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Posts posted by Miasma

  1. Chaos Dwarves and MTG Cephalids are united in a theme: Power at the cost of lives. The Chaos Dwarves most famous weapon is a cannon infused with demonic energies that occasionally eats one of its crewmen, while the Cephalids erode your deck to power their magic. There is a strong theme of self-sacrifice in the Sisters of Battle, and the Shimazu are known for loyalty unto death, as well. Meanwhile you also have Corvo discovering the embarrassing excesses of the Golden Cat Club and the Cephalid's secondary trait, beyond cruelty: a love of secrets.


    My recommendation is Neverborn Lucius. With Hexed Among You, you can claim a commanding portion of the table with Silurids or Gupps, and use Lucius' What Lackey's Are For to ferry the slower parts of your crew forward while the Silurids Leap back to position. Lucius also brings the firepower of the Guild Guard with him, and is not afraid to squeeze his minions for all they are worth using Devil's Deal.



    That is interesting I have never considered Lucius as a master, I will bear him in mind and have a look into him, thank you

  2. Greetings All


    I am looking at getting back into the game after a period of absence, with a couple of additions I will in the near future have the below models available to me. I am looking at playing Molly with the Spirit Upgrade and want to know if there is anything else that I should be looking into purchasing to expand my model pool?




    Copy Cat Killer

    Necrotic Machine

    Madame Sybelle

    Philip and the Nanny




    Canine Remains

    Crooligan x3

    Flesh Construct

    Nurse x2

    Rotten Belle x3

    The Hanged x2


  3. Thanks for getting back to me guys, well at the very least I should be able to get my head around Seamus, McMourning and possibly Nico so wont need to learn too many new models when she is released and I pick up her box. Also gives me plenty of time to get things painted and build my custom bases. I love that artwork as well, how close are the sculpts to the art? My order nit arrived yet.


  4. Hi all,

    I've not played since 1.5 where I used to play Pandora and Zoraida but having seen the new plastic Seamus and McMourning set I have dove back in by purchasing both (and the mini rulebook). I'm also looking at picking up the Canine Remains and Open Graves box (mainly for Punk Zombies and Mortimer) how well does Mortimer synergize with McMourning? I have read the wiki and fling rot sounds like a good action however is this from one of his upgrades as I cannot find it on Crew Creator. Finally any news on Molly in plastic as I loved the previous fluff for Molly and Seamus? Its looking like I'll have a decent Horrors summoning pool.

  5. To be honest with those that I face on a regular basis unless I announce frame for murder on him then Kang goes down fast, really anything that costs above 6ss seems to have a bullseye with neon signs pointed to it.

    I've not yet completely given up hope on using the Fire Gamin as railwalk points, hopefully this weekend i'll be able to test the idea by either proxy or a model loan (Rail Golem being loaned to Ramos player)

  6. One word: Kang.

    Kang + Johan has to be one of the sickest combos in existence. With it Johan can get Cb 8 on his hammer and Cb 7 on his gun. Nothing in the game can beat Cb 8 naturally (best is a tie). He also gets Cb 7 on his range 10 gun, which is often overlooked.

    Nothing will survive a Cb 8 3/4/6 Flurry without Using Soulstones or getting incredibly lucky on flips/cheats.

    I'm looking forwards to trying that combination at 35SS once the slow grow has escalated that far, at the moment I find it hard to justify over half my selection to those two models (seeing that I cannot see a valid reason to drop the Emberling) at this point level, although I do tend to see Neverborn players running the twins a lot. I'll try it out and see how it goes, I tried just the boxset originally with Kang using Emberling and Mei to provide speed (seismic punch) and protection (vent steam) it just seems that he needs lots of help or else I lost him early even with his regeneration abilities.

    Edit: About the student, he would definitely have use if you can make room for him. Mei + Kaeris and Student I'd have the Student fast Mei. She can already semi-consistently take 5 (1) actions a turn with 2 General AP and 1 casting expert, with 3 she will be getting 6 (1) actions a turn quite frequently.

    Well seeing as how at the moment I am holding up the slow grow league it's looking likely that I'll be receiving either the Student or a Miss Demeanour as a consolation prize (as the guy who was actually last quit) so either way I'll have another option at the end of next month, I just wont be able to make up the points unless I purchase and paint another box set and use Hobby Points to leap frog my way up the league standings

  7. Thank you for your fast responses, greatly appreciated.

    Clevelander, that kind of scuppers my plans slightly I might have to put the Kaeris box on hold for a little while and explore some of the other options listed.

    @ Both, The Mechanical Rider was something that I over looked completely so will definitely investigate it a little further. The low defence on the model concerns me slightly however. I guess that it will be a good piece for me to learn to utilise now that I seem to have finally got my head around Mei's trigger train.

    With the Student of Conflict, what would benefit the most from fast in the models that I listed in my OP? Or was it really something that you would consider with Kaeris as henchman as oppposed to a replacement to the Emberling?

  8. Hi All

    I started by learning the game with Jakob Lynch and quickly discovered that it was Mei Feng that is my Master of Choice and that I much prefer the Arcanist Minions compared to the Ten Thunders (not that 10T are bad, I just prefer the Arcanists)

    Now typically I play 30SS Games with the set crew (I'm wanting to test out the Miners with Johan) is this

    Mei - Cache 8

    Emberling - 2ss

    Rail Worker - 5ss

    Rail Worker - 5ss

    Johan - 6ss

    Union Miner - 4ss

    Union Miner - 4ss

    I also have Rail Golem, Kang, Rail Worker, and another Union Miner (that I cannot use with Mei as Master)

    It does well in most situations and for most strategies, I spread out the Miners and look to get them and Johan into choke points on the board before Filing False Claim and utilising an Alpha Strike next turn (with the 2-3 companioned) if I can't kill it with Johan then I can typically pin in place with the Miners Menace (Great for denying Objectives). Mei and the Rail Workers hand out burning tokens and aim to complete her own personal objective.

    What else would you suggest that I look into, I have tried Willie, the Demolitionist and find that although he is fun, he does not really make me consider taking him all that heavily (I'd rather take Johan or Kang) and really only want a single Metal Gamin (so not willing to buy the box of 3) so at the moment without purchasing a single card (as the £ for P&P is too high) not going to happen.

    I'm leaning towards the SPA(Swarm) and the Steamborg at the moment so will probably be looking at picking up the Ramos Boxset for potential Brawl synergy. Also really like the idea of running Mei (and Emberling) along with Kaeris box (minus a Gunsmith) to spread out the Burning Tokens and still be able to keep Mei Railwalking with the Gamin.

    Anything else that I can look at?

    Many Thanks


  9. Hi guys

    Recently have picked up the Mei Feng boxset after using proxies for what feels like an eternity, I have no need for 3 Rail Workers so am looking to trade one for a Metal Gamin.

    Cards will be included in trades, PM me if you're interested

    p.s. All models still on Spruce so selection of Rail Worker is yours.


  10. Dark Debts is an Ok force strait out of the box, when you swap in a couple of Beckoners it does become a whole lot more flexible. I didn't include any Illuminated in my first few games but have started running with 1-2 now and I do like what they offer to the crew.

    I'd suggest picking up a set of depleted and beckoners asap for a bit of variation in lists, also look into tannens abilities and when you play your games think of where you'd like to have him and decide if the purchase is worth it

  11. T4ngo, thank you for your insights however at the moment I have only a few models to make a crew from as do the other new players in the group and am wanting to try other minions from outside of the Dark Debts and Lynch's immediate crew (Honey Pot) but I take your advice in board and when my collection develops I will pay more attention to the advice given about other minions (if I like the models)

  12. Ok so looking at going to 35SS as the next step for which I think that I will atempt something along the lines of this, while re-re-re-reading the entry for The Depleted on pullmyfinger I notice that along with Brilliance these models also give out burning tokens on wounded models so I though that I would include Iggy as he is the only other Neverborn who utilises burning tokens and a couple of Sorrows to soak up damage that Iggy could take.

    Also I assume that I can target these Sorrows giving them Brilliance so that I can push my Depleted towards them if required?

    Lynch - Pool 6/8

    -Hungering Darkness

    Beckoner - 5ss

    Beckoner - 5ss

    The Depleted - 4ss

    The Depleted - 4ss

    Iggy - 6ss

    Mr. Graves - 7ss

  13. At the moment I am not in Leeds (work commitments on South Coast) although I am aware of a small group that meets most Saturdays in Rawdon (just past LBA) I can put you in touch with a couple of players there.

    What would you suggest dropping in order to get Lynch/HD cache up? I could do something like this:

    Lynch - Cache 5(7)

    -Hungering Darkness

    Depleted - 4SS

    Depleted - 4SS

    Depleted - 4SS

    Beckoner - 5SS

    Beckoner - 5SS

    But not sure how well it'll go down with two Beckoners in a beginners league..... they seem pretty powerful

  14. Thanks for the welcome and for taking the time to leave some feedback, I have spent most of the day reading the pullmyfinger.wiki for Neverborn and Ten Thunders and have successfully confused myself by wanting a great deal of models from both factions lol.

    Why do you find that Lynch needs so many soulstones, is it the way you use him or the opponents that you face?

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