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Posts posted by warghuul

  1. Well, after a lot of debating, I've decided i'm going to be picking up misakis starter crew soon. I haven't had a chance to really read much about her, except for what's written on pull my finger. However, I love the look of the figures, and have always had a special place in my heart for assassin characters in any games I play.

    My question however, is who would make a good second master for brawls with misaki?

  2. Hi all. I'm new to malifaux and was hoping to get some input on which crew I should choose.

    I really like the looks of the figures from both the dreamer, and misaki, so who should I choose?

    I know the dreamer/lcb is supposed to be a hard master for new players to grasp, but I've heard that he's a pretty powerful master when used correctly. However, I don't know much about misaki. Would she be a better choice for a new player? What are her strengths? Weaknesses? How powerful is she compared to other masters? Any input would be greatly appreciated

  3. So, i'm new to malifaux, but instantly fell in love with the dreamer and lord chompy bits. I had the idea to either paint them like Calvin and Hobbes, or to do a purple and gold Minnesota Vikings football themes crew

    I'm looking for any other cool fun ideas for my crew, or if I do decide on Calvin and Hobbes, what should I do for the rest of my crew?

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