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Image Comments posted by Anaxiamander

  1. The purple is looking great, and the blue accenting really helps bring attention to the faces in a nice way. The pinks serving to differentiate between the human Woes and the ghostly ones works well, and the colours all work well together. Great job!

  2. Great job on Candy's dress, and on the layered feeling of Teddy's fur. I also love how Pandora's cape and garments work well with the ghastly elements. I'm not fond of the reddened claws of the woes, though, I suspect because the transition feels sudden. Love the contrast of the purple from Teddy and the base lips, though; works great with that colour of green.

  3. Chiaki and the ghostly greens are looking great. The flesh golem feels a little out of place, largely because of the different basing, I think, and while I love Yin's entrails, colour-wise it doesn't feel natural next to Kirai and Chiaki's red robes. Individually, I love these, though. 

  4. Excellent combination of dreary and bright. The tongue Daydream is my favourite of these, as I love the glow from the mirror below him. The gore on Chompy's claws looks really slick!

  5. So glad to see the translucent plastic used to great effect. Very subtle, and very sickly and unnerving greens as a result. The void creatures are definitely the best part of this crew; love them. For some reason, I find Karina a little flat-looking, but I can't put my finger on it. Loving how well the crew fits together, though.

  6. The greyscale constructs look great! It's nice to see Raspy's crew painted in a different way. They do look a little opaque and stone-ish, but not enough to distract. Loving the work on the face of the Wendigo as well, very fierce.

  7. It's a neat idea to paint just the clothes, and Dreamer is looking good. The day glow flesh still looks a little flat, though, but would probably not need much more than a bit of a wash to really start popping. I do like the club of the Alp, as well.

  8. The more muted tones, with the NMM, looks fantastic. I love the paler skin, and the feeling of wear coming through the weathered tones of the clothing. The bases add to this, and really bring everything together, and are really well shaded. Fantastic job.

  9. I love the contrast between a brighter scheme, but also a browns-and-blacks monochromatic approach. Ties the whole crew together really well. Particularly fond of the gravestone work on the Mindless Zombie. Great job.

  10. Not used to seeing Gremlins this bright, but it's nice to see! I love the richness of his jacket. My initial response was that its colours felt a little too hodgepodge, but thinking about Somer collecting castoffs helps everything make a lot of sense, and the more I look at it the more everything plays well together. Particularly fond of the shading on the hatband, as well!

  11. Genuinely impressed at how clean the lines of that rainbow look. I love how grimy the teeth and claws of the Teddy look as well! The contrast between the dirty gums and the bubblegum fur really draws a lot of attention to the face, despite initially thinking that the rainbow would be too distracting. Great job!

  12. Great conversion job on the hair! The sparkle effect on the cloak works really well also. What paints did you use to get that teal colour, if you don't mind my asking? Spot on for your goal. Hope she likes it, and that you paint her a nice Marshmallow to go with her!

  13. Really neat conversion idea! I love the contrast between the snake and main body, though I kind of wish the horse head was similarly distinguished. I feel as though more colour blending between the grass and the snake head may have helped even everything out, but even then, the red really helps the snake pop.

  14. The deep water base is really unique, and I love the creeping algae. Does a good job of leading the eye! The posing is fun, and the way that you painted the dock helps it really stand out. I'd love to know how you painted it.

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