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About kiwiterrain

  • Birthday 06/02/1987

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  1. i think its ment to be a desperat defencive lunge ford, i think im going to have to base on a rock with the right angle ---------- Post added at 09:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ---------- iv started a facebook page that i will use to display all the miniatures i painted, terrain, w.i.p and tutorial etc please like https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Miniatures-by-Gav/123889581126516
  2. it was really easy just cut it out of 3mm mdf, layer it so you get the look of colums or what eva shape you are going for. mine it 3 layers crave all the bricks on to the mdf go around the top and cut different bricks out to make it look old, keep cut out bricks to use as fallen bricks on the ground go around all the coners and archways (were eva you want details) with card in a large brick patteren cover all the stone with a mix of 1/1/3 grout, glue and water, if you use black colour grout you wont have to under coat the stone then you paint how eva you like, i air brushed heeps of weathering powder on it and then flock
  3. i was really unhappy when i was making this peace and i was going to bin it a number of time but in the end it turned out as good as i was hopeing it would,
  4. here is the ruin i have been making for the last corner
  5. i won an online painting comp with this model at slavetopainting.co.nz last week
  6. they are some tents i got from 4gounds, i just based them with a tree
  7. the dress looks alot more see through in real life
  8. i was hopeing you would know, was going to quiz you next time i saw you
  9. woodland scenics realistic water, i would not use this stuff again it was about 6 pours to fill about 4mm deep, over 1 1/2 weeks to do the swamp iv found that it you sit models on it for a long time (more than a day) they start to sink in i would use resin next time i do water terrain its great for bases, but i dont use sunken bases so i only have 1mm to fill
  10. these are the first models i have eva airbrushed think i mite have gone a little to bright on the spit
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