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Posts posted by Domoto

  1. He looks great! Did you have lots of gap problems with the jaw?

    The paint job itself is sweet so far! Love the green toning!


    Thanks! yeah I was really happy with the overall skin tone. I had a lot of gap issues with the face and the left side belt. The whole box itself had a decent amount of gap issues in my opinion, was not a joy to assemble (especially those blasted Skeeters :angry: ), The whole kit required quite a bit of Green Stuff (the irony!) and fiddling, That being said it's a blast to paint  :P

  2. Hey all!


    So I attempted to get into Malifaux back in 1.5 but for various reasons it didn't happen, but I am happy to say I tried again and it's worked out much better this time


    I am relatively new to painting (have only done about 5 or 6 models over a long period of time) but I grew up around it, I also read A TON about it (techniques,supplies ect) 


    I decided on Gremlins as my faction this time around and am loving it so far, this log will mostly be Gremlin models because of it


    I am using a Webcam for now which doesn't quite show all of the detail but it's the best I have access to


    I figured I would start this log now and first up


    Som'er, I still have the base to do and effects like dirt/mud but most all of the groundwork on the model itself is done and I am pretty happy with how he is coming



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  3. Being new to actually playing Malifaux, not the universe or it's models, I was very excited to finally get my Hands on the Som'er box as Gremlins is the faction I decided to play. I am not new to assembling models and do clean mold lines, use filler ect. I found this box to be a huge pain to assemble. There was quite a lot of filler required, multiple pieces did not line up properly and things like the Fishing rod gremlin left arm were just not fun. The skeeters were I think the worst of if for reasons explained in the un-boxing. Now this does not mean I do not like the models, I love the models! I am mostly going off having assembled the Red Chapel set and some of the Dark Debt's box not too long ago for something to do while I awaited the Som'er box release. I didn't seem to have near the issues with them that I did this box. In the end, I am loving the models now that they are assembled and happily painting them, but it just seemed like it took way more work for this particular box :/


    You summed up pretty much all of my thoughts whilst I assembled it myself so great post :D

  4. So I wasn't sure exactly where to post this but here goes..

    So i received a Dark Debts Box recently and the models/sprue was all in tact but there were no cards or bases inside it...so I submitted the Mispack form...however the first time I forgot to mention the cards as well were missing (stupid silly me XD)...so I re-submitted it..I can't seem to find a place to contact Wyrd about hopefully having the cards sent as well since there were 2 submissions, and I don't want to submit a 3'rd or use a form that is not made for general inquiries...

    Also, for anyone who has used this, are you supposed to get a confirmation of submission e-mail? just wondering, I realize it will take a little while to hear back from them, but just want the process to be as smooth as possible for both parties


  5. Would be a little silly if they didn't allow sleeves. It makes shuffling easier and protects the cards which see lot's of use during a game.

    I myself use Dragon Shield Clear sleeves on my Puppet Deck, while they are plastic, this gets rid of the slippery-ness, while still showing the whole card.

  6. Hey there,

    So I am not so new to wargaming, but I am new to Malifaux and I decided with this game I was going to get started on painting right away rather than just play with primed models.

    These will be some of the first models I have painted (I've only painted 2 models before and never finished :Confused_Puppet1: ),

    although I have read quite a lot about painting/techniques and such. Feedback and comments are always welcome!

    Sorry for the not so great lighting and pics...it's from my Phone XD

    So here are the first two models I have done

    Collodi and a stitched together:


  7. Well, I am definitely glad I didn't get any Doom n' Gloom about mentioning Collodi, so I went ahead an ordered His box, Stitched, Weaver Widow, Mysterious effigy, Teddy, 1.5 Rulebook and the plastic Puppet Wars cards (I couldn't help it on those XD) down the road I will definitely look into the Brutal Effigy, thanks for the responses and the advice everyone

    I look forward to joining you beyond the Breach!

  8. Hey there,

    So I have been playing tabletop games for a while now and I have known about Malifaux for quite some time and I think I may have finally gotten a group to get into it. I have been looking over crews/playstyles/guides/models and everything I could soak up for a couple of says now and have come to a but of a choice.

    At first I was sure I was going to go outcasts...but, no matter what I found myself looking at neverborn...specifically Jakob Lynch and Collodi. Jakob seems way too awesome and I already like him...but

    I reaaaaally like Collodi from the model, to the lore to what I have gathered about his playstyle. It's the puppet thing, I get all giddy. However, I am not sure if I should jump right into getting him first. I tend to like a bit of a challenge when it comes to playing and learning the game and realize since he is a Henchman and has a weird playstyle that sort of fits. My problem is while I like a challenge, I do not like getting stomped right off the bat over and over again.

    I have no issue with losing, but when I can't learn anything from it, it makes me very sad indeed.

    So basically, my question is this, should I just go ahead and go for Collodi and some add's to the box or would I be better off going for something like Jakob in the beginning?

    If it helps any the only masters I know of that I will likely see right away are Lady J, Seamus or Kirai and the Dreamer unless minds are changed

    Thanks for taking the time to read and possibly answer!

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