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Posts posted by Gabbi

  1. Maybe a pointless question, but... do jeans exists in Malifaux?
    If I recall correctly the background from 1st ed. book the Breach has been opened in 17xx (don't remember the decade) and Malifaux is set one Century later.
    Reading Wikipedia it seems that jeans has been created in late 1800, so maybe a bit too late for Malifaux..?

    Also, speaking of male fashion ^^ it seems that the crouching Illuminated has both a belt and braces. I'm thinking to ignore the belt and paint it same color as trousers...

  2. Own Lynch and Rasputina. Playing Lynch actually and I have to say I like his crew very much! Not played Rasputina in M2E yet. Played some Lady J while waiting/completing my Lynch stuff (mostly Arsenal Decks and spare cards, as stuff I own was spread among 4 bloody decks ^^), but ended selling the Crew because 1) I do not plan to play Guild and 2) I already own the metal "undead" version of the very same crew, in case the itch will ever catch me again. Sitting in a box atm. Also owned Mei Feng, newer built her. Ended up gifting the box to a friend to thank him for a favor.
    So, actually I own three and play one.

    Generally speaking, I am a hoarder. I always had purchased way more than I was able to play. In more recent times I'm trying, with some degree of success, to moderate and better plan my purchases. Wallet is happier, and me is less stressed by guilt from the big storage boxes full of unassembled stuff I used to fill at a insane rate in the past.

  3. Well, first of all, imho, the plastic color must suit the final model. So a pink Freikorps Trapper would be of no use to me (unless I'm going to paint an Hello Kitty-themed crew :P). I'm in this very situation with a pink Graveyard Spirit. I have thought of selling it to someone willing to take it and repurchase a grey one as I would end painting all over it anyway, but I believe that all the process would not be worthy (finding someone to sell or trade  the model, ship it, etc), I think the more straightforward thing to do actually is painting all over it, and forget it ever has been pink at once... :)
    Same for my Wendigo. I have the translucent blue Rasputina crew. I'll keep Gamins and Golem clear, rasputina will remain on sprue as I not like the model and use a metal one. Then I'll prime the wendigo opaque and paint all over it.

    So, the true question is: do you want a pink Freikorps Trapper? Really?
    If the answer is yes, well, clean and assemble it, then spray clear sealant on it to make it matte and make inks run less, then wash/paint whatever you want and keep original color what you do not want to paint. Simple as that :)
    Alternatively you could mask what parts you do not what to paint and spray the rest in your primer of choice, but depending on which parts you want to keep pink, it could be a tricky job to do.

  4. Love your Hired Swords. Aside the good painting, I want to praise the color choices: I like how you have kept a consistent color scheme for the 3 Ronins, and one for the 2 Sisters. I've faced them very recently for the first time, and my opponent painted them all different. This made a bit harder for me, not familiar with the models, to keep track of who where who from across the table, beside the obvious hammer wielding one and the midget :)
    Your color choice is somewhat more fair for the opponent. Well done. :)

  5. Thanks again for further suggestion. Crossroad Seven is already on buylist, too. Love the themes (both the rockband one, as the deadly sins one). Also love how they're one model per faction, but all mercs, and how they can be used as a single Crew @50ss. Too bad it will not be in sore before a month or so (or maybe fortunately, as I may concentrate on what I have :) )

    Also, playing the Viks is not considering just Ashes & Blood. Taelor can make Huggy cry, and the Ronins ignore Grave's armor. Anyway, as said, still learning the Crew, and M2E as a whole. More than a few games I've lost because I concentrated more in killing than in planting Schemes... :rolleyes:
    In this regard, I suppose the thing I need the most, is putting as much games as I can under my belt :)

  6. Thanks for further suggestions. For bringing back Hungering Darkness I have to equip Lynch with The Rising Sun, right? Also being within 6" from a killed model (with Brilliance) means I have to play him a bit more forward than I did in my first couple of games. Will try, still learning how this crew works.

    On Useless Duplications, it seems that the first half of it would be of no use to Graves: he has a 2" range so if he's within 2" of an enemy he would already benefit from randomization as he would be engaged. If he's within 2" of a friendly model... well I don't know... maybe I can put something disposable near him for this purpose only? Don't know if it would be worth the points.
    Also, "dopple" is the Doppleganger? Not purchased her yet, it's on buylist, but I'm trying to avoid rushing purchasing too much models and then fall in analysis paralysis when I'm building the crew. I have already put aside Stitched, Sorrows and Kade+Teddy (which I already own) to try properly learning Dark Debts first. Same for Black Blood shaman, who also seems to have synergies with Nephilim, but I'll keep it in mind, a healer can always be handy, thanks for pointing him out.
    Mimic Blessing seems nice, maybe once we'll move playing @50ss...

    @Falcon: Nice trick :) Don't own Barbaros, and don't plan to expand to Lilith, but it's a neat trick. Will keep an eye open for it if I'll ever see Graves and Barbaros on the other side of the table :)

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  7. Ok, I've completed first couple of models:





    Not 100% satisfied, as I would like to touch-up some details (Illuminated face behind the tentacles, or brighten Tot's eyes, for example), but I will call them finished and move on, for now, as my goal is getting the Crew fully painted for tabletop play, not for display :)


  8. Ok, thank you. Didn't realized this (still new to M2E, and never had a Henchman in 1.5. Maybe it's an impression, but they're more common now. Huggy wasn't iirc).
    So this leads to a OT question: what Henchman would you point out as the more viable if forced to play one @35ss?
    (Maybe the general section would be a better place for this)

  9. Ok for the 2 Upgrades. My point anyway was, Huggy is a Henchman for the benefit that come with it, but no-one will use it to lead a Crew if Lynch is an option. Right?


    He can also lead crews in smaller games. If you are playing below 40 ss games, then you can't take Lynch, so the fact he is free with lynch is irrelevant.

    I don't think I have ever seen anyone use a henchman in a games size where they can use a master (except if they are playing the Band, and have used Wrath) so it is not really a choice of Huggy and lynch Vs lynch. 

    I thought that @35ss you can still use a Master...

    So you're saying this is true for any Henchman?

  10. ...does make any sense? Thread started just out of curiosity: I was wondering, why making Huggy a Henchman? Would anyone ever lead a Crew with it? Since it's free anyway, it's like trading Jakob for 4ss (difference between Huggy and Jakob cache). So, unless there's any very powerful combo with some Leader-only upgrade I'm not aware of, the only mean of making Hungering Darkness a Henchman, is allowing it to use ss..?
    (Initially I thought it was a double edged benefit, as I was convinced you cannot hire two Henchmen, but apparently I was wrong: no limits on Henchmen characteristic).


  11. A model doesn't need to successfully defend against an attack for the trigger of Df (or Wp) to trigger, am I right?
    (at least, unless the trigger itself says so, i.e. Nurse Heartsbane's "Medicate Him").

    So, if an opponent cheats an attack vs Lynch and Lynch has a :mask in its duel total, the "Hold 'em" trigger will cause 2 damages to Attacker whatever Lynch was successful or not in defending from the Attack,  right?

  12. Thanks for all the feedback, will check the models you're suggesting.

    Also, glad to read Nurse Heartsbane could be good, as Guild is the half of the 2P Starter that appeal me the most (quite wicked) but Guild is the only one of the four "mains" that I do not have plans to collect and play, so having an excuse to get the models anyway sounds good to me :)

    @Stux: you're right, in fact in the thread I've linked in OP someone suggested that Mercs could have two costs, one for faction Crews, one for when hired as mercs, so we could have, say, a Desperate Mercenary that costs 4ss even as merc, and Killjoy that costs 14ss as mercenary (just an example, don't know if this could be balanced).

  13. I was wondering to what extent people actually use Mercenaries. What are the ones worth the +1ss tax?
    If I have to name a popular one, right out of my mind, and based just of my impressions surfing the forums, I would say Killjoy. It IS strong, but 13ss in a single model seem quite a lot, to me. Actually I'm playing 35ss, but even @50 they're a good chunk of your hiring power.

    So, I would like to know what mercs people actually play and why (main reason I can figure is to cover something a faction misses).

    As for me, I own Desperate Mercenary and Convict Gunslinger, but seldom use them (actually, never used the Gunslinger).
    I'm looking at the new boxes (Two-Players Starter and Crossroads Seven) and I think I would never hire any of the models as a mercenary...

    Found this thread: http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/105491-the-best-mercenaries-you-never-see/

    Still interested in reading what mercs people use, though.

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