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Posts posted by EmperorsChump

  1. Oh how I remember my first painted model, its was a Blood Angel Space marine. The undercoating was so thick I lost most of the model detail! I knew absolutely nothing about painting techniques other than 'brush loaded heavy with paint straight out of the pot onto model' I remember it ended up looking like id just dipped him straight in the blood red pot, also..well.. lets just say my painting of eyes left rather a lot to desire.... if I had photos of it id burn them, noone should bare witness to such monstrosities :P


    edit: mind you I was only 11 at the time...

    This! (When I started reading this I had to stop to make sure I hadn't posted it! :) )

    Although I was 10! . . . . Oh and I couldnt be bothered to wait for the 'smelly primer' undercoat to dry so he ended up more pink than red! :)

  2. Superb board! :)

    I'm a real sucker when it comes to a decent scenery setup so consider me subbed to this thread! :) Looking forward to seeing how the water effect comes out!

    P.s any chance of a quick 'how ya did it' for the water effect too as I'm thinking about my next board and haven't used water effect yet! :)

  3. 1.5: I 2nd Crooked Men. These guys with the Rotten Belles can give you great board control. Plonk down a few Shafted markers to funnel the enemy where you want them or Lure them staight into them and watch for the pain! Either 3 Dg, Paralyse or dead will hurt anyone! :)

    Punk Zombies are also useful combo'd with Lure as they are more likely to get off a flurry.

    2.0: I've only played a couple of games with Seamus, both games I ran his boxset plus CCK and Bete. I was fairly happy with that. Bete with (i think its called...) "Decaying Aura" upgrade is rather nasty. (The one which prevents ss useage and healing within 6").

  4. I got it on Sat but left it at work! . . . I'll get them on Tues to confirm but I am sure that the cards are card. Similar to PP quality. Not convinced that they are "wipe clean". I'll beusing card sleeves anyways.

    I'll confirm on Tues! (Unless someone more useful does that is! :) )

  5. Model wise, I love them. Been waiting months for these guys since I finished all the Ressers! :) (I've even been painting Outcasts to keep me sane!)

    Rules wise, at first glance looked a bit meh. Points seemed high then I remembered it's M2E... duh! :)

    Second glance at rules, notice flurry, armour, H2W. Not great damage spread but about the same as Bete I think! Plus one's an Enforcer and another Henchman which means upgrades! :) Not to mention the ss use for the Henchy and they seem fairly mobile.

    So not too bad imo. Looking forward to painting them up and giving the story a go! :)

  6. I'd just like to say how much I am contastly impressed by Wyrds interaction and communication to their customers and community. I've been playing war/table-top games for over 20 years and I can't remember the last time I felt this kind of pride and passion from the developers.

    I have no real insight into the world of IP laws so have very little advice to give. I would like to say that through all the years of different systems and games, I've only ever played the latest editions. That's just how it works.

    I wish Wyrd the best of luck for the future and will continue to support them by buying bucket loads of minis! :)



  7. I only ever take 'This one's a keeper' when playing against my mates Ophelia crew as he always takes 3 Totems! :)

    One I always take is 'Kill Protegee' as it doesn't matter who kills him (him being the Protegee) but McMourning can kill anything! ;)

    I never take 'Bodyguard' with Mcmourning as it's too much pressure to keep him alive. Specially when you'll be getting up close and personal with him.

    I often take 'Assassinate' and always announce it! This not only makes my opponent think twice about getting their Leader too close (as well as putting pressure on them to keep them alive) but McMourning can be ruddy quick so you'll usually have chance to catch them with enough turns left to slice them up!

    'Grudge' is also another good one but don't always go for an easy target, easy targets can easily be left at the back by your opponent as he/she won't want you getting him and chances are if it's an easy target, your opponent didnt bring him to be a game changer so leaving him at the back won't ruin his game! Obviously McM cant do this as it needs to be a non-leader model but thought i'd mention it. A Punk Zombie or 2 will usually be the one's doing this! ;)

    They are my favourites, hope it helps! :)

  8. Basically 2.0 put me off starting a new faction due to having to buy new cards etc...

    I have all of the Resser models so was looking forward to the University of what-cha-ma-call-it!...

    Love Malifaux... but gettin bored of waiting...

    No real point to this thread... just had a few... thought i'd ramble...

    Come on Wyrd... give us something to buy...

    Other systems on the horizion...

    My attention span isnt that great...

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