One', but after about turn 4 it does not really make sense. At that point those resources are better used elsewhere.

  13. First, to odin1981's point, those + to damage and CB come at the price of AP. Sometimes it is better to have 1-3 good hits vs 2-5 weaker hits, but not always.

    As for Lilith, this is exactly what happened in my last Vics game. I hit high with the Vics, and Lilith cheated and SSed to take 0 or minimal damage. I even WW of my own Specialist to try to get another shot at her (which I am pretty sure you can do). She then did the same to the Vics, but they are more fragil, wrecking them. My problem was that I had not forced her to use her SS earlier in the game to give me the advantage.

    Anyway this is where player strategy and tactics come into play.

    Interesting debate!

  14. It is interesting to see Odin1981's opinion of the Guild, and would love to see how some of the battles played out.

    I have only played against the Neverborne with Guild once (I did win against Lynch), but my local group Guild players do not do well against the Neverborne, be it the Dreamer or Zoraida. The Stiched fog is a nasty defense against most shooting, and they get out moved and out melee'd. Last weekend Zoraida 8-0ed a solid Guild player in turn 3, and I saw Dreamer wipe out 8 of 9 Sonia models by turn 2 on route to another 8-0 win.

    It just seems that all Neverborne abilitites focus on living models (terror, blood, etc).

  15. I don't want this to turn into a what is the best faction debate because I am sure it is in this forum somewhere, but any faction with Dreamer and Zoraida will do well. These 2 masters are well rounded, powerful masters who can do it all - well! To make matters worse, the Guild tend to match up poorly against the Neverborn. Terror causing fast crews do well against the Guild, and all of the Neverborne fit into that catagory.

  16. Perdita for sure. All the other masters have a chance at a 'bad matchup', but Perdi does not really match up poorly against anyone.

    A honourable mention should go to McCabe, although I have never played him, his mobility is useful in almost any match up. He can also customize his load depending on the mission which might give an edge over other crews.

  17. Why don't you play Henchman vs Henchman with her. Von Shill is also very strait forward. It is frustrating when starting to have a complicated list to go up against. Also, if she does not like Lucius, Von Shill is very forgiving and easy to do well with.

  18. An interesting statistical analysis. It reminds me of old 90's video games where if you and your opponent worked together you could get some glitchy stuff going on. Does anyone remember the Streetfighter freezes? What if your opponent always cheated down so that any mask could hit. Maybe some sort of achievement in a leauge (have at least 20 cards in your hand).

    While it is not practical, I mean why on eatch would you waste your high masks kicking unkillable rats when there are other better targets right there, but that is not the point.

    The answer to your question is that you can't draw any more cards, so the game freezes and The Void sucks us all in; or more likely, you would keep a control hand and discard the rest creating a new deck. THAT is the most obvious answer to a question in which I am sure has no official rule.

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