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Posts posted by Gabbi

  1. But i'm very much a you play your game I'll play mine and well see how it goes.

    This is what I'm trying to accomplish. I have a couple of friends among the ones I play with the most, that simply are unable to deploy a force for a game just for fun. I've asked so many times at so many games to bring an army/squad/whatever for a friendly and relaxed game, every time they agreed, and everytime they threw their worst at me ^^

    Now I'm trying to embrace a new philosophy: let them play as they please, and bring a force fun to play even when losing (that for me means a force that can do a bit of everithing, not very specialized, but more resourceful and adaptable).

    Ofcourse, being beaten often by top tier lists copied by the web is a bit discouraging, but I'm trying to keep a more "zen" approach ^^;

  2. Thanks again for replies!

    I see how getting a second 10t crew would be great as I will be able both to lend it to a friend to play against or to merge some pieces to my own for larger games.

    As aggressive I mean a force created more for action than reaction, mostly for close quarters. I don't have so much fun sniping my opponents from the distance.

    On suggestions: totally love Mr Graves and Mr Tannen minis, the latter is really creepy! ^^

    Also like Stitched Together. But I'll get the ladies first as everyone suggest them.

    As for Rasputina, if the regular figure is the one on foot, I prefer her, too, over the one mid air, with the cape. Price wise, starter box seems a good choice.

    I'll wait for my Dark Debts box, and a couple of games, prior to get more, but I'll keep this thread handy for future purchases.

    Thank you! :)


    Another important question: will I need all the books, or just the main one?

  3. Thank you mates, so I'll get Dark Debts! :)

    As for other crew, usually I don't like very much asian-inspired factions in games (in spite of my love for real far east Asia), so I think I'll go for the rail workers alone.


    Dark Debts ordered! Not found the rail workers, and it seems that the beckoners are due to be released later in January.

    Are the translucent colored bases of any practical use?

    Another question, if you don't mind... What 10t means? Ten Thunders? Is it a faction?

    Btw, thanks again to both of you, for your replies!

  4. Hi all, by long time I keep an eye on this game, since its convertion to plastic I'm more willing statting playing it.

    I like the Dark Debts box minis (especially the guy with the horror on his head, looking as it's going to eat him). It's any good to start?

    I've already asked on BGG and be redirected here.

    What I should add to starter box? I would prefere to keep on plastic as much as I can (or at least, on metal figures in single (or very few, very simple to assemble) pieces).

    Also, since for every game I play I usually collect at least two forces, to be able to lend one to a friend, what oter starter should I get?

    I love Rasputina model, but I've read somewhere on the web her starter box isn't very good so purchasing individual miniature should be better. In this case, what should I get?

    Otherwise, what whould be a simple to use, straightforward and aggressive crew?

    Even better if it's in plastic.

    Thanks in advance.

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